Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 17 of 17
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His Royal Highness hy the D . P . G . M ., who accompanied it with a short Masonic address , explanatory of its use , as he did also with reference to the other implements subsequently delivered by him . The mortar having been spread , the stone was lowered , the band playing " Rule Britannia ; " and it having been adjusted and proved by His Royal Highness , with the square , level , and plumb-rule , and the cornwineancl oil poured over itHis Royal Hihness was pleased to
, , , g declare it duly laid . The plans of the intended building were then presented by Bro . Huntley , the architect , for the inspection of Plis Royal Highness ; ancl an address from the club having been presented b y Thomas Willis Fleming , Esq ., the commodore , and most graciously acknowledged and replied toby the Prince , the procession was re-formecl , ( His Royal Highness and suite leading , and followed by the Masonic body in reverse order ) and returned along Pier-street to the Pier Hotel
, , where the Masonic body left the Prince , and returned up George-street to the town hall , when the business of the province was entered upon ; and this being completed , the Lodge was adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Rendall , at the Royal Pier Hotel , of which upwards of sixty partook , and closed the labours of this ever memorable day in the usual social and rational manner .
NEWPORT , Dec . 29 . —Albany Lodge , 176 . —The elegantly furnished Lodge-room was filled almost to an overflow , by the unusual number of Brethren assembled to celebrate the festival , and to do honour to the W . M . elect , Bro . John Simeon , of Calbourne , the heir apparent of the estates of the Barrington family in this island , and whose connection with this Lodge has already been so conducive to its prosperity . The R . W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . J . H . Hearn , presided in the Lodge on this occasion , ancl installed Bro . Simeon into the Chair , ancl which the
Brethren feel convinced will be filled by him with credit to himself and advantage to the Craft . The labours of the day being over , the Brethren adjourned to the Star Hotel , to partake of a banquet , and spent the evening in harmony and social enjoyment . RYE , Dec . 29 . —The Brethren in this town held their anniversary at the Union Inn , where an excellent dinner was provided for them and their friends . Thomas Gybbon Monypenny , Esq ., of Hole House , Rolvenden , presided , and the day was spent in harmonious conviviality .
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His Royal Highness hy the D . P . G . M ., who accompanied it with a short Masonic address , explanatory of its use , as he did also with reference to the other implements subsequently delivered by him . The mortar having been spread , the stone was lowered , the band playing " Rule Britannia ; " and it having been adjusted and proved by His Royal Highness , with the square , level , and plumb-rule , and the cornwineancl oil poured over itHis Royal Hihness was pleased to
, , , g declare it duly laid . The plans of the intended building were then presented by Bro . Huntley , the architect , for the inspection of Plis Royal Highness ; ancl an address from the club having been presented b y Thomas Willis Fleming , Esq ., the commodore , and most graciously acknowledged and replied toby the Prince , the procession was re-formecl , ( His Royal Highness and suite leading , and followed by the Masonic body in reverse order ) and returned along Pier-street to the Pier Hotel
, , where the Masonic body left the Prince , and returned up George-street to the town hall , when the business of the province was entered upon ; and this being completed , the Lodge was adjourned to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by Bro . Rendall , at the Royal Pier Hotel , of which upwards of sixty partook , and closed the labours of this ever memorable day in the usual social and rational manner .
NEWPORT , Dec . 29 . —Albany Lodge , 176 . —The elegantly furnished Lodge-room was filled almost to an overflow , by the unusual number of Brethren assembled to celebrate the festival , and to do honour to the W . M . elect , Bro . John Simeon , of Calbourne , the heir apparent of the estates of the Barrington family in this island , and whose connection with this Lodge has already been so conducive to its prosperity . The R . W . D . P . G . M ., Bro . J . H . Hearn , presided in the Lodge on this occasion , ancl installed Bro . Simeon into the Chair , ancl which the
Brethren feel convinced will be filled by him with credit to himself and advantage to the Craft . The labours of the day being over , the Brethren adjourned to the Star Hotel , to partake of a banquet , and spent the evening in harmony and social enjoyment . RYE , Dec . 29 . —The Brethren in this town held their anniversary at the Union Inn , where an excellent dinner was provided for them and their friends . Thomas Gybbon Monypenny , Esq ., of Hole House , Rolvenden , presided , and the day was spent in harmonious conviviality .