Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 11 of 17 →
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they had met with . The health of many other excellent members of the Craft was drunk , and at half-past nine o ' clock the Lodge was closed , after an evening passed with the utmost hilarity , and in the true spirit of Masonry .
Gratifying Testimonial . —At the Masonic festival of St . John , Lord Combermere , at the request of some Masonic and other friends , presented Mr . Yarrow , county bridge-master , with a silver tea-service , which bad been subscribed for by several friends of that gentleman . BIRKENHEAD , Dec . 29 . —The Brethren of tbe Mersey Lodge , 701 , held their annual festival of St . John ' s " Day , in the Lodge-room , Market Inn , Birkenhead . After the business of the Lodge hacl been transacted in the spirit of true Brotherhood , the W . M ., J . Bach , installed P . M . J . Kent , to the office of W . M ., after which the day was spent in the greatest harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —We had entertained sanguine hopes that " proposals for the erection of a MASONIC Hall in this second Baby lon would have progressed so far as to have enabled us to announce its probable success . The Circular has much of promise in it , ancl the projector of the scheme is one whose zeal for Freemasonry will , we trust , stimulate him onward ; there may be some temporary checks , but let him bear in mind that these very checks will cause greater attention to the subject , and as the matter is of an operative as well as a speculative considerationthe
, Masonic lieges of Liverpool are not likely to neglect the opportunity if placed fairly before their consideration . ON DIT . —There is a talk of a Masonic Herald , the F . Q . R . being considered unequal to our wants . [ We shall bail our promised contemporary with much good will , but we caution him before hand as to the urgent necessity of pioneering his way well before he brings his project under public consideration ; we wish too well to every thing truly
Masonic to be pleased with a still-born or abortive publication . —ED . F . Q . R . J CARMARTHEN , NO . 699 . —Dec . 27 . —The Installation of tbe Worshipful Master was performed b y Bro . Ribbans in a very able manner . The W . M ., Bro . Walter Lloyd , presided at the banquet at the Bush Hotel .
SWANSEA . —Dec . 29 . —The members of the Indefatigable ancl Beaufort Lodge , 288 , celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist , by dining together , in their Lodge-room at the Castle Hotel , Swansea . The cloth being removed , Capt . E . Morgan was called to the Chair , and Bro . S . Padley , junior , occupied the Vice-chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the hilarity which generally prevails at these meetings was kept up with great spirit .
NEATH . —Cambrian Lodge , No . 472 . —The members celebrated the festival of St . John , on the 27 th December , according to the annual custom of the Craft , in their handsome new room at the Castle Hotel , and afterwards dined together , under the able presidency of the newlyinstalled Master of the Lodge , F . Fredericks , Esq ., of Dyffryn . The real pleasure of tbe evening consisted in that combination of benevolent and charitable feeling , of that national desire to oblige ancl be obliged , and of that disposition for cheerful and rational enjoyment which Freemasonry is so well calculated to promote and encourage .
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they had met with . The health of many other excellent members of the Craft was drunk , and at half-past nine o ' clock the Lodge was closed , after an evening passed with the utmost hilarity , and in the true spirit of Masonry .
Gratifying Testimonial . —At the Masonic festival of St . John , Lord Combermere , at the request of some Masonic and other friends , presented Mr . Yarrow , county bridge-master , with a silver tea-service , which bad been subscribed for by several friends of that gentleman . BIRKENHEAD , Dec . 29 . —The Brethren of tbe Mersey Lodge , 701 , held their annual festival of St . John ' s " Day , in the Lodge-room , Market Inn , Birkenhead . After the business of the Lodge hacl been transacted in the spirit of true Brotherhood , the W . M ., J . Bach , installed P . M . J . Kent , to the office of W . M ., after which the day was spent in the greatest harmony .
LIVERPOOL . —We had entertained sanguine hopes that " proposals for the erection of a MASONIC Hall in this second Baby lon would have progressed so far as to have enabled us to announce its probable success . The Circular has much of promise in it , ancl the projector of the scheme is one whose zeal for Freemasonry will , we trust , stimulate him onward ; there may be some temporary checks , but let him bear in mind that these very checks will cause greater attention to the subject , and as the matter is of an operative as well as a speculative considerationthe
, Masonic lieges of Liverpool are not likely to neglect the opportunity if placed fairly before their consideration . ON DIT . —There is a talk of a Masonic Herald , the F . Q . R . being considered unequal to our wants . [ We shall bail our promised contemporary with much good will , but we caution him before hand as to the urgent necessity of pioneering his way well before he brings his project under public consideration ; we wish too well to every thing truly
Masonic to be pleased with a still-born or abortive publication . —ED . F . Q . R . J CARMARTHEN , NO . 699 . —Dec . 27 . —The Installation of tbe Worshipful Master was performed b y Bro . Ribbans in a very able manner . The W . M ., Bro . Walter Lloyd , presided at the banquet at the Bush Hotel .
SWANSEA . —Dec . 29 . —The members of the Indefatigable ancl Beaufort Lodge , 288 , celebrated the festival of St . John the Evangelist , by dining together , in their Lodge-room at the Castle Hotel , Swansea . The cloth being removed , Capt . E . Morgan was called to the Chair , and Bro . S . Padley , junior , occupied the Vice-chair . The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the hilarity which generally prevails at these meetings was kept up with great spirit .
NEATH . —Cambrian Lodge , No . 472 . —The members celebrated the festival of St . John , on the 27 th December , according to the annual custom of the Craft , in their handsome new room at the Castle Hotel , and afterwards dined together , under the able presidency of the newlyinstalled Master of the Lodge , F . Fredericks , Esq ., of Dyffryn . The real pleasure of tbe evening consisted in that combination of benevolent and charitable feeling , of that national desire to oblige ancl be obliged , and of that disposition for cheerful and rational enjoyment which Freemasonry is so well calculated to promote and encourage .