Article GENERAL REMARKS. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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General Remarks.
together , and thus meeting together , soften , by the kindlier impulses of their happier moments , the asperities which in other meetings have only tended still further to divide them ? Oh ! Freemasonry , wh y is not th y worshi p as universal as are all thy princi p les !
It is cheeriii" - to knoiv that our general estate is healthybut it is fair to observe , that it is onl y in prosperity we can carry into operative effect those honest expectations which a less fortunate era may have onl y alloived us to hope forand therefore , in repudiating as needless , if not as disgusting , any allusion to a change in the sentiments of the great Masonic body , we the more clearly place before them the
results of honest and dispassionate discussion , leaving the minutiae of the interpretation of certain regulations in Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter to their respective authorities . Our numbers have greatly increased . Were this the onl y
matter of congratulation , it would be most important ; but when it is known that with such an increase of numbers , is also to be taken into the account a more than proportionate increase in the spirit and intelligence of those Avho have enrolled themselves ; and further , that men of influence in
general society , among the hi g her walks of literature and the learned professions , have associated themselves in the Fraternity—a guarantee to the " State " is thereby indorsed by additional security .
The interest of our public proceedings is anxiously watched by those who are yet unqualified to take part therein , but who , determined not to be " sleeping partners " in the great concern , have pushed themselves forward , and thus more are reall y qualified than can gain read y
admission . In proof of this position , we aver that , at the present moment , there is scarcel y a dormant warrant in London—AVC mi g ht say not one— -whereas , three vears since ,
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General Remarks.
together , and thus meeting together , soften , by the kindlier impulses of their happier moments , the asperities which in other meetings have only tended still further to divide them ? Oh ! Freemasonry , wh y is not th y worshi p as universal as are all thy princi p les !
It is cheeriii" - to knoiv that our general estate is healthybut it is fair to observe , that it is onl y in prosperity we can carry into operative effect those honest expectations which a less fortunate era may have onl y alloived us to hope forand therefore , in repudiating as needless , if not as disgusting , any allusion to a change in the sentiments of the great Masonic body , we the more clearly place before them the
results of honest and dispassionate discussion , leaving the minutiae of the interpretation of certain regulations in Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter to their respective authorities . Our numbers have greatly increased . Were this the onl y
matter of congratulation , it would be most important ; but when it is known that with such an increase of numbers , is also to be taken into the account a more than proportionate increase in the spirit and intelligence of those Avho have enrolled themselves ; and further , that men of influence in
general society , among the hi g her walks of literature and the learned professions , have associated themselves in the Fraternity—a guarantee to the " State " is thereby indorsed by additional security .
The interest of our public proceedings is anxiously watched by those who are yet unqualified to take part therein , but who , determined not to be " sleeping partners " in the great concern , have pushed themselves forward , and thus more are reall y qualified than can gain read y
admission . In proof of this position , we aver that , at the present moment , there is scarcel y a dormant warrant in London—AVC mi g ht say not one— -whereas , three vears since ,