Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 7 of 10 →
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On Freemasonry.
ing knowledge , and hieroglyphics were invented to designate invisible objects or qualities ; and in process of time these Were combined , and formed into a regular system . The method adopteel by the Chinese is thus explained by Li Yang Ping ; ancl has been communicated by that eminent
scholar ancl antiquary Sir William Jones . " The ancient characters used in his country were the outlines of visible objects , earthly ancl celestial . But as things merely intellectual could not be expressed by those figures , the gramrnarians of China contrived to represent the various operations of the mind by metaphors drawn from the productions
of nature ; thus the idea of roughness and of rotundity , of niotion ancl rest , were conveyed to the eye by signs representing a mountain , the sky , a river , ancl the earth ; the
figure of the sun , moon , and stars , differently combined , stood for smoothness and splendour , for any thing artfully Wrought or woven with delicate workmanship ; extension , growth , increase , ancl many other qualities , were painted in characters taken from the clouds , from the firmament , and from the vegetable part of the creation ; the different
¦ Ways of moving , agility and slowness , idleness and diligence , ¦ Were expressed by various insects , birds , fish , and quadrupeds . In this manner passions ancl sentiments were traced by the pencil ; and ideas not subject to any sense were exhibited to the sight , until by degrees new combinations were invented , new expressions added ; the characters deviated
imperceptibl y from their primitive shape , and the Chinese language became not only clear and forcible , but rich and elegant in the highest degree . "
It is asserted , however , by Bin Washih that the first dynasty of the first kings of Egypt , " invented , each according to his own genius and understanding , a particular al phabet , in order that none should know them but the sons of wisdom . Few therefore are found who understand them Hi our time . They took the figures of different instruments ,
trees , plants , quadrupeds , birds or their parts , and of planets and fixed stars . In this manner these hieroglyphical alphapets became innumerable . They were not ' arranged at all Hi the order of our letters a , b , c , d , but they hacl proper characters agreed upon by the inventors of these alphabets , and which differed in their figure and order ; viz . they expressed water by {\ JSJ \/\\ - They understood the s ecrets of nature , and endeavoured to express every thing
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On Freemasonry.
ing knowledge , and hieroglyphics were invented to designate invisible objects or qualities ; and in process of time these Were combined , and formed into a regular system . The method adopteel by the Chinese is thus explained by Li Yang Ping ; ancl has been communicated by that eminent
scholar ancl antiquary Sir William Jones . " The ancient characters used in his country were the outlines of visible objects , earthly ancl celestial . But as things merely intellectual could not be expressed by those figures , the gramrnarians of China contrived to represent the various operations of the mind by metaphors drawn from the productions
of nature ; thus the idea of roughness and of rotundity , of niotion ancl rest , were conveyed to the eye by signs representing a mountain , the sky , a river , ancl the earth ; the
figure of the sun , moon , and stars , differently combined , stood for smoothness and splendour , for any thing artfully Wrought or woven with delicate workmanship ; extension , growth , increase , ancl many other qualities , were painted in characters taken from the clouds , from the firmament , and from the vegetable part of the creation ; the different
¦ Ways of moving , agility and slowness , idleness and diligence , ¦ Were expressed by various insects , birds , fish , and quadrupeds . In this manner passions ancl sentiments were traced by the pencil ; and ideas not subject to any sense were exhibited to the sight , until by degrees new combinations were invented , new expressions added ; the characters deviated
imperceptibl y from their primitive shape , and the Chinese language became not only clear and forcible , but rich and elegant in the highest degree . "
It is asserted , however , by Bin Washih that the first dynasty of the first kings of Egypt , " invented , each according to his own genius and understanding , a particular al phabet , in order that none should know them but the sons of wisdom . Few therefore are found who understand them Hi our time . They took the figures of different instruments ,
trees , plants , quadrupeds , birds or their parts , and of planets and fixed stars . In this manner these hieroglyphical alphapets became innumerable . They were not ' arranged at all Hi the order of our letters a , b , c , d , but they hacl proper characters agreed upon by the inventors of these alphabets , and which differed in their figure and order ; viz . they expressed water by {\ JSJ \/\\ - They understood the s ecrets of nature , and endeavoured to express every thing