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We Are Reminded, Although Too Late To Re...
WE are reminded , although too late to repair the error , that we have omitted some especial reports—among them , one from the Peace aud Harmony 72 , with the Installation of Bro . Gibson , and a description of the new and elegant furniture of the Lodge , as designed and manufactured by Bro . W . Evans ; also a report of the Installation of the Principals of the Fidelity Chapter : —we hope to do fair justice to these truly Masonic Meetings in our next .
The approaching centenary of the Lodge of Unity 82 , will be celebrated early in April , under the auspices of Brother John Udall , the present W . M . So important an epoch in the annals of the Lodge , and , indeed , of Masonry in general , cannot fail of proving highly interesting ; and from the general character of the members , those who may he honoured by an invitation , may anticipate the enjoyment of high intellectual and social gratification . The Grand Festival will take place on the 27 th of April .
The Festival in aid of the Girls' School will take place on the 18 th of May . The Festival of the Asylum will take place on the ISth of June . Our readers will perceive among our advertising columns , that Bro . James Herring , of New York , is abont to supply a desideratum
iu the annals of Masonry , no less than to publish a " Portrait Gallery " of the most eminent of American Freemasons . We have no doubt that our Brother will complete his task in the most satisfactory manner , and entertain a hope that the worthies of Europe will find some honest biographer emulous to follow in the steps of Brother Herring .
The Brethren of Limerick bid fair to rival the Fraternity of Corkthey have determined to institute a Female Orphan Asylum ; and , as a happy commencement , a ball is announced to take place on the 29 th of March . The list of Lady Patronesses is highly complimentary to the Order , and among the Patrons are included all the nobility and gentry of the county . . . _ --.
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We Are Reminded, Although Too Late To Re...
WE are reminded , although too late to repair the error , that we have omitted some especial reports—among them , one from the Peace aud Harmony 72 , with the Installation of Bro . Gibson , and a description of the new and elegant furniture of the Lodge , as designed and manufactured by Bro . W . Evans ; also a report of the Installation of the Principals of the Fidelity Chapter : —we hope to do fair justice to these truly Masonic Meetings in our next .
The approaching centenary of the Lodge of Unity 82 , will be celebrated early in April , under the auspices of Brother John Udall , the present W . M . So important an epoch in the annals of the Lodge , and , indeed , of Masonry in general , cannot fail of proving highly interesting ; and from the general character of the members , those who may he honoured by an invitation , may anticipate the enjoyment of high intellectual and social gratification . The Grand Festival will take place on the 27 th of April .
The Festival in aid of the Girls' School will take place on the 18 th of May . The Festival of the Asylum will take place on the ISth of June . Our readers will perceive among our advertising columns , that Bro . James Herring , of New York , is abont to supply a desideratum
iu the annals of Masonry , no less than to publish a " Portrait Gallery " of the most eminent of American Freemasons . We have no doubt that our Brother will complete his task in the most satisfactory manner , and entertain a hope that the worthies of Europe will find some honest biographer emulous to follow in the steps of Brother Herring .
The Brethren of Limerick bid fair to rival the Fraternity of Corkthey have determined to institute a Female Orphan Asylum ; and , as a happy commencement , a ball is announced to take place on the 29 th of March . The list of Lady Patronesses is highly complimentary to the Order , and among the Patrons are included all the nobility and gentry of the county . . . _ --.