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Cabalistic Observations On Freemasonry.
BY BROTHER GEORGE AARONS . AT the creation of the world the Almighty thought proper to form man a rational being to promulgate his laws and commandments , and no doubt that man would have possessed a greater instinct of understanding to discover those Cabalistic observations of the volume of the Sacred Law , hacl the tree of knowledge been left untouched according to the Almihty ' s command but what was the substance
g of that tree—is it in the power of mortal to describe ? it is only known to the Almighty himself ; to prove this matter for authority I must quote from the Hebrew , which tree was called JTJTin V ^ viz . tree of knowledge ; it is recorded in the volume of the Sacred Law DVTBD . il V . T .. N viz . signs and wonders i - ) - ]^ is a letter and also a figure ; the Hebrew Alphabet therefore is used for two purposes which enable us to discover in those signs , " wonders" the word / " £ ?! knowledge , is in number , 474 , which is b 1
y ]® p " 1 BDD . 2 viz . short reckoning 15 in Hebrew PI " the great I AM , to whom all knowledge is known and from whom no secrets are hid ; therefore that tree was only known to the Deity , and when Adam knew that he had done wrong and hid himself in the garden , the Almighty , in order to show to him that secrets were to be obtained , he called to Adam and said , ' where art thou ? ( Gen . iii . 9 . ) It would appear rather strange that the Almighty should pretend not to know where he was ; but in order to show the beauty of this passage , through the medium of the Hebrew , by quoting for authority , the
comment of iiy ~) Rashai , on the word where art thou , viz . Tl ^ ii which he abbreviates . TTn _ r _ D ____ TbO } HV \_ N . ( I know all that is hidden ) secret or concealed ; this therefore implies that secrets were to be obtained which were not revealed to him in consequence of disobedience , but were reserved for our Patriarch Abraham , to whom the Almighty had shown the consecrated spot where the Sanctum Sanctorum would he built , on Mount Moriah ; whicli is in the Hebrew i"p"Y ) Dn IU and the centre of the Universe Almi discover
means spot or ghty , as we in the word Moriah , the Tettragramaton . Here Abraham proved his intuitive faith , by leading his only and beloved son Isaac a destined victim to the Altar of his God . This circumstance gives me the opportunity of displaying to the Craft the origin of the word ] Ni" 0 when Abraham arose early in the morning , saddled his ass , & c . ( Gen . xxii . 3 . ) Having reached a certain spot with Isaac and the two
youths , Eleazer and Ishmael , who were not free-born , he said unto them , abide ye here with the ass nD " . } . i ~ Q 7 J ~ li _ _ il . ¦ > _ ]* . "I and I and the lad will go unto nO * - Some of the Rabbis expatiate on this point that Abraham saw in a vision certain holy characters , and knew that this spot was sacred , he therefore said ] tfn _ 3 t pointing to the consecrated spot , observing that those who were not freeborn were not sufficiently holy to come there , in consequence of which we keep off all intruders and those who are not free-horn , to Masonry . 1 hus Isaac was preserved from the sacrifice , as the Almighty knew that worn him would spring a great mighty people who would serve Him
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Cabalistic Observations On Freemasonry.
BY BROTHER GEORGE AARONS . AT the creation of the world the Almighty thought proper to form man a rational being to promulgate his laws and commandments , and no doubt that man would have possessed a greater instinct of understanding to discover those Cabalistic observations of the volume of the Sacred Law , hacl the tree of knowledge been left untouched according to the Almihty ' s command but what was the substance
g of that tree—is it in the power of mortal to describe ? it is only known to the Almighty himself ; to prove this matter for authority I must quote from the Hebrew , which tree was called JTJTin V ^ viz . tree of knowledge ; it is recorded in the volume of the Sacred Law DVTBD . il V . T .. N viz . signs and wonders i - ) - ]^ is a letter and also a figure ; the Hebrew Alphabet therefore is used for two purposes which enable us to discover in those signs , " wonders" the word / " £ ?! knowledge , is in number , 474 , which is b 1
y ]® p " 1 BDD . 2 viz . short reckoning 15 in Hebrew PI " the great I AM , to whom all knowledge is known and from whom no secrets are hid ; therefore that tree was only known to the Deity , and when Adam knew that he had done wrong and hid himself in the garden , the Almighty , in order to show to him that secrets were to be obtained , he called to Adam and said , ' where art thou ? ( Gen . iii . 9 . ) It would appear rather strange that the Almighty should pretend not to know where he was ; but in order to show the beauty of this passage , through the medium of the Hebrew , by quoting for authority , the
comment of iiy ~) Rashai , on the word where art thou , viz . Tl ^ ii which he abbreviates . TTn _ r _ D ____ TbO } HV \_ N . ( I know all that is hidden ) secret or concealed ; this therefore implies that secrets were to be obtained which were not revealed to him in consequence of disobedience , but were reserved for our Patriarch Abraham , to whom the Almighty had shown the consecrated spot where the Sanctum Sanctorum would he built , on Mount Moriah ; whicli is in the Hebrew i"p"Y ) Dn IU and the centre of the Universe Almi discover
means spot or ghty , as we in the word Moriah , the Tettragramaton . Here Abraham proved his intuitive faith , by leading his only and beloved son Isaac a destined victim to the Altar of his God . This circumstance gives me the opportunity of displaying to the Craft the origin of the word ] Ni" 0 when Abraham arose early in the morning , saddled his ass , & c . ( Gen . xxii . 3 . ) Having reached a certain spot with Isaac and the two
youths , Eleazer and Ishmael , who were not free-born , he said unto them , abide ye here with the ass nD " . } . i ~ Q 7 J ~ li _ _ il . ¦ > _ ]* . "I and I and the lad will go unto nO * - Some of the Rabbis expatiate on this point that Abraham saw in a vision certain holy characters , and knew that this spot was sacred , he therefore said ] tfn _ 3 t pointing to the consecrated spot , observing that those who were not freeborn were not sufficiently holy to come there , in consequence of which we keep off all intruders and those who are not free-horn , to Masonry . 1 hus Isaac was preserved from the sacrifice , as the Almighty knew that worn him would spring a great mighty people who would serve Him