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happy to meet again , " after ivhich he retired , followed by the majority of the meeting—however a few bon vivans prolonged the mirthful moments until " High Twelve . " The anniversary of the Duke of Sussex ' s birth day was selected by the Victoria Lodge , No . 4 , for the ceremonial of inaugurating its officers . J . AA ' . King , Esq . AV . M . ; Joseph W . Geeson , M . D . S . W . ; Brother Keene , Surgeon DentistJ . AV . ; James HinesSch . of Trinity CollegeS . D .
, , , , ancl Robert Ruskell , Merchant , J . D . The attentions of the Brethren were profuse and pointed , and the visitors received with a cordial welcome . — " Father Tom" as usual catered for their comfort , and exerted himself generally to excite the social sympathies of the meeting . At six o ' clock , the dinner was placed sur le table , to which about thirty-five sat down , after grace Non nobis Domini was chanted by the musical Biethrenamongst whom we recognised Mr . Alexander LeeDirecteur of
, , the Abbey-street Theatre , who sang some ofhis own compositions with much sweetness . After the Masonic toasts , and the " Female Orphan School , encrease to its means , and decrease to its objects" had been given . Past Master Tenison , of Lodge No . 50 , requested permission to propose the health of a kind ami obliging friend , one who in his private character was altogether estimable , and who in his public capacity had
exerted his energies and attainments in the cultivation of that Masonic spirit and discipline which was so well calculated to "promote peace upon earth , and good will amongst men , " and ivhich taught us not only to revere the laws of the land , but the edicts of our Creator , making us mindful of our present , and our future welfare . Brother King ' s conduct on that evening , was such as might have been anticipated from his general character , and he ( Bro . T . ) was certain , that so long as he retained
the high station of Master of the Alctoria Lodge , his actions would be such , as to show how deeply at heart he had the interests of their Order . He therefore proposed the W . Master ' s health . Glee— " Old King Cole . " About ten o ' clock the Lodge closed , after ivhich Past Master Deane was called to the chair . Amongst the toasts then drunk , was the health of P . M . Keckwho at all times deserves praisefor the manner in which
, , he discharges his Masonic duties . Brother Hines then proposed the health of Brother Quinton , the first Master of No . 4 , detailing in a very felicitous and humourous manner , the part he understood to have been taken in the resuscitation of this rapidly rising and respectable warrant , by " the Three Tom ' s of the Alctoria "—Tom Wright , Tom Quinton , and Tom Keck . Soon after the Brethren seperated , the evening passing off ' with harmony and right feeling .
A grand jeweller and grand organist are forthwith to be appointed to the institution in Ireland . This is as it should be . MARK MASTER MASONS , February 17 . —A congratulation for conferring the degree of - S \ . M . M . was this evening holden under warrant No . 2 . The meeting ivas numerously attended , as several respected members of the Grand Master ' s and other Lodges had expressed their anxiety to be matriculated . At eiht o ' clock the chair was taken bJohn Norman
g y , Esq . P . D . G . M , supported by Brother Carlton , as S . AV . and Brothers Roe , Keene , and Emerson , as Grand Overseers . It is about six years since the Order of Mark-Masonry was first received in this city from the United States of America , through the medium of the D . G . Secretary of Ireland , and by him presented to his MotherLodgeNo . 2 , which still con-VOL . iv . s
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
happy to meet again , " after ivhich he retired , followed by the majority of the meeting—however a few bon vivans prolonged the mirthful moments until " High Twelve . " The anniversary of the Duke of Sussex ' s birth day was selected by the Victoria Lodge , No . 4 , for the ceremonial of inaugurating its officers . J . AA ' . King , Esq . AV . M . ; Joseph W . Geeson , M . D . S . W . ; Brother Keene , Surgeon DentistJ . AV . ; James HinesSch . of Trinity CollegeS . D .
, , , , ancl Robert Ruskell , Merchant , J . D . The attentions of the Brethren were profuse and pointed , and the visitors received with a cordial welcome . — " Father Tom" as usual catered for their comfort , and exerted himself generally to excite the social sympathies of the meeting . At six o ' clock , the dinner was placed sur le table , to which about thirty-five sat down , after grace Non nobis Domini was chanted by the musical Biethrenamongst whom we recognised Mr . Alexander LeeDirecteur of
, , the Abbey-street Theatre , who sang some ofhis own compositions with much sweetness . After the Masonic toasts , and the " Female Orphan School , encrease to its means , and decrease to its objects" had been given . Past Master Tenison , of Lodge No . 50 , requested permission to propose the health of a kind ami obliging friend , one who in his private character was altogether estimable , and who in his public capacity had
exerted his energies and attainments in the cultivation of that Masonic spirit and discipline which was so well calculated to "promote peace upon earth , and good will amongst men , " and ivhich taught us not only to revere the laws of the land , but the edicts of our Creator , making us mindful of our present , and our future welfare . Brother King ' s conduct on that evening , was such as might have been anticipated from his general character , and he ( Bro . T . ) was certain , that so long as he retained
the high station of Master of the Alctoria Lodge , his actions would be such , as to show how deeply at heart he had the interests of their Order . He therefore proposed the W . Master ' s health . Glee— " Old King Cole . " About ten o ' clock the Lodge closed , after ivhich Past Master Deane was called to the chair . Amongst the toasts then drunk , was the health of P . M . Keckwho at all times deserves praisefor the manner in which
, , he discharges his Masonic duties . Brother Hines then proposed the health of Brother Quinton , the first Master of No . 4 , detailing in a very felicitous and humourous manner , the part he understood to have been taken in the resuscitation of this rapidly rising and respectable warrant , by " the Three Tom ' s of the Alctoria "—Tom Wright , Tom Quinton , and Tom Keck . Soon after the Brethren seperated , the evening passing off ' with harmony and right feeling .
A grand jeweller and grand organist are forthwith to be appointed to the institution in Ireland . This is as it should be . MARK MASTER MASONS , February 17 . —A congratulation for conferring the degree of - S \ . M . M . was this evening holden under warrant No . 2 . The meeting ivas numerously attended , as several respected members of the Grand Master ' s and other Lodges had expressed their anxiety to be matriculated . At eiht o ' clock the chair was taken bJohn Norman
g y , Esq . P . D . G . M , supported by Brother Carlton , as S . AV . and Brothers Roe , Keene , and Emerson , as Grand Overseers . It is about six years since the Order of Mark-Masonry was first received in this city from the United States of America , through the medium of the D . G . Secretary of Ireland , and by him presented to his MotherLodgeNo . 2 , which still con-VOL . iv . s