Article AUDIT OF THE GRAND LODGE. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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Audit Of The Grand Lodge.
GRAND OFFICERS' CLVIS , li . A ., Feb . I . —Present , Comps . Harper , M'Giilivray , Cabbell , Hope , Lawrence , Zacbary , Shadbolt , Petit , Fallowfield , Rawlins , Spencer , Pollock , antl Dr . Moore . The business about to be brought before the Grand Chapter was discussed ; the correspondence relating to a recent election in a London Chapter was read ; aud it was determined , tint one particular letter should not be read until after other oral evidence was taken ; the
intended course of proceeding in the Grand Chapter was then finally arranged—and the entry-book signed . No new Candidates . LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —Brother Peter Thomson , and his able band of Brothers , have removed their Lodge of Instruction from London Wall , to the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill . The Lodge is opened every Friday evening , ( at Seven o " clock ) from the first Friday in Septemberto the last Friday in April . The
cere-, monies and lectures are severall y worked b y the Members , under the superintendance of Brother Peter Thompson , whose Masonic qualification holds honorable rivalry with his private character . GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE , February . —Brother Norris re-elected W . M . The amended by-law , for the admission of visitors to the Banquet , confirmed . On the resignation of his office of Treasurerthrough age and
infir-, mity , of Brother Norris , sen . ( by his son , the W . M . ) after a service of thirty years , a resolution b y Dr . Crueefix was carried unanimously , to the following effect . " That the Brethren of the Lodge receive with sincere regret , the resignation of their respected Brother and Friend ; and that the grateful thanks of the Members be suitably expressed on vellum , framed and glazed , and presented to Brother Norris . "
Brother Giraud was elected Treasurer . Public night , March 15 . —The seven sections of the first lecture were ably worked by Brothers J . Hawley ; Rodgers ; Baumer ; II . L . Wilson ; Giraud ; Acklam ; and J . Hawley . GRAND MASTER ' LODGE , No . 1 , January 16 . —Brother Savage ivas installed in the Chair , and very deservedly complimented by a spirited eulogium upon his private and public . character ; he appointed as his
Wardens , Brothers Corner and Graeff . Brother Moran moved a resolution of thanks to the immediate Past Master , Brother Dobie , for his uniformly courteous , and truly Masonic conduct in the Chair . It gave him ( Bro . M . ) particular pleasure to avow , that in offering the resolution he was not following a course of a merely complimentary nature , but that he felt compelled by a strong sense of duty and gratitude . The motion was carried unanimously ; and seldom
has such a compliment been better deserved . About fifty Brethren attended the Banquet . February 20 . —The initiation of a Clergyman into the Order , on this day , afforded the W . M . an opportunity of proving how perfectly he had acquired a knowledge of his duty ; not simply in the letter , but in the true spirit of our beautiful mystery . Creditably as was the ceremonial conductedthe manner in which the attention of the reverend irant
, asp was drawn to the volume of the Sacred Law , formed the theme of admiration ; the candidate acknowledged in the highest terms , his own satisfaction ; and some of the oldest Past Masters present , confessed that Brother Savage had even surpassed his predecessors . THE ANTIQUITY , _ VO . 2 . —Brother Keightly installed Brother De Crepigny , as D . W . M . VOL . IV . a ,
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Audit Of The Grand Lodge.
GRAND OFFICERS' CLVIS , li . A ., Feb . I . —Present , Comps . Harper , M'Giilivray , Cabbell , Hope , Lawrence , Zacbary , Shadbolt , Petit , Fallowfield , Rawlins , Spencer , Pollock , antl Dr . Moore . The business about to be brought before the Grand Chapter was discussed ; the correspondence relating to a recent election in a London Chapter was read ; aud it was determined , tint one particular letter should not be read until after other oral evidence was taken ; the
intended course of proceeding in the Grand Chapter was then finally arranged—and the entry-book signed . No new Candidates . LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —Brother Peter Thomson , and his able band of Brothers , have removed their Lodge of Instruction from London Wall , to the George and Vulture Tavern , Cornhill . The Lodge is opened every Friday evening , ( at Seven o " clock ) from the first Friday in Septemberto the last Friday in April . The
cere-, monies and lectures are severall y worked b y the Members , under the superintendance of Brother Peter Thompson , whose Masonic qualification holds honorable rivalry with his private character . GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE , February . —Brother Norris re-elected W . M . The amended by-law , for the admission of visitors to the Banquet , confirmed . On the resignation of his office of Treasurerthrough age and
infir-, mity , of Brother Norris , sen . ( by his son , the W . M . ) after a service of thirty years , a resolution b y Dr . Crueefix was carried unanimously , to the following effect . " That the Brethren of the Lodge receive with sincere regret , the resignation of their respected Brother and Friend ; and that the grateful thanks of the Members be suitably expressed on vellum , framed and glazed , and presented to Brother Norris . "
Brother Giraud was elected Treasurer . Public night , March 15 . —The seven sections of the first lecture were ably worked by Brothers J . Hawley ; Rodgers ; Baumer ; II . L . Wilson ; Giraud ; Acklam ; and J . Hawley . GRAND MASTER ' LODGE , No . 1 , January 16 . —Brother Savage ivas installed in the Chair , and very deservedly complimented by a spirited eulogium upon his private and public . character ; he appointed as his
Wardens , Brothers Corner and Graeff . Brother Moran moved a resolution of thanks to the immediate Past Master , Brother Dobie , for his uniformly courteous , and truly Masonic conduct in the Chair . It gave him ( Bro . M . ) particular pleasure to avow , that in offering the resolution he was not following a course of a merely complimentary nature , but that he felt compelled by a strong sense of duty and gratitude . The motion was carried unanimously ; and seldom
has such a compliment been better deserved . About fifty Brethren attended the Banquet . February 20 . —The initiation of a Clergyman into the Order , on this day , afforded the W . M . an opportunity of proving how perfectly he had acquired a knowledge of his duty ; not simply in the letter , but in the true spirit of our beautiful mystery . Creditably as was the ceremonial conductedthe manner in which the attention of the reverend irant
, asp was drawn to the volume of the Sacred Law , formed the theme of admiration ; the candidate acknowledged in the highest terms , his own satisfaction ; and some of the oldest Past Masters present , confessed that Brother Savage had even surpassed his predecessors . THE ANTIQUITY , _ VO . 2 . —Brother Keightly installed Brother De Crepigny , as D . W . M . VOL . IV . a ,