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TO CORRESPONDENTS . A M _ tsON , A SUBSCRIBER , and A TKMPLAR , are suspected to be "threein one . " "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes . " Tell your Grand Lodge this , if you have courage to do so . * ' Raise a fund for your poor , educate the children , and protect the widow . " Report points to the probable return home from Bombay next year
of Dr . James Burnes , K . H . ; if so , his activity may infuse new life into the Order of Freemasonry in Auld Reekie . Meantime the results of the non-Masonic experiment , like that of free-trade , remains to be seen . AVe suspend our judgment accordingly , hoping for the best . It can hardly , however , be concealed that the first effects are more than doubtful ; for already the monthly nights of many Lodges are suspended b y
general consent , in order to have one great assembly in each Lodge at the ANNUAL VISITATION of the Grand Master , who visits each in rotation . AVhat if this one annual meeting be suspended ? Altogether , we are not in a palmy state at present .
EDINBURGH . —Canongate Kilwinning Lodge , Dec . 30 . —The M . AV . the Grand Master Mason of Scotland visited , accompanied by a cortege of office-bearers , and was received by the M . AV . Bro . A . D . Campbell , ancl a numerous assemblage of the members . Several deputations from the sister Lodges also attended , headed by their several Masters . The proceedings were marked by Masonic dignity , gentlemanly courtesy , and fraternal sociality , and the assembly separated with feelings of perfect
harmony . Ever in the van , this the leading Lodge of bonnie Scotland , continues to increase in number and reputation . Many new and worthy members have been recently added to its roll . Militia Templi . —A circular under date the 20 th of January , intimates that a reprint of the Statutes , with all recent alterations and additions , is in the press , ancl will appear early . A second circular , under date the l 7 thof Februaryannounces that a CHAPTER-GENERAL
, will be held on the llth of March , and contains a list of the Grand Officers to be proposed for election , commencing with the LORD GLENLYON as Grand Master . Directions are therein given as to preliminary proceedings , ancl announces that a banquet will take place after the installation , and that " the uniform of the Order , lately superceded , is admissible , but no feathers in the cap are now allowed . " Instructions are also iven as to costumeregulation-swords & c . A general outline
g , , of the order of procession , and the ordo negotii is detailed . The Order of the Temple . —March II . —The interesting ceremonial of installing the Grand Master ancl Grand Officers of this religious and VOL . iv . ' p
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO CORRESPONDENTS . A M _ tsON , A SUBSCRIBER , and A TKMPLAR , are suspected to be "threein one . " "Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes . " Tell your Grand Lodge this , if you have courage to do so . * ' Raise a fund for your poor , educate the children , and protect the widow . " Report points to the probable return home from Bombay next year
of Dr . James Burnes , K . H . ; if so , his activity may infuse new life into the Order of Freemasonry in Auld Reekie . Meantime the results of the non-Masonic experiment , like that of free-trade , remains to be seen . AVe suspend our judgment accordingly , hoping for the best . It can hardly , however , be concealed that the first effects are more than doubtful ; for already the monthly nights of many Lodges are suspended b y
general consent , in order to have one great assembly in each Lodge at the ANNUAL VISITATION of the Grand Master , who visits each in rotation . AVhat if this one annual meeting be suspended ? Altogether , we are not in a palmy state at present .
EDINBURGH . —Canongate Kilwinning Lodge , Dec . 30 . —The M . AV . the Grand Master Mason of Scotland visited , accompanied by a cortege of office-bearers , and was received by the M . AV . Bro . A . D . Campbell , ancl a numerous assemblage of the members . Several deputations from the sister Lodges also attended , headed by their several Masters . The proceedings were marked by Masonic dignity , gentlemanly courtesy , and fraternal sociality , and the assembly separated with feelings of perfect
harmony . Ever in the van , this the leading Lodge of bonnie Scotland , continues to increase in number and reputation . Many new and worthy members have been recently added to its roll . Militia Templi . —A circular under date the 20 th of January , intimates that a reprint of the Statutes , with all recent alterations and additions , is in the press , ancl will appear early . A second circular , under date the l 7 thof Februaryannounces that a CHAPTER-GENERAL
, will be held on the llth of March , and contains a list of the Grand Officers to be proposed for election , commencing with the LORD GLENLYON as Grand Master . Directions are therein given as to preliminary proceedings , ancl announces that a banquet will take place after the installation , and that " the uniform of the Order , lately superceded , is admissible , but no feathers in the cap are now allowed . " Instructions are also iven as to costumeregulation-swords & c . A general outline
g , , of the order of procession , and the ordo negotii is detailed . The Order of the Temple . —March II . —The interesting ceremonial of installing the Grand Master ancl Grand Officers of this religious and VOL . iv . ' p