Article AUDIT OF THE GRAND LODGE. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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Audit Of The Grand Lodge.
THE BRITISH , NO . 8 . —Brother B . Lawrence installed Brother John Hawley , whose entrance upon his Mastership was marked by very considerable attainment , and afforded a pleasing example to the Lodge . The number of visitors was very numerous—among " them the Junior Grand Deacon , and many of the Grand Stewards' Lodge . The addresses of the W . M ., and other Brethren in the course of the evening , were well delivered , and listened to with particular attention .
Brother Gaybord , the Treasurer , retired after an honorable service of upwards of forty years , and ivas complimented by a silver cup , as a token of respect . Brother Acklam , completed his second year in this Lodge , so much to its satisfaction , that a handsome medal was voted to him , and presented by Brother John Nokes in a neat address , to which Brother Acklam replied , and was warmly cheered . THE TUSCAN LODGE , NO . 14 . —That indefatigable Mason , Bro . R . T .
Hall , having determined to compete with the most zealous , made himself acquainted with the duties of installation , and completed his official character , by placing his successor Brother Gibson in the Chair . In justice to Brother Hall , we must state , that he has through his year of office been so scrupulously exact in all the points of disci pline , practice , and etiquette , as to leave himself without a competitor ; and that his hospitality at the banquet has been equally marked b y frankness and liberality . We scarcely know whether to envy Brother Gibson the opportunity of profiting by the example , or to congratulate the Lodge upon having a successor so qualified to emulate it .
BURLINGTON LODGE , NO . 113 , January 19 . —The installation of Bro . John Hodgkinson to the Chair of this Lodge is associated with many pleasing recollections . The Brother who has thus attained a distinguished position in the Craft is worthy of his elevation ; he has step by step obtained his promotion , and in each has won the esteem and affection of his associates—unobtrusive in manners , warm in his friendship , and in his heart charitablethe Lodge have done themselves honor b
, y electing a Master who will not disappoint them—Brother R . L . Wilson , the retiring Master , had the pleasing task of installing his successor ; which he did in a very creditable manner : nor must we forget to bear honourable testimony to Bro . "Wilson ' s services during the past year ; as Master of the Lodge he successfully emulated the conduct of his predecessors—which is no mean praise . The elegant medal of the Lodge was unanimously voted to Brother Wilsonin acknowledent ofhis
, gm past services . Brother Halton in the course of the evening addressed the Lodge , and requested that , as a personal favor , they would condescend to accept the custody of " a portrait of a Mason , " whose past services had left upon his mind a deep sense of gratitude ; whose unremitting attention had never flagged ; but whose ceaseless anxiety , and spirited efforts in behalf of the Asylum for the Aged Mason , promised to awaken the Masonic
world to a generous sympathy in so good a work . He ( Brother H . ) had engaged a talented artist and Brother to paint the portrait of Dr . Crueefix , for the purpose of presenting it to the governors of the Asylum as soon as they had a board-room to contain it / and in the meantime he begged that it might remain in the safe custody of the Mother Lodge of the Brother , ivho had during his Masonic career upheld their character , and his own reputation . Brother Halton concluded with a sincere prayer , that the portrait might soon be claimed at their hands . Amotion
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Audit Of The Grand Lodge.
THE BRITISH , NO . 8 . —Brother B . Lawrence installed Brother John Hawley , whose entrance upon his Mastership was marked by very considerable attainment , and afforded a pleasing example to the Lodge . The number of visitors was very numerous—among " them the Junior Grand Deacon , and many of the Grand Stewards' Lodge . The addresses of the W . M ., and other Brethren in the course of the evening , were well delivered , and listened to with particular attention .
Brother Gaybord , the Treasurer , retired after an honorable service of upwards of forty years , and ivas complimented by a silver cup , as a token of respect . Brother Acklam , completed his second year in this Lodge , so much to its satisfaction , that a handsome medal was voted to him , and presented by Brother John Nokes in a neat address , to which Brother Acklam replied , and was warmly cheered . THE TUSCAN LODGE , NO . 14 . —That indefatigable Mason , Bro . R . T .
Hall , having determined to compete with the most zealous , made himself acquainted with the duties of installation , and completed his official character , by placing his successor Brother Gibson in the Chair . In justice to Brother Hall , we must state , that he has through his year of office been so scrupulously exact in all the points of disci pline , practice , and etiquette , as to leave himself without a competitor ; and that his hospitality at the banquet has been equally marked b y frankness and liberality . We scarcely know whether to envy Brother Gibson the opportunity of profiting by the example , or to congratulate the Lodge upon having a successor so qualified to emulate it .
BURLINGTON LODGE , NO . 113 , January 19 . —The installation of Bro . John Hodgkinson to the Chair of this Lodge is associated with many pleasing recollections . The Brother who has thus attained a distinguished position in the Craft is worthy of his elevation ; he has step by step obtained his promotion , and in each has won the esteem and affection of his associates—unobtrusive in manners , warm in his friendship , and in his heart charitablethe Lodge have done themselves honor b
, y electing a Master who will not disappoint them—Brother R . L . Wilson , the retiring Master , had the pleasing task of installing his successor ; which he did in a very creditable manner : nor must we forget to bear honourable testimony to Bro . "Wilson ' s services during the past year ; as Master of the Lodge he successfully emulated the conduct of his predecessors—which is no mean praise . The elegant medal of the Lodge was unanimously voted to Brother Wilsonin acknowledent ofhis
, gm past services . Brother Halton in the course of the evening addressed the Lodge , and requested that , as a personal favor , they would condescend to accept the custody of " a portrait of a Mason , " whose past services had left upon his mind a deep sense of gratitude ; whose unremitting attention had never flagged ; but whose ceaseless anxiety , and spirited efforts in behalf of the Asylum for the Aged Mason , promised to awaken the Masonic
world to a generous sympathy in so good a work . He ( Brother H . ) had engaged a talented artist and Brother to paint the portrait of Dr . Crueefix , for the purpose of presenting it to the governors of the Asylum as soon as they had a board-room to contain it / and in the meantime he begged that it might remain in the safe custody of the Mother Lodge of the Brother , ivho had during his Masonic career upheld their character , and his own reputation . Brother Halton concluded with a sincere prayer , that the portrait might soon be claimed at their hands . Amotion