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TO CORRESPONDENTS . I ' - H . —We decline to insert the communication , because it would probably tend to a misunderstanding between thoso whom it is most essential for the interests of Freemasonry should unite in its protection . A PAST MASTEII . —The sentiments expressed do him the highest honour , the confidence is reciprocated ; with such advocates , and gifted with an independent spirit , we shall fearlessly continue the course pointed out—by duty , as well as hy inclination . JUSTICE , is mistaken , the party alluded to , may or may not be right—but the course pursued at any rate is not charitable .
There is an unusual dearth of details from the sister isle . The Grand Secretary has by command , published a direction to all Masters reminding them of the necessity to register their Lodges , in compliance with the Act of the 2 nd and 3 rd years of her Majesty Queen Alctoria , chap . 74 . The Lodges in Dublin have continued their meetings with regularity , and in the provinces there is an evident increase Among the most agreeable proofs of the advantages which can be elicited b y the assistance of the ladiesis that shown b
, y the results of a Fancy Ball at Cork , whereby upwards of 150 / . has been realized in favour of the Masonic School in that city . DUBLIN . —St . Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 50 , held its quarterly meeting on the third Thursday in January , when the following Brethren were respectively installed ; AV . M . BrotherEvory Carmichael , Esq . ; S . AV . Colonel Kenny ; Captain Blake KnoxJ . W . vice Brother George Gooldehaving
, , , resigned , in consequence of his being appointed by the Lord Lieutenant , under the Act 6 , AV . IV . cap . 13 , a stipendary magistrate in the county of Limerick . The Lodge proceeded to the election of Deacons , and as a considerable degree of laudable ancl emulative ambition previls amongst the Brethren , four candidates started for those offices ; however , after a keen but good-humoured contest , Capt . Nassau Stephens and Bro . John
Mitchell , were declared duly elected , and congratulated accordingly . At seven o ' clock the body , en masse , moved forward to the dining-room , where covers were spread for fifty ; the preparations for the refection of the Brethren being most appetisant , and presenting the choisest productions of the cuisine and cellerage . Of the visitors we merely recollect the Messrs . F ' urnell of No . 13 , Surgeon Stokes , who sung a very sweet song , and Brother Count Denileski , a foreigner of distinction , who , on
his health being proposed by the Master , in brief but apposite terms , returned thanks in appropriate and elegant French , a language which appears to be admirably adapted for the acknowledging of compliments . . The health of the " out-going Master" was proposed , received , and drunk in such a manner as must have been truly gratifying to the feelings of Doctor Stock . Under the indefatigable surveilance of Brother George James Baldwin ,
almost each monthly meeting of " FIFTY , " presents a rich vocal and instrumental treat , ancl , indeed , we may say that the Masonic society in Dublin is a judicious source for the fostering of native musical talent . On the present occasion the selections consisted of some of the finest
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TO CORRESPONDENTS . I ' - H . —We decline to insert the communication , because it would probably tend to a misunderstanding between thoso whom it is most essential for the interests of Freemasonry should unite in its protection . A PAST MASTEII . —The sentiments expressed do him the highest honour , the confidence is reciprocated ; with such advocates , and gifted with an independent spirit , we shall fearlessly continue the course pointed out—by duty , as well as hy inclination . JUSTICE , is mistaken , the party alluded to , may or may not be right—but the course pursued at any rate is not charitable .
There is an unusual dearth of details from the sister isle . The Grand Secretary has by command , published a direction to all Masters reminding them of the necessity to register their Lodges , in compliance with the Act of the 2 nd and 3 rd years of her Majesty Queen Alctoria , chap . 74 . The Lodges in Dublin have continued their meetings with regularity , and in the provinces there is an evident increase Among the most agreeable proofs of the advantages which can be elicited b y the assistance of the ladiesis that shown b
, y the results of a Fancy Ball at Cork , whereby upwards of 150 / . has been realized in favour of the Masonic School in that city . DUBLIN . —St . Patrick ' s Lodge , No . 50 , held its quarterly meeting on the third Thursday in January , when the following Brethren were respectively installed ; AV . M . BrotherEvory Carmichael , Esq . ; S . AV . Colonel Kenny ; Captain Blake KnoxJ . W . vice Brother George Gooldehaving
, , , resigned , in consequence of his being appointed by the Lord Lieutenant , under the Act 6 , AV . IV . cap . 13 , a stipendary magistrate in the county of Limerick . The Lodge proceeded to the election of Deacons , and as a considerable degree of laudable ancl emulative ambition previls amongst the Brethren , four candidates started for those offices ; however , after a keen but good-humoured contest , Capt . Nassau Stephens and Bro . John
Mitchell , were declared duly elected , and congratulated accordingly . At seven o ' clock the body , en masse , moved forward to the dining-room , where covers were spread for fifty ; the preparations for the refection of the Brethren being most appetisant , and presenting the choisest productions of the cuisine and cellerage . Of the visitors we merely recollect the Messrs . F ' urnell of No . 13 , Surgeon Stokes , who sung a very sweet song , and Brother Count Denileski , a foreigner of distinction , who , on
his health being proposed by the Master , in brief but apposite terms , returned thanks in appropriate and elegant French , a language which appears to be admirably adapted for the acknowledging of compliments . . The health of the " out-going Master" was proposed , received , and drunk in such a manner as must have been truly gratifying to the feelings of Doctor Stock . Under the indefatigable surveilance of Brother George James Baldwin ,
almost each monthly meeting of " FIFTY , " presents a rich vocal and instrumental treat , ancl , indeed , we may say that the Masonic society in Dublin is a judicious source for the fostering of native musical talent . On the present occasion the selections consisted of some of the finest