Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 4 of 10 →
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On Freemasonry.
Latopolis , the temple of Isis at Philoe , Apollinopolis-magna , or Edfu & c , and these scientific ornaments were confined to apartments which were concealed with great care from the inspection of those who did not possess the advantages of initiation .
The ancient zodiac of Egypt , which curiously enough , was sometimes denominated Olympus , exhibited the three characters who were the subjects of that traditional lore which pervaded the mysteries , Osiris , Isis , ancl Typhon , as Taurus , Virgo , ancl Scorpio ; and the latter was depicted as half man , half fish ; breathing fire ancl pestilence from his
mouth , and brandishing lightnings in both his outstretched hands . This is probably a correct exposition of the mythological fable , that the gods assumed the form of various animals to elude the rage of Typhon ; ancl if by Typhon he meant the ocean , as it undoubtedly was in some of its interpretations ( Tvtfiova Se T >] v QaXaaaav ) this event would refer
, to the general deluge . Added to the above the Aries of the zodiac was no other than Jupiter * or Ham ; ancl Jupiter Hammon was represented with horns because the astronomical year commences when Sol enters Aries . He was also immortalized as a primary planet , and Thursday , consecrated to him , was considered a fortunate clay . Gemini
was composed of Hercules ancl Apollo ; ancl the twelve labourers of the former were said by Porphyry to refer to the twelve signs of the zodiac , through which the sun annually passes . Cancer was Thoth or Hermes ; or according to some authorities Scorpio , thus in a cornelian belonging to the king of Prussia , Mercury is seated with a ram on
one side ancl a Scorpion on the other . Macrobius says that the Scorpion represents the virtue of the sun ; ancl the same author adds , that Mercury was also regarded as the god of the sun himself . From hence he is presumed to have had the Scorpion for an attribute . Again , Shem as Mithras was canonized , if I may so term it , in Leo ; Ham as Jupiter in
Aries ; ancl Japheth as Canophnsin Aquarius ; Mizraim the son of Ham as Osiris in Taurus , because Osiris is said to have taught mankind to plough with oxen at that season of the year when the sun is in the constellation Taurus . Thoth his son as Apollo in the sun ; Astarte his daughter as Venus Urania in the moon ; and her image in the temple at Pathos ,
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On Freemasonry.
Latopolis , the temple of Isis at Philoe , Apollinopolis-magna , or Edfu & c , and these scientific ornaments were confined to apartments which were concealed with great care from the inspection of those who did not possess the advantages of initiation .
The ancient zodiac of Egypt , which curiously enough , was sometimes denominated Olympus , exhibited the three characters who were the subjects of that traditional lore which pervaded the mysteries , Osiris , Isis , ancl Typhon , as Taurus , Virgo , ancl Scorpio ; and the latter was depicted as half man , half fish ; breathing fire ancl pestilence from his
mouth , and brandishing lightnings in both his outstretched hands . This is probably a correct exposition of the mythological fable , that the gods assumed the form of various animals to elude the rage of Typhon ; ancl if by Typhon he meant the ocean , as it undoubtedly was in some of its interpretations ( Tvtfiova Se T >] v QaXaaaav ) this event would refer
, to the general deluge . Added to the above the Aries of the zodiac was no other than Jupiter * or Ham ; ancl Jupiter Hammon was represented with horns because the astronomical year commences when Sol enters Aries . He was also immortalized as a primary planet , and Thursday , consecrated to him , was considered a fortunate clay . Gemini
was composed of Hercules ancl Apollo ; ancl the twelve labourers of the former were said by Porphyry to refer to the twelve signs of the zodiac , through which the sun annually passes . Cancer was Thoth or Hermes ; or according to some authorities Scorpio , thus in a cornelian belonging to the king of Prussia , Mercury is seated with a ram on
one side ancl a Scorpion on the other . Macrobius says that the Scorpion represents the virtue of the sun ; ancl the same author adds , that Mercury was also regarded as the god of the sun himself . From hence he is presumed to have had the Scorpion for an attribute . Again , Shem as Mithras was canonized , if I may so term it , in Leo ; Ham as Jupiter in
Aries ; ancl Japheth as Canophnsin Aquarius ; Mizraim the son of Ham as Osiris in Taurus , because Osiris is said to have taught mankind to plough with oxen at that season of the year when the sun is in the constellation Taurus . Thoth his son as Apollo in the sun ; Astarte his daughter as Venus Urania in the moon ; and her image in the temple at Pathos ,