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is honorably enrolled among the first projectors of the intended Aged Masons' Asylum , in completion of which establishment the attention of the Craft is now deeply engaged . The exemplary Brother was also proposed as an honorary Companion of the Royal Arch Chapter of Sincerity , and from the acclamation with which his name was received , we doubt not the result of the ballot will be equall y honourable to the Companions as to the most worthy Brother alluded to . A numerous
meeting of Companions from the adjacent towns and provinces , is expected to be held here in the first week in April , of which due notice will be given . It may not be generally known that the Cricket-Club have recently given to their Secretary , Mr . J . Eales AVhite , a substantial proof of the value they ascribe to his services , by presenting him with a very handsome silver Salver , of £ 30 value , bearing the following inscription : —
" Presented by the Members of the Taunton CRICKET -CLUB , to their respected Secretary , EALES AVHITE , in testimony of their gratitude for his kind and unwearied attentions in promoting the interest and prosperity ofthe CLUB , 1837 . " This piece of Plate , which has heen furnished with very creditable taste and excellent workmanshi p , of the " Convolvolus" pattern , by our respectable townsman , Mr . Roberts , was handed over , a few days ago ^ to White b
Mr . y N . Lee , Esq . who waited on him , with a numerous deputation from the Club for that purpose , and accompanied its presentation with an address , as sincere , eloquent , and appropriate , as the answer thereto was replete with social feeling and becoming gratitude . Mr . AVhite has since addressed a circular to each member of the Club expressive of his grateful respect on the occasion . The Plate is now in the hands of Mr . Roberts , for the inspection of such of the subscribers as had not the opportunity of attending the presentation .
GRAND LODGK . —A patent constituting that zealous and enterprising Mason , James Burnes , Esq . LL . D . R . AV . Provincial Grand Master for the AVestern Provinces of India , has passed the seal of the Grand Master of Scotland , Lord Ramsay , after having duly received the sanction of Grand Lodge . In this appointment there is equal discretion observed in regard to the interests of Freemasonry , as in the promotion of a most distinguished Brother , and it may not be too much to express our opinionthat had
, the services and zeal of Dr . Burnes been previously made known to the Duke of Sussex , that his Royal Highness would probably have himself delegated him with a similar power . As it is , we are certain that the esteemed Mason will wear his honors nobly , and promote the highest behests of the Order with equal spirit and discretion . Dr . Burnes has also received from his Majesty the honor of the Guelphic Orderas a reward for his scientific attainments
, . February S . —This supreme Bod y has resolved to present the golden medal lately struck in honor of the Centenary , to the M . W . the Grand Masters of England and of Ireland ; and unanimousl y deputed Dr . James Burnes , P . G . M . for AVestern India , to be the bearer of those tokens of Fraternal regard to II . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , and his Grace the Duke of Leinster . The motive of the givers , if not the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
is honorably enrolled among the first projectors of the intended Aged Masons' Asylum , in completion of which establishment the attention of the Craft is now deeply engaged . The exemplary Brother was also proposed as an honorary Companion of the Royal Arch Chapter of Sincerity , and from the acclamation with which his name was received , we doubt not the result of the ballot will be equall y honourable to the Companions as to the most worthy Brother alluded to . A numerous
meeting of Companions from the adjacent towns and provinces , is expected to be held here in the first week in April , of which due notice will be given . It may not be generally known that the Cricket-Club have recently given to their Secretary , Mr . J . Eales AVhite , a substantial proof of the value they ascribe to his services , by presenting him with a very handsome silver Salver , of £ 30 value , bearing the following inscription : —
" Presented by the Members of the Taunton CRICKET -CLUB , to their respected Secretary , EALES AVHITE , in testimony of their gratitude for his kind and unwearied attentions in promoting the interest and prosperity ofthe CLUB , 1837 . " This piece of Plate , which has heen furnished with very creditable taste and excellent workmanshi p , of the " Convolvolus" pattern , by our respectable townsman , Mr . Roberts , was handed over , a few days ago ^ to White b
Mr . y N . Lee , Esq . who waited on him , with a numerous deputation from the Club for that purpose , and accompanied its presentation with an address , as sincere , eloquent , and appropriate , as the answer thereto was replete with social feeling and becoming gratitude . Mr . AVhite has since addressed a circular to each member of the Club expressive of his grateful respect on the occasion . The Plate is now in the hands of Mr . Roberts , for the inspection of such of the subscribers as had not the opportunity of attending the presentation .
GRAND LODGK . —A patent constituting that zealous and enterprising Mason , James Burnes , Esq . LL . D . R . AV . Provincial Grand Master for the AVestern Provinces of India , has passed the seal of the Grand Master of Scotland , Lord Ramsay , after having duly received the sanction of Grand Lodge . In this appointment there is equal discretion observed in regard to the interests of Freemasonry , as in the promotion of a most distinguished Brother , and it may not be too much to express our opinionthat had
, the services and zeal of Dr . Burnes been previously made known to the Duke of Sussex , that his Royal Highness would probably have himself delegated him with a similar power . As it is , we are certain that the esteemed Mason will wear his honors nobly , and promote the highest behests of the Order with equal spirit and discretion . Dr . Burnes has also received from his Majesty the honor of the Guelphic Orderas a reward for his scientific attainments
, . February S . —This supreme Bod y has resolved to present the golden medal lately struck in honor of the Centenary , to the M . W . the Grand Masters of England and of Ireland ; and unanimousl y deputed Dr . James Burnes , P . G . M . for AVestern India , to be the bearer of those tokens of Fraternal regard to II . R . H . the Duke of Sussex , and his Grace the Duke of Leinster . The motive of the givers , if not the