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Cabalistic Observations On Freemasonry.
with freedom , fervency , and zeal . This was verified by the Patriarch Jacob , who bequeathed peculiar blessings to his sons , from whom emanated the twelve tribes ( the Cabalistic remarks on which I shall endeavour to furnish in your next number . ) The Creator had shown to Jacob in a vision a symbolical ladder which reached to the heavens , at the top of which was the Almighty and the angels of the Lord ascending and descending thereon . We might here conclude that
angels should descend before they ascend , but . in the Hebrew it has no reference to angels , as the word D 3 S . 7 D viz . messengers , alludes to ourselves , and intimates that if we abide by his laws , and keep his commandments , as the Almighty had told Jacob , we may then be enabled to ascend that ladder to an ethereal mansion not built by hands , hut one eternally in the heavens . I must here quote another Masonic phrase , seek and you shall find : ash and you shall have . On seek I shall comment inST ) . DW t £ . p _ l ' 2 TtD i"WI JTID T 1 D viz . abhor
evil , pursue justice , BEEK tor peace and pursue it—for the substance of the commandments " 6 Y ) UWi "ppf -pWl . TON biW viz . ask your fathers and your Elders will inform you . As it is said in the Psalms of David , pP PITHS D 2 Knt * plimK . rnnnB " open unto me the gates of righteousness , I will go through them , I will praise the Lord /'—but where is this gate ? 12 ') H 2 ' D ^ pHS - "b " . iWPPlT this is the gate of the Lord into which the righteous shall enter , we therefore trust that when we arrive at that etherial mansion whence all
goodness emanates , that when we knock it ivill be opened unto us . We find it recorded that Judah was compared to a lion , which personifies strength and power . Judah in Hebrew is called PIT-PP in whicli word we also discover the Tettragramaton ; Israelites whose names are Lewis or Lion , inscribe themselves 2 b iTT ) i"P or 2 b PP ~) tt viz . ( Judah Lion ) the y ? is also Heart , as we say in French Cceur de Lion which are the pieces of Metal dovetailed in the perfect Ashler , which is the true origin of the Lewis .
" Try to honour the image of your parents and your ancestors , in all persons who are far in the decline of life . Old age is ever venerable in the opinion of a well-regulated mind . In ancient Sparta , there was a law that the young men should rise up at the approach of an aged fellowcitizen ; that they should be silent when he spoke ; and that they should
yield to him the way on meeting him . Let that which is not a law among ourselves , become a custom for the sake of decency , and we shall all be the better for it . " THE HEART . —The heart never grows better by age : I fear rather worse—always harder . A young liar will be an old one ; and a young knave will only be a greater knave as he grows older . — Chesterfield .
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Cabalistic Observations On Freemasonry.
with freedom , fervency , and zeal . This was verified by the Patriarch Jacob , who bequeathed peculiar blessings to his sons , from whom emanated the twelve tribes ( the Cabalistic remarks on which I shall endeavour to furnish in your next number . ) The Creator had shown to Jacob in a vision a symbolical ladder which reached to the heavens , at the top of which was the Almighty and the angels of the Lord ascending and descending thereon . We might here conclude that
angels should descend before they ascend , but . in the Hebrew it has no reference to angels , as the word D 3 S . 7 D viz . messengers , alludes to ourselves , and intimates that if we abide by his laws , and keep his commandments , as the Almighty had told Jacob , we may then be enabled to ascend that ladder to an ethereal mansion not built by hands , hut one eternally in the heavens . I must here quote another Masonic phrase , seek and you shall find : ash and you shall have . On seek I shall comment inST ) . DW t £ . p _ l ' 2 TtD i"WI JTID T 1 D viz . abhor
evil , pursue justice , BEEK tor peace and pursue it—for the substance of the commandments " 6 Y ) UWi "ppf -pWl . TON biW viz . ask your fathers and your Elders will inform you . As it is said in the Psalms of David , pP PITHS D 2 Knt * plimK . rnnnB " open unto me the gates of righteousness , I will go through them , I will praise the Lord /'—but where is this gate ? 12 ') H 2 ' D ^ pHS - "b " . iWPPlT this is the gate of the Lord into which the righteous shall enter , we therefore trust that when we arrive at that etherial mansion whence all
goodness emanates , that when we knock it ivill be opened unto us . We find it recorded that Judah was compared to a lion , which personifies strength and power . Judah in Hebrew is called PIT-PP in whicli word we also discover the Tettragramaton ; Israelites whose names are Lewis or Lion , inscribe themselves 2 b iTT ) i"P or 2 b PP ~) tt viz . ( Judah Lion ) the y ? is also Heart , as we say in French Cceur de Lion which are the pieces of Metal dovetailed in the perfect Ashler , which is the true origin of the Lewis .
" Try to honour the image of your parents and your ancestors , in all persons who are far in the decline of life . Old age is ever venerable in the opinion of a well-regulated mind . In ancient Sparta , there was a law that the young men should rise up at the approach of an aged fellowcitizen ; that they should be silent when he spoke ; and that they should
yield to him the way on meeting him . Let that which is not a law among ourselves , become a custom for the sake of decency , and we shall all be the better for it . " THE HEART . —The heart never grows better by age : I fear rather worse—always harder . A young liar will be an old one ; and a young knave will only be a greater knave as he grows older . — Chesterfield .