Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 4 →
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To Correspondents.
M . M . We shall pause ere we reply ; three months' will enable us to decide upon the proper course . ALPHA . AS no Mason should so speak to another of his friend , hut as courtesy directs—so we will not write that which we do not consider to bo fair . ANTifiurrAS . A member enquires why , in the summonses , the W . M ., H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex is styled the R . W . M . ! FXAMIN ER . The minute is curious—but we should advise a reference to the minutes of the Grand Lodge on or about the same date , when it may probabl y appear to have been a resolution of Grand Lodge that the W . M . of the Lodge of Felicity shall , for the future , wear a red
Apron . IMPARTIAL , is a partial writer ; the Brother alluded to never expressed " a great anxiety" to he invited , hut has been often very courteously requested to visit the Lodge by more than a dozen members—and hehasas often" expressed regret" that various engagements have prevented him from availing himself of their kindness . ETIOUETTE . Dall Stewards are entrusted with sufficient power to prevent any improper interference with the duty ofthe Master of Ceremonies , who can omit or introduce dances as he may see occasion for . SCOTUS . The letter is inadmissible even -with name and address . G . H . The letter shown to tho Editor cannot be noticed—to ensure attention a letter must be addressed in the regular manner .
lino . PETER THOMPSON . His request shall if possible be attended to . HIIIAM , JUN . Why not give name and address ?—both are due . HERALD . Extract from records 3 Wm . IV . "Bv writ of privy seal dated 23 rd Mar . 1033 , John George llaron Durham was created Viscount , and Earl of the United Kingdom , as \ IScount Lainoton and Earl of Durham . " Dll . TVTLEIt ' S PROBLEM IN NO . 12 .-CLERICUS .-ALPHA .-L LATOMUS . —AN OLD 1 USON . —We confess our inability to supply the information , and having been thus candid , we invite some of our correspondents to aid our friends by a clear explanation , which « shall insert , or give proper reasons for declining . We can venture to promise that the Doctor will to to
be as ready as willing reply any correspondent . LATOMUS . The Ides of March are past—remember ! Duo . JANUS . What a signature 1 The circumstances were known , not merely guessed ateven the arrangement of the intended movement—the coquetry is amusing , but the question is now dccidedTand thc quarantine being removed , the party as if with a clean bill of health can resume his place without a whisper as to the cause ofhis late absence . C . B . We do not know if the Brother declined to second the proposition , but we do know that he was asked to do so . R S . The circumstances are highly honorable to all patties .
Bno . ELYERSON will perceive that we have availed ourselves ofhis communication . ERINENSIS will find that we have anticipated him . Bno . Hour . GH . KII . LAS . Kninht Templar ' s Song will appear in our next ; it came too late for our present number . We with pleasure correct an erratum in our last viz . that it was __ r ? Burnes , ^ ,,,. „ ot Dr . Brown , who proposed Brother GilI illan to be •¦ Poet Laureate" to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . We thank our friend warmly tor his kind letter , and thankfully admit hiin ' of our crew . " Dinna forget , Brother—and now all hail to the muse 1 Bno . TEN ISON . Has the scrap of paper reached you ?
FATHER TOM . Bother us again and again . Bno . BROWN . Have you received thc parcel ? AN INNER GUARD . Thc " idea" of a mo'ion to censure us , is not bad ; we presume a copy of the motion will be sent to us . if so it shall appear to the utmost possible advantage . A COUNTRY VISITOR . The Second Section at the last public night ofthe Grand stewards ' Lodge was worked by Bro . Rodgers , S . W . BRO . J . N . Kinjns ' s communication has heen freely employed . Thc attendance of the at Southampton Theatrewas in aid
PJIILODRAMATIOUS . Masons , of two very deserving Brother Masons , who as managers had expenenced severe losses uy tne depressed state of theatricals . BRO . GEO . AAI . ONS desires us to state that he has seriously considered ofsome few ^ Iterations in thc Ceremonies and Lectures-hut not being desirous of innovation , requiaU us to am him as to the best mode of submitting then to lhe Cralt . Had he not better ™ ns » lt with so . _ , c half dozen leading Brethren of thc principal Lodges ot Instructio . , an IJmv ng obtain ed Jicir sentiments , Anally submit the case to the consideration ol the Ciand Stewards Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
M . M . We shall pause ere we reply ; three months' will enable us to decide upon the proper course . ALPHA . AS no Mason should so speak to another of his friend , hut as courtesy directs—so we will not write that which we do not consider to bo fair . ANTifiurrAS . A member enquires why , in the summonses , the W . M ., H . R . H . the Duke of Sussex is styled the R . W . M . ! FXAMIN ER . The minute is curious—but we should advise a reference to the minutes of the Grand Lodge on or about the same date , when it may probabl y appear to have been a resolution of Grand Lodge that the W . M . of the Lodge of Felicity shall , for the future , wear a red
Apron . IMPARTIAL , is a partial writer ; the Brother alluded to never expressed " a great anxiety" to he invited , hut has been often very courteously requested to visit the Lodge by more than a dozen members—and hehasas often" expressed regret" that various engagements have prevented him from availing himself of their kindness . ETIOUETTE . Dall Stewards are entrusted with sufficient power to prevent any improper interference with the duty ofthe Master of Ceremonies , who can omit or introduce dances as he may see occasion for . SCOTUS . The letter is inadmissible even -with name and address . G . H . The letter shown to tho Editor cannot be noticed—to ensure attention a letter must be addressed in the regular manner .
lino . PETER THOMPSON . His request shall if possible be attended to . HIIIAM , JUN . Why not give name and address ?—both are due . HERALD . Extract from records 3 Wm . IV . "Bv writ of privy seal dated 23 rd Mar . 1033 , John George llaron Durham was created Viscount , and Earl of the United Kingdom , as \ IScount Lainoton and Earl of Durham . " Dll . TVTLEIt ' S PROBLEM IN NO . 12 .-CLERICUS .-ALPHA .-L LATOMUS . —AN OLD 1 USON . —We confess our inability to supply the information , and having been thus candid , we invite some of our correspondents to aid our friends by a clear explanation , which « shall insert , or give proper reasons for declining . We can venture to promise that the Doctor will to to
be as ready as willing reply any correspondent . LATOMUS . The Ides of March are past—remember ! Duo . JANUS . What a signature 1 The circumstances were known , not merely guessed ateven the arrangement of the intended movement—the coquetry is amusing , but the question is now dccidedTand thc quarantine being removed , the party as if with a clean bill of health can resume his place without a whisper as to the cause ofhis late absence . C . B . We do not know if the Brother declined to second the proposition , but we do know that he was asked to do so . R S . The circumstances are highly honorable to all patties .
Bno . ELYERSON will perceive that we have availed ourselves ofhis communication . ERINENSIS will find that we have anticipated him . Bno . Hour . GH . KII . LAS . Kninht Templar ' s Song will appear in our next ; it came too late for our present number . We with pleasure correct an erratum in our last viz . that it was __ r ? Burnes , ^ ,,,. „ ot Dr . Brown , who proposed Brother GilI illan to be •¦ Poet Laureate" to the Grand Lodge of Scotland . We thank our friend warmly tor his kind letter , and thankfully admit hiin ' of our crew . " Dinna forget , Brother—and now all hail to the muse 1 Bno . TEN ISON . Has the scrap of paper reached you ?
FATHER TOM . Bother us again and again . Bno . BROWN . Have you received thc parcel ? AN INNER GUARD . Thc " idea" of a mo'ion to censure us , is not bad ; we presume a copy of the motion will be sent to us . if so it shall appear to the utmost possible advantage . A COUNTRY VISITOR . The Second Section at the last public night ofthe Grand stewards ' Lodge was worked by Bro . Rodgers , S . W . BRO . J . N . Kinjns ' s communication has heen freely employed . Thc attendance of the at Southampton Theatrewas in aid
PJIILODRAMATIOUS . Masons , of two very deserving Brother Masons , who as managers had expenenced severe losses uy tne depressed state of theatricals . BRO . GEO . AAI . ONS desires us to state that he has seriously considered ofsome few ^ Iterations in thc Ceremonies and Lectures-hut not being desirous of innovation , requiaU us to am him as to the best mode of submitting then to lhe Cralt . Had he not better ™ ns » lt with so . _ , c half dozen leading Brethren of thc principal Lodges ot Instructio . , an IJmv ng obtain ed Jicir sentiments , Anally submit the case to the consideration ol the Ciand Stewards Lodge .