Article PROTECTED BY FIVE PATENTS. PERRYIAN PENS... Page 1 of 1 Article Magna et Veritas et preBvalebit. GALL'S ... Page 1 of 1
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Protected By Five Patents. Perryian Pens...
PROTECTED BY FIVE PATENTS . PERRYIAN PENS . N INE PATENT PERRYIAN Under Spring Pens , with Holder - - 2 0 Nine Double Patent Perryiau Pens , with Holder - - - - 2 0 Nine Patent Perryian Flat Spring Penswith Holder ----- 2 o
, Nine clo . Side Spring Pens , with do . ------- 2 o Nine clo . India-Ruhber Spring Pens , clo . ------- 2 6 Nine do . Regulating Spring Pens , clo . -------- 2 6 Any of the above Pens may be had with Medium , Fine , Extra Fine , or Broad Points . Nine Patent Three Pointed Pens --------2 3 Nine Patent Perryian Office Pens , with Holder ------l o The Patent Perryian Elastic Holder may be had -ivith most of the above Pens , at an
advance of Three-pence per Card . PERRYIAN LIMPID BLUE AND BLACK INK . Writing performed with the Blue Ink is first of a clear blue colour , but in a short period becomes a permanent Black . These Inks are peculiarly adapted for Metallic Pens , ancl will not corrode them . Sold in bottles at 6 d ., Is ., and 2 s . each , hy all stationers and dealers in Metallic Pens , ancl at the Manufactory , No . 37 , Red Lion Square , London ; each Card and Bottle is Signed—JAMES PERRY & Co .
Magna Et Veritas Et Prebvalebit. Gall's ...
Magna et Veritas et preBvalebit . GALL'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS , SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR REMOVING BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . THE daily increasing demand for the above invaluable Medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human framewhether natural or
, induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during Pregnancy , Habitual C'ostiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c . & c , allyieM to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , ancl may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . Sold in boxes at Is . lgd . and 2 s Q fl pfipn
HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS , For the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the urinary passages . Prepared from the original recipe of Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hatcheson . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In boxes , Is . l | d . ancl 2 s . 9 cl . each .
GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , An effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles , Is . lid . each . FENN'S EMBROCATION , For Rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 8 s . each . —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , Messrs . Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Newbury and Sons , ancl S 5
45 , St . Paul ' s Curchyard ,- Edwards , 66 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay Sons , > , Faringdon Street ; Butler and Co ., 4 . Cheapside ; Evans , 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield , Johnson , Greek Street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the Unitei Kingdom . To prevent Imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraven in" * Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of SstaWl duties , to counterfeit which is felony .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Protected By Five Patents. Perryian Pens...
PROTECTED BY FIVE PATENTS . PERRYIAN PENS . N INE PATENT PERRYIAN Under Spring Pens , with Holder - - 2 0 Nine Double Patent Perryiau Pens , with Holder - - - - 2 0 Nine Patent Perryian Flat Spring Penswith Holder ----- 2 o
, Nine clo . Side Spring Pens , with do . ------- 2 o Nine clo . India-Ruhber Spring Pens , clo . ------- 2 6 Nine do . Regulating Spring Pens , clo . -------- 2 6 Any of the above Pens may be had with Medium , Fine , Extra Fine , or Broad Points . Nine Patent Three Pointed Pens --------2 3 Nine Patent Perryian Office Pens , with Holder ------l o The Patent Perryian Elastic Holder may be had -ivith most of the above Pens , at an
advance of Three-pence per Card . PERRYIAN LIMPID BLUE AND BLACK INK . Writing performed with the Blue Ink is first of a clear blue colour , but in a short period becomes a permanent Black . These Inks are peculiarly adapted for Metallic Pens , ancl will not corrode them . Sold in bottles at 6 d ., Is ., and 2 s . each , hy all stationers and dealers in Metallic Pens , ancl at the Manufactory , No . 37 , Red Lion Square , London ; each Card and Bottle is Signed—JAMES PERRY & Co .
Magna Et Veritas Et Prebvalebit. Gall's ...
Magna et Veritas et preBvalebit . GALL'S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS , SO HIGHLY RECOMMENDED FOR REMOVING BILIOUS COMPLAINTS . THE daily increasing demand for the above invaluable Medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human framewhether natural or
, induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during Pregnancy , Habitual C'ostiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c . & c , allyieM to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated by the experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , ancl may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement . Sold in boxes at Is . lgd . and 2 s Q fl pfipn
HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS , For the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the urinary passages . Prepared from the original recipe of Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hatcheson . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In boxes , Is . l | d . ancl 2 s . 9 cl . each .
GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , An effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles , Is . lid . each . FENN'S EMBROCATION , For Rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles , 2 s . 9 d ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 8 s . each . —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at Woodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their appointment , Messrs . Sutton and Co ., Bow Churchyard ; Newbury and Sons , ancl S 5
45 , St . Paul ' s Curchyard ,- Edwards , 66 , St . Paul ' s Churchyard ; Barclay Sons , > , Faringdon Street ; Butler and Co ., 4 . Cheapside ; Evans , 42 , Long Lane , West Smithfield , Johnson , Greek Street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the Unitei Kingdom . To prevent Imposition , the public are requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BENJAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraven in" * Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of SstaWl duties , to counterfeit which is felony .