Article POPE'S ANTIBILIOUS FAMILY PILLS. These P... Page 1 of 1 Article POPE'S PECTORAL ESSENCE OP SQUILLS. The ... Page 1 of 1 Article BACON'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS. For all Sco... Page 1 of 1 Article The SAMARITAN RESTORATIVE for NERVOUS DE... Page 1 of 1
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Pope's Antibilious Family Pills. These P...
POPE'S ANTIBILIOUS FAMILY PILLS . These Pills , by a mild operation peculiar to themselves , gently stimulate the Liver to a healthy action , thereby promoting Digestion , and removing most of those distressing disorders termed Bilious . They are an effectual remed y for Bilious and Liver Complaints , Indigestion , Acidity , or Heart Burn , Spasms , Giddiness , Headache , Drowsiness and Dimness of Sight , Loss of Appetite , Chronic Inflammation of the Liver and Spleen , Pains in the Side , Back , and Shouldersalso antidote
; an against Gout and Chronic Rheumatism , and will he found to afford safe and speedy reVief without confinement or restriction to diet , and may be taken with perfect safety by persons of the most delicate constitution , as they do not contain any mercurial or other pernicious ingredient . To persons of a sedentary habit they will be found invaluable , os they greatly assist digestion , and prevent those affections of the stomach to which they are particularly subject ; they are also strongly recommended to Females , as an excellent medicine to remove Obstructions , and most Female Complaints . Sold in Boxes at Is . lid .
Pope's Pectoral Essence Op Squills. The ...
POPE'S PECTORAL ESSENCE OP SQUILLS . The efficacy of the Squills , wliich combined with other Balsamics , needs no comment ; it is a medicine that has been used in Medical Practice for a long period , and still retains its character as a remedy of great repute for Expectorating Tough Phlegm ; it speedily clears the Chest , and removes Hoarseness and difficulty of Breathing , and will be found a most useful remedy in the relief and cure of Cough , Asthma , Hooping CoughCroupand Consumption This medicine was also used with the greatest
, , . success during the late prevalent disease called Influenza , and is a most efficacious remedy for quieting that incessant irritation which occasions the continual excitement to coughing . It is so peculiarly agreeable that it may be administered without the slightest difficulty to children in all stages of the Hooping Cough , and will never fail in performing a cure in a very short period . Sold in Bottles at Is . IM .
Bacon's Antiscorbutic Drops. For All Sco...
BACON'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS . For all Scorbutic and Cutaneous Disorders , Leprosy , King's Evil , Erysipelas , & c . The high reputation of this infalliable Specific in the above Diseases , cannot be better confirmed than by the many extraordinary cures already performed . It assists Digestion , creates Appetite , and is an excellent restorative . It purifies the blood and juices , and prevents morbid humours from fixing on the lungs and other vital parts . The most obstinate complaintshowever licatedreadilield tot its influenceyet it is so
inno-, comp , y y ; cent , as to be administered ( at all seasons ) without confinement , restraint , or diet , or the least apprehension of danger , to persons even of the most delicate constitutions . But let it be observed , that all gradual Eruptions , Blotches , Pustules , Tumours , Scurf , Scabs , Sores , Ulcers , Weak Eyes , Spongy Gums , Pallid and Bloated ( often livid ) Complexions , are the consequences of scorbutic habit , and therefore immediately within the promised relief and cure of this Medicine . Sold in Bottles at 4 s . 6 d . —lis . —and 22 s .
The Samaritan Restorative For Nervous De...
The SAMARITAN RESTORATIVE for NERVOUS DEBILITY , CONSUMPTIVE Ss RELAXED CONSTITUTIONS . This valuable Medicine is the production of an eminent Physician , and has been administered in private practice with the greatest success for upwards of forty-years . Youth and age , of either sex , are equally the objects of this Restorative ; for , whether the system has received a shock , and is debilitated , from imprudence in the early part of life , or is sinking under the advance of years , a few doses of this Medicine will afford
immediate assurance of returning health and strength . Constitutions relaxed , weak , or decayed , are under the immediate influence of this Restorative . Old Coughs , Asthmas , and Consumptive Habits are soon relieved , and speedily cured , often by one bottle only . Nervous Disorders of every kind , and from whatsoever cause arising , fly before the effects of this great medicine ; and all that train of sinkings , anxieties , and tremors , which so dreadfully affect the weak , the sedentary , and the delicate , will in a short time be succeeded by cheerfulness , and every presage of lasting health . Sold in Bottles at 2 s . 9 d . and lOs . each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Pope's Antibilious Family Pills. These P...
POPE'S ANTIBILIOUS FAMILY PILLS . These Pills , by a mild operation peculiar to themselves , gently stimulate the Liver to a healthy action , thereby promoting Digestion , and removing most of those distressing disorders termed Bilious . They are an effectual remed y for Bilious and Liver Complaints , Indigestion , Acidity , or Heart Burn , Spasms , Giddiness , Headache , Drowsiness and Dimness of Sight , Loss of Appetite , Chronic Inflammation of the Liver and Spleen , Pains in the Side , Back , and Shouldersalso antidote
; an against Gout and Chronic Rheumatism , and will he found to afford safe and speedy reVief without confinement or restriction to diet , and may be taken with perfect safety by persons of the most delicate constitution , as they do not contain any mercurial or other pernicious ingredient . To persons of a sedentary habit they will be found invaluable , os they greatly assist digestion , and prevent those affections of the stomach to which they are particularly subject ; they are also strongly recommended to Females , as an excellent medicine to remove Obstructions , and most Female Complaints . Sold in Boxes at Is . lid .
Pope's Pectoral Essence Op Squills. The ...
POPE'S PECTORAL ESSENCE OP SQUILLS . The efficacy of the Squills , wliich combined with other Balsamics , needs no comment ; it is a medicine that has been used in Medical Practice for a long period , and still retains its character as a remedy of great repute for Expectorating Tough Phlegm ; it speedily clears the Chest , and removes Hoarseness and difficulty of Breathing , and will be found a most useful remedy in the relief and cure of Cough , Asthma , Hooping CoughCroupand Consumption This medicine was also used with the greatest
, , . success during the late prevalent disease called Influenza , and is a most efficacious remedy for quieting that incessant irritation which occasions the continual excitement to coughing . It is so peculiarly agreeable that it may be administered without the slightest difficulty to children in all stages of the Hooping Cough , and will never fail in performing a cure in a very short period . Sold in Bottles at Is . IM .
Bacon's Antiscorbutic Drops. For All Sco...
BACON'S ANTISCORBUTIC DROPS . For all Scorbutic and Cutaneous Disorders , Leprosy , King's Evil , Erysipelas , & c . The high reputation of this infalliable Specific in the above Diseases , cannot be better confirmed than by the many extraordinary cures already performed . It assists Digestion , creates Appetite , and is an excellent restorative . It purifies the blood and juices , and prevents morbid humours from fixing on the lungs and other vital parts . The most obstinate complaintshowever licatedreadilield tot its influenceyet it is so
inno-, comp , y y ; cent , as to be administered ( at all seasons ) without confinement , restraint , or diet , or the least apprehension of danger , to persons even of the most delicate constitutions . But let it be observed , that all gradual Eruptions , Blotches , Pustules , Tumours , Scurf , Scabs , Sores , Ulcers , Weak Eyes , Spongy Gums , Pallid and Bloated ( often livid ) Complexions , are the consequences of scorbutic habit , and therefore immediately within the promised relief and cure of this Medicine . Sold in Bottles at 4 s . 6 d . —lis . —and 22 s .
The Samaritan Restorative For Nervous De...
The SAMARITAN RESTORATIVE for NERVOUS DEBILITY , CONSUMPTIVE Ss RELAXED CONSTITUTIONS . This valuable Medicine is the production of an eminent Physician , and has been administered in private practice with the greatest success for upwards of forty-years . Youth and age , of either sex , are equally the objects of this Restorative ; for , whether the system has received a shock , and is debilitated , from imprudence in the early part of life , or is sinking under the advance of years , a few doses of this Medicine will afford
immediate assurance of returning health and strength . Constitutions relaxed , weak , or decayed , are under the immediate influence of this Restorative . Old Coughs , Asthmas , and Consumptive Habits are soon relieved , and speedily cured , often by one bottle only . Nervous Disorders of every kind , and from whatsoever cause arising , fly before the effects of this great medicine ; and all that train of sinkings , anxieties , and tremors , which so dreadfully affect the weak , the sedentary , and the delicate , will in a short time be succeeded by cheerfulness , and every presage of lasting health . Sold in Bottles at 2 s . 9 d . and lOs . each .