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Humility with Fortitude ; True Friendship ; Industry and Perseverance ; Star in the East ; Grand Stewards . Each Lodge preceded by its Tyler and Banner , Members two and two , juniors first . Grand Officers—Bros . Lazarus , Clapperton , R . AV . Chew , J . A . 0 . Fergusson , F . AV . Birch , Torrens , A . Grant , S . Smith , King , Henderson , Burlton , AV . C . Blacquiere , Chaunce , Sir Edward Rvan . Grand Master of Bengal —It . AV . Bro . J . Grant .
On the procession reaching the ground , it halted and faced inwards , forming a broad line through which the Grand Lodge passed to the east of the foundation stone , where a platform and three chairs for the Grand and Pro . Deputy Grand and Deputy Grand Masters were placed , the Officers of the Grand Lodge ranging themselves on either side and in the rear of the three chairs . The Committee of the Building met the Grand Lodge on the ground , and proceeded to their respective places . The Right Rev . the Lord Bishop was placed in a chair on the
south , and the Committee on the north of the Stone . The Brethren of the Lodges ranged themselves two deep in the places which were indicated to them . The Grand Masters having seated themselves , the Architect of the Building presented the plan to the Grand Master of Bengal , as did the Registrar and Treasurer the inscribed plate and the coins . The Grand Master of Bengal , accompanied by the R . AV . the Pro . Deputy Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master , submitted
the plan , the plate , and the coins , for the inspection of the Lord Bishop . The inscription on the plate was then read by the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Blacquiere , and the plan returned to the Architect . The stone was raised by the united aid of Brethren from the different Lodges appointed for the purpose , when the Deputy Grand Master , Brother Blacquiere , deposited the coins and the inscribed plate in their respective places , and spread with a trowel the cement which was handed to him by the Builder , after which the stone was lowered with three regular stops
into its destined bed . This ceremony having concluded The Grand Master then addressed the assembly at great length . AVe have only room for a few extracts from his admirable speech . " My Lords , Ladies , and Gentlemen , —I would particularly request the native spectators of this ceremonial not to suppose that the Masonic fraternity have come here for mere idle display . It is a salutary thing to impress upon the memory the realization of objects of beneficent
effect to many of our fellow creatures , so that our children even ( of whom we see some present ) may have them in solemn recollection . History makes no mention of any public provision for the poor , that I am aware of , before the Christian era ; and antecedent to the spread of Christianity , there was no such thing as a hospital , or infirmary , or refuge for the destitute . I merely mention the circumstance , and do not mean to dwell upon it , but would simply beg my native hearers to
ponder on the fact . AVe have assembled , then , to lay the foundation stone in this piece of ground ( most handsomely presented to the District Charitable Society , for the site of the Alms House , by the Governor-General ) the foundation-stone of an edifice to be devoted to a most useful and benevolent purpose . I see around a numerous assemblage , not one of whom , but I believe , to enjoy the good fortune of being well clothed , lodged , and fed . A time may come , however , when some of " us may be reduced to a state of destitution , for no human being can be sure of exemption from cold , want , and hunger . Sympathy for dis-
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Humility with Fortitude ; True Friendship ; Industry and Perseverance ; Star in the East ; Grand Stewards . Each Lodge preceded by its Tyler and Banner , Members two and two , juniors first . Grand Officers—Bros . Lazarus , Clapperton , R . AV . Chew , J . A . 0 . Fergusson , F . AV . Birch , Torrens , A . Grant , S . Smith , King , Henderson , Burlton , AV . C . Blacquiere , Chaunce , Sir Edward Rvan . Grand Master of Bengal —It . AV . Bro . J . Grant .
On the procession reaching the ground , it halted and faced inwards , forming a broad line through which the Grand Lodge passed to the east of the foundation stone , where a platform and three chairs for the Grand and Pro . Deputy Grand and Deputy Grand Masters were placed , the Officers of the Grand Lodge ranging themselves on either side and in the rear of the three chairs . The Committee of the Building met the Grand Lodge on the ground , and proceeded to their respective places . The Right Rev . the Lord Bishop was placed in a chair on the
south , and the Committee on the north of the Stone . The Brethren of the Lodges ranged themselves two deep in the places which were indicated to them . The Grand Masters having seated themselves , the Architect of the Building presented the plan to the Grand Master of Bengal , as did the Registrar and Treasurer the inscribed plate and the coins . The Grand Master of Bengal , accompanied by the R . AV . the Pro . Deputy Grand Master and the Deputy Grand Master , submitted
the plan , the plate , and the coins , for the inspection of the Lord Bishop . The inscription on the plate was then read by the Deputy Grand Master , Bro . Blacquiere , and the plan returned to the Architect . The stone was raised by the united aid of Brethren from the different Lodges appointed for the purpose , when the Deputy Grand Master , Brother Blacquiere , deposited the coins and the inscribed plate in their respective places , and spread with a trowel the cement which was handed to him by the Builder , after which the stone was lowered with three regular stops
into its destined bed . This ceremony having concluded The Grand Master then addressed the assembly at great length . AVe have only room for a few extracts from his admirable speech . " My Lords , Ladies , and Gentlemen , —I would particularly request the native spectators of this ceremonial not to suppose that the Masonic fraternity have come here for mere idle display . It is a salutary thing to impress upon the memory the realization of objects of beneficent
effect to many of our fellow creatures , so that our children even ( of whom we see some present ) may have them in solemn recollection . History makes no mention of any public provision for the poor , that I am aware of , before the Christian era ; and antecedent to the spread of Christianity , there was no such thing as a hospital , or infirmary , or refuge for the destitute . I merely mention the circumstance , and do not mean to dwell upon it , but would simply beg my native hearers to
ponder on the fact . AVe have assembled , then , to lay the foundation stone in this piece of ground ( most handsomely presented to the District Charitable Society , for the site of the Alms House , by the Governor-General ) the foundation-stone of an edifice to be devoted to a most useful and benevolent purpose . I see around a numerous assemblage , not one of whom , but I believe , to enjoy the good fortune of being well clothed , lodged , and fed . A time may come , however , when some of " us may be reduced to a state of destitution , for no human being can be sure of exemption from cold , want , and hunger . Sympathy for dis-