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intrinsic value of the gifts will , it is hoped , be accepted on the presentation . Q UARTERLY COMMUNICATION , February . —It was this day proposed by the Rig ht AVorshipful Brother Dr . James Burnes—seconded by Rig ht AVorshipful Brother Deans , and cordially agreed to : "That to mark the sense of the benefit which Freemasonry is deriving from
that very excellent Periodical the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , the Grand Lodge do possess itself of a copy thereof from the commencement , and do subscribe to it regularly in future . " Robert T . Crueefix , Esq . M . D ., Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of England has been proposed , and with one voice and accord admitted a member of the Lodge Canongate Kilwinning , Edinburgh , and enrolled accordingly . The mistake of a worthy Past Secretary of the Lodge had led the Master and members into the belief that Dr . C . had been received into the Lodge at a former period .
FREE-MASONIC SCHOOLS . —As a proof that general means are not wanting , nor generous hearts to support any effort of the Grand Lodge to establish some praiseworthy institution of this kind—it consists with fact , that a sum of 25 / ., or thereabouts , was subscribed by a Masonic community in the North , and- sent to the Grand Treasurer ( some considerable time since ) for the purpose of founding a school , which appears to have been then in contemplation by Grand Lodge . The plan
we are sorry to find has never been carried into execution , and the money , if we mistake not , has been very lately recalled by the contributors . February 21 . —The Rig ht Hon . Lord Ramsay , M . E . Z . of the Canongate Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter , held a Meeting for exaltation of Candidates , at two o ' clock P . M ., at which the Senior Grand AVarden of Scotland , Mr . W . Forbes M'Kenzie , was exalted . There have been but few meetings of either Royal Arch or Templars this seasonthe
, Grand Centenary having seemingly absorbed all else in its engrossing interest and eclat . Few persons indeed have yet recovered from their surprise at the extraordinary Masonic spirit and demonstration evoked on that occasion , by activity , zeal , and the employment of the public press . A new era is beginning .
The name of St . Clair , or Sinclair , seems to have been destined to reflect lustre on the annals ofthe Lodge Canongate Kilwinning . That truly enlightened patriot and practical p hilanthropist , the late Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster , one of His Majesty ' s Privy Councillors , & c . was the Father of the Lodge at the time of his decease . One of his sons , the Rev . Mr . Sinclair , is now preparing for the press a Life of Sir John . A vacancy has occurred in the province of AVest Renfrew by the
recent death of Sir M . S . Stewart . MASONIC CALENDAR . —There can now he no doubt that the press is the legitimate vehicle of Masonic information , and is calculated to increase and strengthen mightily the interests of the Order . It were to be wished that at least a Freemasons' Calendar or Almanack were attempted in Scotland , as a means of concentrating and keeping alive the interests of the different members . With zeal and due discretion on the part of the
Grand Lodge its funds ivould not suffer by such a publication ; on the contrary , whatever tends to the diffusion of Masonic information must bring in resources to its coffers . VOL . iv . o .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
intrinsic value of the gifts will , it is hoped , be accepted on the presentation . Q UARTERLY COMMUNICATION , February . —It was this day proposed by the Rig ht AVorshipful Brother Dr . James Burnes—seconded by Rig ht AVorshipful Brother Deans , and cordially agreed to : "That to mark the sense of the benefit which Freemasonry is deriving from
that very excellent Periodical the Freemasons' Quarterly Review , the Grand Lodge do possess itself of a copy thereof from the commencement , and do subscribe to it regularly in future . " Robert T . Crueefix , Esq . M . D ., Junior Grand Deacon of the Grand Lodge of England has been proposed , and with one voice and accord admitted a member of the Lodge Canongate Kilwinning , Edinburgh , and enrolled accordingly . The mistake of a worthy Past Secretary of the Lodge had led the Master and members into the belief that Dr . C . had been received into the Lodge at a former period .
FREE-MASONIC SCHOOLS . —As a proof that general means are not wanting , nor generous hearts to support any effort of the Grand Lodge to establish some praiseworthy institution of this kind—it consists with fact , that a sum of 25 / ., or thereabouts , was subscribed by a Masonic community in the North , and- sent to the Grand Treasurer ( some considerable time since ) for the purpose of founding a school , which appears to have been then in contemplation by Grand Lodge . The plan
we are sorry to find has never been carried into execution , and the money , if we mistake not , has been very lately recalled by the contributors . February 21 . —The Rig ht Hon . Lord Ramsay , M . E . Z . of the Canongate Kilwinning Royal Arch Chapter , held a Meeting for exaltation of Candidates , at two o ' clock P . M ., at which the Senior Grand AVarden of Scotland , Mr . W . Forbes M'Kenzie , was exalted . There have been but few meetings of either Royal Arch or Templars this seasonthe
, Grand Centenary having seemingly absorbed all else in its engrossing interest and eclat . Few persons indeed have yet recovered from their surprise at the extraordinary Masonic spirit and demonstration evoked on that occasion , by activity , zeal , and the employment of the public press . A new era is beginning .
The name of St . Clair , or Sinclair , seems to have been destined to reflect lustre on the annals ofthe Lodge Canongate Kilwinning . That truly enlightened patriot and practical p hilanthropist , the late Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster , one of His Majesty ' s Privy Councillors , & c . was the Father of the Lodge at the time of his decease . One of his sons , the Rev . Mr . Sinclair , is now preparing for the press a Life of Sir John . A vacancy has occurred in the province of AVest Renfrew by the
recent death of Sir M . S . Stewart . MASONIC CALENDAR . —There can now he no doubt that the press is the legitimate vehicle of Masonic information , and is calculated to increase and strengthen mightily the interests of the Order . It were to be wished that at least a Freemasons' Calendar or Almanack were attempted in Scotland , as a means of concentrating and keeping alive the interests of the different members . With zeal and due discretion on the part of the
Grand Lodge its funds ivould not suffer by such a publication ; on the contrary , whatever tends to the diffusion of Masonic information must bring in resources to its coffers . VOL . iv . o .