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LUTON , ( Beds . )—AVe are in daily expectation of commencing Masonic work in this town ; the Brethren are all ready , and only waitino- for the receipt of the ivarrant . In this early stage it would be unwise to say more than to offer our hearty goocl wishes that success may attend the praiseworthy endeavour to promote Freemasonry-in a new district . DOVER , Dee . 28 . —The Festival of St . John was celebrated at the
Lodge , No . 235 , held at the Albion Hotel . The room was taste-. fully decorated with the various mottoes and devices of the order ; and the banquet was served up in excellent style . Moses Moses , AV . M ., occupied the chair , supported by the provincial grand orator of East Kent , Brother Hallowes , and several officers of the garrison . Bro . Edward Pett Thompson ably filled the vice-chair . The usual loyal ancl patriotic toasts were drunk on the occasion , and the
evening passed off" with that feeling of friendship wliich is ever the characteristic feature of the fraternity of Freemasons . AVe are happy to find that this lodge at the present time is in a'very prosperous state , there being upwards of sixty subscribing members , besides visitors .
BRIGHTON , Feb . 12 . —The Lennox Chapter of Royal Arch Masons held a convocation in the room of the Royal Clarence Lodge , at the Old Ship Tavern , in this place , at four p . m . on Friday , for the purpose of exalting certain of the JBrothers of the last-named Lodge , and the despatch of routine business ; after which the principals and companions sat clown to a banquet , in every respect worthy of Brothers Cuff and Strachan , the hosts . The evening was spent in elegant
conviviality . We hear that Mohamed Tuad Effendi has been initiated into the Ancient and Honourable Society of Freemasons . Thc ceremony was , we understand , gone through by the AV . M . in the most impressive manner , in the French language ; and at the sumptuous banquet which followed , several fine orations were fluently delivered in that tongue .
CAMBRIDGE , Dec 28 . —The members of the Scientific Lodge assembled at an early hour for business . On this occasion it consisted chiefly of the ceremony of inaugurating the New Master , Brother J . R . Barker ; the acting Provincial Grand Master presiding for the occasion . AVe have nothing particularly new to add for the information of our Masonic friends ; such of them as have the happiness to be on terms of intimacy with the new Master will fully appreciate a portion of the address of the
P . M . who presented him , that it was not requisite for him to take up the time of the Brethren by any attempt on his part to eulogize the character of the AV . M . elect ; the position in which he then stood afforded a self-evident proof that he had obtained their confidence , and ..was held in high estimation amongst the Brethren , and that his previous exertions in the cause of Freemasonry afforded the strongest guarantee that he would use his utmost endeavours to maintain' its VOLVHI K
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LUTON , ( Beds . )—AVe are in daily expectation of commencing Masonic work in this town ; the Brethren are all ready , and only waitino- for the receipt of the ivarrant . In this early stage it would be unwise to say more than to offer our hearty goocl wishes that success may attend the praiseworthy endeavour to promote Freemasonry-in a new district . DOVER , Dee . 28 . —The Festival of St . John was celebrated at the
Lodge , No . 235 , held at the Albion Hotel . The room was taste-. fully decorated with the various mottoes and devices of the order ; and the banquet was served up in excellent style . Moses Moses , AV . M ., occupied the chair , supported by the provincial grand orator of East Kent , Brother Hallowes , and several officers of the garrison . Bro . Edward Pett Thompson ably filled the vice-chair . The usual loyal ancl patriotic toasts were drunk on the occasion , and the
evening passed off" with that feeling of friendship wliich is ever the characteristic feature of the fraternity of Freemasons . AVe are happy to find that this lodge at the present time is in a'very prosperous state , there being upwards of sixty subscribing members , besides visitors .
BRIGHTON , Feb . 12 . —The Lennox Chapter of Royal Arch Masons held a convocation in the room of the Royal Clarence Lodge , at the Old Ship Tavern , in this place , at four p . m . on Friday , for the purpose of exalting certain of the JBrothers of the last-named Lodge , and the despatch of routine business ; after which the principals and companions sat clown to a banquet , in every respect worthy of Brothers Cuff and Strachan , the hosts . The evening was spent in elegant
conviviality . We hear that Mohamed Tuad Effendi has been initiated into the Ancient and Honourable Society of Freemasons . Thc ceremony was , we understand , gone through by the AV . M . in the most impressive manner , in the French language ; and at the sumptuous banquet which followed , several fine orations were fluently delivered in that tongue .
CAMBRIDGE , Dec 28 . —The members of the Scientific Lodge assembled at an early hour for business . On this occasion it consisted chiefly of the ceremony of inaugurating the New Master , Brother J . R . Barker ; the acting Provincial Grand Master presiding for the occasion . AVe have nothing particularly new to add for the information of our Masonic friends ; such of them as have the happiness to be on terms of intimacy with the new Master will fully appreciate a portion of the address of the
P . M . who presented him , that it was not requisite for him to take up the time of the Brethren by any attempt on his part to eulogize the character of the AV . M . elect ; the position in which he then stood afforded a self-evident proof that he had obtained their confidence , and ..was held in high estimation amongst the Brethren , and that his previous exertions in the cause of Freemasonry afforded the strongest guarantee that he would use his utmost endeavours to maintain' its VOLVHI K