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Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
by tbe Secretary , Brother Thistletoti . He concluded by proposing the health of " Brother Coe , and the Brethren who managed the annud excursion to the Nore . " Brother Lytbgoe called the attention of the Brethren to the conduct of such of the Boys as had distinguished themselves in the past year . The subscriptions were sufficient to warrant a hope , that the erection of a
building was not an improbable object to obtain , if permission were granted : ( in this sentiment we cordially join , and trust that the Asylum for the Aged Mason , may prove the means of ensuring a home for the Boys also . ) Brother Coe returned thanks for the honor which had been conferred upon him by the kind association of his name with the prosperity of the Institution .
" The Masonic Institution for Girls . " Song by Mr . C . Taylor . " The Auditors and Committee . " Song by Brother Hawkins . Brother Lythgoe , bv permission of the noble Chairman , then addressed
a few observations to the Brethren , respecting the finances of the Institution , and called particular attention to the fact , that several Ladies were Governesses . The report of subscriptions having been read by the Secretary , the health of " the Stewards , " and that of " the Ladies , " were drunk , after which we took our departure . In all there were about 150 Brethren present , who evinced their zeal
in behalf of the Institution , by very liberal contributions of above 370 / . towards its funds . The musical department of the entertainment was most ably conducted by Brother Sir George Smart , Grand Organist , who presided at the piano , and was assisted by Brothers Hawkins , T . Cooke , Hobbs , Charles and Edward Taylor , and two choristers from Westminster Abbey . And on the whole , the evening passed off with the utmost harmony and satisfactionboth in the Hallancl in the Ladies '
, , Room , where the fair visitors were entertained by a Concert , by the Musical Brethren . We have to return our best thanks to those Stewards , who so obligingly favoured us by Ladies' Tickets ; which was the more complimentary , as the kindness was intended to avert the disappointment at not receiving them from the Board .
ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNT FOR 1836 . Receipt . £ . s . d . To balance from last audit . . . . 17 1 His Most Gracious Majesty the King—Patron . . 10 10 0 One year ' s Interest of Stock .... 180 5 o Grand Officers' Dinner Club . . . . 10 10 0
Board of Grand Stewards , 1835 . . . 5 17 3 Freemasons' Quarterly Review .. . . . 220 Nore Excursion . . . . . . . 52 18 C Masters and Past Masters' Club . . . . 330 General Subscriptions and Donations . . . 708 12 t > £ 975 5 4
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Asylum For Aged And Decayed Freemasons.
by tbe Secretary , Brother Thistletoti . He concluded by proposing the health of " Brother Coe , and the Brethren who managed the annud excursion to the Nore . " Brother Lytbgoe called the attention of the Brethren to the conduct of such of the Boys as had distinguished themselves in the past year . The subscriptions were sufficient to warrant a hope , that the erection of a
building was not an improbable object to obtain , if permission were granted : ( in this sentiment we cordially join , and trust that the Asylum for the Aged Mason , may prove the means of ensuring a home for the Boys also . ) Brother Coe returned thanks for the honor which had been conferred upon him by the kind association of his name with the prosperity of the Institution .
" The Masonic Institution for Girls . " Song by Mr . C . Taylor . " The Auditors and Committee . " Song by Brother Hawkins . Brother Lythgoe , bv permission of the noble Chairman , then addressed
a few observations to the Brethren , respecting the finances of the Institution , and called particular attention to the fact , that several Ladies were Governesses . The report of subscriptions having been read by the Secretary , the health of " the Stewards , " and that of " the Ladies , " were drunk , after which we took our departure . In all there were about 150 Brethren present , who evinced their zeal
in behalf of the Institution , by very liberal contributions of above 370 / . towards its funds . The musical department of the entertainment was most ably conducted by Brother Sir George Smart , Grand Organist , who presided at the piano , and was assisted by Brothers Hawkins , T . Cooke , Hobbs , Charles and Edward Taylor , and two choristers from Westminster Abbey . And on the whole , the evening passed off with the utmost harmony and satisfactionboth in the Hallancl in the Ladies '
, , Room , where the fair visitors were entertained by a Concert , by the Musical Brethren . We have to return our best thanks to those Stewards , who so obligingly favoured us by Ladies' Tickets ; which was the more complimentary , as the kindness was intended to avert the disappointment at not receiving them from the Board .
ABSTRACT OF ACCOUNT FOR 1836 . Receipt . £ . s . d . To balance from last audit . . . . 17 1 His Most Gracious Majesty the King—Patron . . 10 10 0 One year ' s Interest of Stock .... 180 5 o Grand Officers' Dinner Club . . . . 10 10 0
Board of Grand Stewards , 1835 . . . 5 17 3 Freemasons' Quarterly Review .. . . . 220 Nore Excursion . . . . . . . 52 18 C Masters and Past Masters' Club . . . . 330 General Subscriptions and Donations . . . 708 12 t > £ 975 5 4