Article Masonic Obituary. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Obituary.
Grand Steward in the year 1807 , when he became a member of the Grand Steward's Lodge , and in the years 1824-5 he presided ^ over that Lodge with that masonic zeal and talent for which he was distinguished . At the Grand Festival in 1826 , he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon . He also served Steward to the Anniversary of the M . AV . Grand JIasters' Birthday , and ivas a contributor to the JIasonic charities . About the period that his late Royal Hihness the Duke of York
g took upon himself the JIastership of the Prince of AA'ales' Lodge , Brother B . became a member of that Lodge ; he also contributed his valuable services , in co-operation with Sir Frederick Fowkes , in establishing the Prince of AArales' R . A . Chapter : in both these characters he continued to render his zealous and efficient services , until a very recent period . Our lamented Brother possessed a most amiable and intelligent
disposition , ever ready to communicate instruction to his Brethren . In very early life he was patronized by royalty and appointed page to one of the princesses , from whom he was transferred to the household of his late JIajesty George the Third , and was in attendance upon that venerable monarch in his very last moments , and on his demise , enjoyed a share of the royal munificence . On the accession to the throne of our present Most Gracious Sovereign
, he was pleased to confer upon our late Brother the office of Secretary to His Majesty ' s privy purse , which he continued to hold to the time of his decease . He married early , but had been a widower some years , having had a family of eleven children , who are left to deplore this sad bereavement .
His eldest son is a Lieutenant in the Bengal cavalry ; another son an officer in the navy ; the third son in the medical profession . Sir Thomas H . FARQUHAR , Bart ., died on the 12 th of January , at his house in King Street , St . James ' s , after a short but severe indisposition . Sir Thomas was the eldest son of Sir AValler Farquhar , an eminent physician in his day . Sir AA alter was created a Baronet by Jlr . Pitt in 1796 who left him in his will a legacy of one thousand guineasas a
, , professional fee . Sir Thomas Farquhar , his deceased son , was known to tbe JIasonic Fraternity as a Brother anxious to prove himself as serviceable as his habits of business permitted . AVe regret that our information is defective in many essential particulars , which we hope some of our readers will supply . Sir Thomas was President of the Board of Stewards , at the Grand Masters' Festival , when the Marquess of Salisbury presided as chairman .
' Brother THOMAS KNOWLES , W . M . elect , of the Globe Lodge , a Grand Steward of the present year , a warm friend and a deserving Brother , died Jan . 4 , ietat 55 . ' Brother JOHN RENELIUS GORTZ , P . M ., aetat 58 , of Lodge 35 ; he was one of the nine worthies of the Ancient Order , a Royal Arch Mason , and a Knight Templar . BROTHER DAMEL LYNCH . —The Freemasons in the northern counties
will learn with much regret that death has deprived them of one of the most zealous supporters of the Craft , in the person of Jlr . Daniel Lynch , of Manchester : lie died on the 23 rd of January , 1836 . Brother Lynch became a member of the Lodge of Integrity , in Jlanchester , nearly forty years ago , and up to the period of his decease was one of its best and most useful members ; such , indeed , was his devotion vol .. III . M
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Masonic Obituary.
Grand Steward in the year 1807 , when he became a member of the Grand Steward's Lodge , and in the years 1824-5 he presided ^ over that Lodge with that masonic zeal and talent for which he was distinguished . At the Grand Festival in 1826 , he was appointed Junior Grand Deacon . He also served Steward to the Anniversary of the M . AV . Grand JIasters' Birthday , and ivas a contributor to the JIasonic charities . About the period that his late Royal Hihness the Duke of York
g took upon himself the JIastership of the Prince of AA'ales' Lodge , Brother B . became a member of that Lodge ; he also contributed his valuable services , in co-operation with Sir Frederick Fowkes , in establishing the Prince of AArales' R . A . Chapter : in both these characters he continued to render his zealous and efficient services , until a very recent period . Our lamented Brother possessed a most amiable and intelligent
disposition , ever ready to communicate instruction to his Brethren . In very early life he was patronized by royalty and appointed page to one of the princesses , from whom he was transferred to the household of his late JIajesty George the Third , and was in attendance upon that venerable monarch in his very last moments , and on his demise , enjoyed a share of the royal munificence . On the accession to the throne of our present Most Gracious Sovereign
, he was pleased to confer upon our late Brother the office of Secretary to His Majesty ' s privy purse , which he continued to hold to the time of his decease . He married early , but had been a widower some years , having had a family of eleven children , who are left to deplore this sad bereavement .
His eldest son is a Lieutenant in the Bengal cavalry ; another son an officer in the navy ; the third son in the medical profession . Sir Thomas H . FARQUHAR , Bart ., died on the 12 th of January , at his house in King Street , St . James ' s , after a short but severe indisposition . Sir Thomas was the eldest son of Sir AValler Farquhar , an eminent physician in his day . Sir AA alter was created a Baronet by Jlr . Pitt in 1796 who left him in his will a legacy of one thousand guineasas a
, , professional fee . Sir Thomas Farquhar , his deceased son , was known to tbe JIasonic Fraternity as a Brother anxious to prove himself as serviceable as his habits of business permitted . AVe regret that our information is defective in many essential particulars , which we hope some of our readers will supply . Sir Thomas was President of the Board of Stewards , at the Grand Masters' Festival , when the Marquess of Salisbury presided as chairman .
' Brother THOMAS KNOWLES , W . M . elect , of the Globe Lodge , a Grand Steward of the present year , a warm friend and a deserving Brother , died Jan . 4 , ietat 55 . ' Brother JOHN RENELIUS GORTZ , P . M ., aetat 58 , of Lodge 35 ; he was one of the nine worthies of the Ancient Order , a Royal Arch Mason , and a Knight Templar . BROTHER DAMEL LYNCH . —The Freemasons in the northern counties
will learn with much regret that death has deprived them of one of the most zealous supporters of the Craft , in the person of Jlr . Daniel Lynch , of Manchester : lie died on the 23 rd of January , 1836 . Brother Lynch became a member of the Lodge of Integrity , in Jlanchester , nearly forty years ago , and up to the period of his decease was one of its best and most useful members ; such , indeed , was his devotion vol .. III . M