Article NEW SPRING ANNUAL, Lately published. Pri... Page 1 of 1 Article TAUNTON ALE BREWERY. BROTHER EALES WHITE... Page 1 of 1 Article SIGHT RESTORED, Nervous Head-Ache Cured,... Page 1 of 1 Article CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER AND FU... Page 1 of 1 Article PATENT LEVER WATCHES, with silver double... Page 1 of 1
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New Spring Annual, Lately Published. Pri...
NEW SPRING ANNUAL , Lately published . Price Is . BROTHER T . DIBDIN'S NEW SPRING ANNUAL FOR 1 S 37 . CONTAINING in accordance with the number of the year , THIRTY-SEVEN ORIGINAL SONGS on Favourite Subjects , written expressly for this Work , and the Gazette for 1847 several
THIRTY-SEVEN BAGATELLES , including Railway , New and Original Comic Tales , Epigrams , Epitaphs , Conundrums , & c . & c . & c . —THIRTY - SEVEN TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS , analogous to the present Times . S IMFKIN and MARSHALL , Stationers' Court ; MILLER , 14 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , London .
Taunton Ale Brewery. Brother Eales White...
TAUNTON ALE BREWERY . BROTHER EALES WHITE respectfully announces that his admired XX . TAUNON ALE is now in perfect order for removal , and that from October to March is the best period for bottling it . He continues to send ( chiefly by water ) to London and all parts of the Kingdom ( in Casks from 36 gallons upwards ) on receiving a remittance . Price , XX . two years old 2 s . per gallon . X . Is . 9 d . — Delivered at the wharf at Taunton . Cask , 36 gallons , 20 s ., to be repaid if the cask is received , in condition , within six months . Brewery , Taunton , Nov . 1 , 1836 .
Sight Restored, Nervous Head-Ache Cured,...
SIGHT RESTORED , Nervous Head-Ache Cured , and Cholera Prevented . —Under the Patronage of his Majesty , and the Lords of the Admiralty . —Dr . Abernethy used it , and by that gentlemen it was ' termed the Faculty ' s Friend , and Nurse ' s Vade Mecum . 1 ) r . Andrews also recommends its use as a preventive . Mr . A . Macintyre , aged 65 , No . 3 , Silver Street , Golden Square , cured of gutta serena . Mr . P . Saunderson , No . 10 , Harpur fetreet , Leeds , cured of Cataract . Mr . H . Pluckwell , Tottenham House , Tottenham , Middlesex , cured of Opthalmia . Miss S . EngleMd , Park Street , Windsor , cured of Nervous Head-ache . families of the first respectabilityproving
Original testimonials from medical gentlemen and , the above , maybe seen at No . 24 , King Street , Long Acre , the High patronage GRIMSTONE'S EYE SNUFF has attained is a testimonial beyond suspicion . Ibis delighttul herbaceous compound is the most wholesome Snuff taken , and is highly recommended tor its benign influence on all who use it . . . ., , This delightful compound of highly aromatic herbs is sold in canisters , at Is 3 d , 2 s 4 d and 8 s each , or loose at 6 d per ounce . Letters , post paid , with cash orders on London Agents , to Mr . Grimstone , No . 39 , Broad Street , Bloomsbury .
Chanter's Patent Auxiliary Boiler And Fu...
CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER AND FURNACE , Which can be added to any Steam Boiler now in use without unseating it , HAS received the approbation ofthe First Engineers in London , Tiy whicli a considerable Increase of power is obtained , and an economy of fuel effected of 15 to 20 per cent . Also , CHANTER'S IMPROVED TUBE BOILER which can be eastl y , « d - not occupringhalf the usual space , and , when fixed with the Auxiliary Boiler and Patent I urnw * full 35 to 40 centwhich has e
effects an economy of fuel of per , * . ™ ^ f ^ J ^ X persons in London , where they can be seen in operation on app lication to the Patent Boiler and Furnace Office , Earl Street , BlackfriarsS The smoke from these furnaces is wholly converted into a flame ot gas . R t An improved small Boiler to generate heat raprdly with little fuel applicable to no Houses , Public Baths , Warehouses , & c , with hoMyater pipes , pedestals & c . Hot-Air Stoves on an improved princip le can also be seen at Chanter and Co . s Olhce , Earl Street , Blackfriars , London . ___
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , with silver double-bottom cases , 6 l . 6 s . ; with silver hunTng cases , 16 s . 6 d . extra . This celebrated . construction , ( the mosaceua * on £ *<* a watch can be made ) is now offered , with the latest improvcmcn ts y * ° f ^ ftmd midnment , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds hard ename dial , ¦ J ™ h taining power to continue going while winding up , at he above price . Vertical Silver v two truineas each A variety of upwards of a hundred second-hand watches , some oi jewX ? all ^_ motmentskt ca ' n be warranted to be sold ^ wo ^^ % CornhiU , T COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , i / , ^ London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Spring Annual, Lately Published. Pri...
NEW SPRING ANNUAL , Lately published . Price Is . BROTHER T . DIBDIN'S NEW SPRING ANNUAL FOR 1 S 37 . CONTAINING in accordance with the number of the year , THIRTY-SEVEN ORIGINAL SONGS on Favourite Subjects , written expressly for this Work , and the Gazette for 1847 several
THIRTY-SEVEN BAGATELLES , including Railway , New and Original Comic Tales , Epigrams , Epitaphs , Conundrums , & c . & c . & c . —THIRTY - SEVEN TOASTS AND SENTIMENTS , analogous to the present Times . S IMFKIN and MARSHALL , Stationers' Court ; MILLER , 14 , Henrietta Street , Covent Garden , London .
Taunton Ale Brewery. Brother Eales White...
TAUNTON ALE BREWERY . BROTHER EALES WHITE respectfully announces that his admired XX . TAUNON ALE is now in perfect order for removal , and that from October to March is the best period for bottling it . He continues to send ( chiefly by water ) to London and all parts of the Kingdom ( in Casks from 36 gallons upwards ) on receiving a remittance . Price , XX . two years old 2 s . per gallon . X . Is . 9 d . — Delivered at the wharf at Taunton . Cask , 36 gallons , 20 s ., to be repaid if the cask is received , in condition , within six months . Brewery , Taunton , Nov . 1 , 1836 .
Sight Restored, Nervous Head-Ache Cured,...
SIGHT RESTORED , Nervous Head-Ache Cured , and Cholera Prevented . —Under the Patronage of his Majesty , and the Lords of the Admiralty . —Dr . Abernethy used it , and by that gentlemen it was ' termed the Faculty ' s Friend , and Nurse ' s Vade Mecum . 1 ) r . Andrews also recommends its use as a preventive . Mr . A . Macintyre , aged 65 , No . 3 , Silver Street , Golden Square , cured of gutta serena . Mr . P . Saunderson , No . 10 , Harpur fetreet , Leeds , cured of Cataract . Mr . H . Pluckwell , Tottenham House , Tottenham , Middlesex , cured of Opthalmia . Miss S . EngleMd , Park Street , Windsor , cured of Nervous Head-ache . families of the first respectabilityproving
Original testimonials from medical gentlemen and , the above , maybe seen at No . 24 , King Street , Long Acre , the High patronage GRIMSTONE'S EYE SNUFF has attained is a testimonial beyond suspicion . Ibis delighttul herbaceous compound is the most wholesome Snuff taken , and is highly recommended tor its benign influence on all who use it . . . ., , This delightful compound of highly aromatic herbs is sold in canisters , at Is 3 d , 2 s 4 d and 8 s each , or loose at 6 d per ounce . Letters , post paid , with cash orders on London Agents , to Mr . Grimstone , No . 39 , Broad Street , Bloomsbury .
Chanter's Patent Auxiliary Boiler And Fu...
CHANTER'S PATENT AUXILIARY BOILER AND FURNACE , Which can be added to any Steam Boiler now in use without unseating it , HAS received the approbation ofthe First Engineers in London , Tiy whicli a considerable Increase of power is obtained , and an economy of fuel effected of 15 to 20 per cent . Also , CHANTER'S IMPROVED TUBE BOILER which can be eastl y , « d - not occupringhalf the usual space , and , when fixed with the Auxiliary Boiler and Patent I urnw * full 35 to 40 centwhich has e
effects an economy of fuel of per , * . ™ ^ f ^ J ^ X persons in London , where they can be seen in operation on app lication to the Patent Boiler and Furnace Office , Earl Street , BlackfriarsS The smoke from these furnaces is wholly converted into a flame ot gas . R t An improved small Boiler to generate heat raprdly with little fuel applicable to no Houses , Public Baths , Warehouses , & c , with hoMyater pipes , pedestals & c . Hot-Air Stoves on an improved princip le can also be seen at Chanter and Co . s Olhce , Earl Street , Blackfriars , London . ___
Patent Lever Watches, With Silver Double...
PATENT LEVER WATCHES , with silver double-bottom cases , 6 l . 6 s . ; with silver hunTng cases , 16 s . 6 d . extra . This celebrated . construction , ( the mosaceua * on £ *<* a watch can be made ) is now offered , with the latest improvcmcn ts y * ° f ^ ftmd midnment , jewelled in four holes , capped , hand to mark the seconds hard ename dial , ¦ J ™ h taining power to continue going while winding up , at he above price . Vertical Silver v two truineas each A variety of upwards of a hundred second-hand watches , some oi jewX ? all ^_ motmentskt ca ' n be warranted to be sold ^ wo ^^ % CornhiU , T COX SAVORY , Working Goldsmith , Silversmith , and Watchmaker , i / , ^ London . —N . B . Second-hand Watches purchased in exchange .