Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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West Indies.
Bro . SCOTT proposed the health of " The Ladies . " Bro . AGUILAII said that this was the second or third time he was called on to respond to the toast of " The Ladies . " It was certainly a very pleasing duty . He thought he saw a smile playing on the lips , ancl the countenances of some of the Brethren lighted up with cheerfulness , anxious to hear what is to be said about— " The Ladies . " Pleasing , howeveras is the dutyit is not a very easy one . Who can
, , speak of their sparkling eyes without being a lover of astrology—or of their roseate cheeks ancl rosy lips , without being somewhat of a florist , —or of their sylph-like forms , without being an admirer of sculpture ; indeed , said he , I must confess that 1 am a great lover of the ladies—but it is the love of exalted virtue—it is the love of that influence which they never fail to yield to all noble and laudable undertakings—it is a love which lends to exaltto ennobleand to dignify the mind . AVhere
, , would be the sweets of domestic felicity without the ladies ? In the spheres in which they move , they are our guiding stars ; ancl I therefore conclude with my sincere thanks for the very handsome ' mannerin whicli you have drunk the health of " The Ladies . " Bro . SALOM , after a very appropriate eulogium proposed the health of " Bro . Edward Jordon . " The hall resounded with the deafening hurrahs on the proposition of
this toast . After the impulse hacl subsided , Bro . JACKSON rose to return thanks on his behalf . In responding to this toast , he observed , he should be ashamed to offer any eulogium—it was one which was entitled to no thanks—it was the performance of a duty of the Lodge . It was too well known that Bro . Jordon was the
friend—hot of Masons alone , but of mankind in general—not of a class or body , but the friend of his fellow man , without distinction of class , creed , or complexion ; he was the people ' s friend . And did we omit this mark of our love and our esteem we would have deserved censure ^ - but to thus noticing the worthy—the beloved brother—we have only done our duty—and may he return with renovated health and strength to his native land . BroMELHADO proposed " The health of the members of the Roya )
. Lodge . " Bro . BURGER returned thanks . Bro . FAIRBANK proposed the health of the - '' Past Officers . " Bro . Mc DOWELL returned thanks . Bro . RIEUSSETT , after a few prefatory remarks , proposed the health of . " The Worshipful John Burger . "
Bro . BURGER returned thanks in an energetic and sound speech . The conviviality of the evening proceeded for some time , when the Brethren parted in harmony and good feeling with each other , ancl apparently with themselves . THE SCOTCH LODGE . Glenlyon , No . 2 . —We acknowledge with much gratification the permission grantetl us , to announce that by the last packethas arrived the AVarrantconstituting in full the Glenlyon
, , Lodge , Provincial No . 2 . This AVarrant is addressed to the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , Rev . G . AV . Burton . Its first officebearers are the Right AVorshipful AV . J . Rutherford , Master ; AA'orshipful Alfred E . Robins , Senior Warden ; and Arthur A . Chevalieau , Junior AVarden . AVe beg respectfully to congratulate thc many and respectable member .., who , under dispensation , formed , and have hitherto most creditably
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
West Indies.
Bro . SCOTT proposed the health of " The Ladies . " Bro . AGUILAII said that this was the second or third time he was called on to respond to the toast of " The Ladies . " It was certainly a very pleasing duty . He thought he saw a smile playing on the lips , ancl the countenances of some of the Brethren lighted up with cheerfulness , anxious to hear what is to be said about— " The Ladies . " Pleasing , howeveras is the dutyit is not a very easy one . Who can
, , speak of their sparkling eyes without being a lover of astrology—or of their roseate cheeks ancl rosy lips , without being somewhat of a florist , —or of their sylph-like forms , without being an admirer of sculpture ; indeed , said he , I must confess that 1 am a great lover of the ladies—but it is the love of exalted virtue—it is the love of that influence which they never fail to yield to all noble and laudable undertakings—it is a love which lends to exaltto ennobleand to dignify the mind . AVhere
, , would be the sweets of domestic felicity without the ladies ? In the spheres in which they move , they are our guiding stars ; ancl I therefore conclude with my sincere thanks for the very handsome ' mannerin whicli you have drunk the health of " The Ladies . " Bro . SALOM , after a very appropriate eulogium proposed the health of " Bro . Edward Jordon . " The hall resounded with the deafening hurrahs on the proposition of
this toast . After the impulse hacl subsided , Bro . JACKSON rose to return thanks on his behalf . In responding to this toast , he observed , he should be ashamed to offer any eulogium—it was one which was entitled to no thanks—it was the performance of a duty of the Lodge . It was too well known that Bro . Jordon was the
friend—hot of Masons alone , but of mankind in general—not of a class or body , but the friend of his fellow man , without distinction of class , creed , or complexion ; he was the people ' s friend . And did we omit this mark of our love and our esteem we would have deserved censure ^ - but to thus noticing the worthy—the beloved brother—we have only done our duty—and may he return with renovated health and strength to his native land . BroMELHADO proposed " The health of the members of the Roya )
. Lodge . " Bro . BURGER returned thanks . Bro . FAIRBANK proposed the health of the - '' Past Officers . " Bro . Mc DOWELL returned thanks . Bro . RIEUSSETT , after a few prefatory remarks , proposed the health of . " The Worshipful John Burger . "
Bro . BURGER returned thanks in an energetic and sound speech . The conviviality of the evening proceeded for some time , when the Brethren parted in harmony and good feeling with each other , ancl apparently with themselves . THE SCOTCH LODGE . Glenlyon , No . 2 . —We acknowledge with much gratification the permission grantetl us , to announce that by the last packethas arrived the AVarrantconstituting in full the Glenlyon
, , Lodge , Provincial No . 2 . This AVarrant is addressed to the Right AVorshipful Provincial Grand Master , Rev . G . AV . Burton . Its first officebearers are the Right AVorshipful AV . J . Rutherford , Master ; AA'orshipful Alfred E . Robins , Senior Warden ; and Arthur A . Chevalieau , Junior AVarden . AVe beg respectfully to congratulate thc many and respectable member .., who , under dispensation , formed , and have hitherto most creditably