Article MASONIC REMINISCENCES. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Masonic Reminiscences.
The Rev . John Frith . . Grand Prelate H . AVoodthorpe , jun . Senior Grand Captain H . J . Da Costa .... Junior Grand Captain Charles A alentine . . . - ) Richard Jebb . . . . | The Rt . Hon . Earl Moira . j- Captains General Malcolm Gilhes .... I
AVilliam Henry AVhite . . J The Rev . John Austin . . Grand Chancellor and Keeper of the Archives Robert Gill Grand Registrar and Vice Chancellor T . AV . H . AVoodthorpe . Senior Grand Expert Richard Spencer . . . Junior Grand Expert George Fallowdown . . Grand Almoner John Gilbert Grand Chamberlain
Andrew Dennis O'Kelly ) StalKiard Bearers R . L . Percy . . . . j Chevalier de Brieux . \ Members of the Council Samuel Newman . . ' i Edward Harper . . . ' i „ . . „ ., T . Richard Jones . . . ; J Captams of the Lines knobmson
J ? R • • • \ Aids du Camp to the Grand Master AVilliam AVilliams . . i l Alexander Gibbs . . 7 „ , ,, James Overbeck . . . j Grand Heralds Si mo ii McGUlivra ' y ' . ' . ; | Grand Provost and Hospitallers
Valentine Salmon . . . Grand Equerry Robert Miller .... Assistant Equerry . The Knights Companions then proceeded to the nomination of a Grand Treasurer for the year ensuing ; when Sir Knt . Aldridge was unanimously elected to that office . The Knights present , not being commanders of Encampments , were then desired to withdraw to the Banqueting-room ; after ivhichthe
, Chair Degree of the Order was imparted to the Commanders and Grand Officers then formed in sacred Conclave in due form . The Conclave being closed in the ancient form , His lloyal Highness and the Grand Officers joined the Banquet , and the business of the day concluded with enthusiastic felicity and gratification to all the Knights assembled .
THE Annual Meeting of the Grand Conclave and Communication will be held at Free Masons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on Thursday the 1 st July next * , for the Nomination and Installation of Grand Officers for the year ensuing , and on other business of the Conclave ; also for the celebration of the Anniversary Festival , of which please to acquaint the Knights of your Encampment , and transmit to the Grand Registrar a list of those who can make it convenient to attend on or before Tuesday the 29 th June ; together ivith an account of registering fees that may be due from your Encampment to the Grand Conclave .
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Masonic Reminiscences.
The Rev . John Frith . . Grand Prelate H . AVoodthorpe , jun . Senior Grand Captain H . J . Da Costa .... Junior Grand Captain Charles A alentine . . . - ) Richard Jebb . . . . | The Rt . Hon . Earl Moira . j- Captains General Malcolm Gilhes .... I
AVilliam Henry AVhite . . J The Rev . John Austin . . Grand Chancellor and Keeper of the Archives Robert Gill Grand Registrar and Vice Chancellor T . AV . H . AVoodthorpe . Senior Grand Expert Richard Spencer . . . Junior Grand Expert George Fallowdown . . Grand Almoner John Gilbert Grand Chamberlain
Andrew Dennis O'Kelly ) StalKiard Bearers R . L . Percy . . . . j Chevalier de Brieux . \ Members of the Council Samuel Newman . . ' i Edward Harper . . . ' i „ . . „ ., T . Richard Jones . . . ; J Captams of the Lines knobmson
J ? R • • • \ Aids du Camp to the Grand Master AVilliam AVilliams . . i l Alexander Gibbs . . 7 „ , ,, James Overbeck . . . j Grand Heralds Si mo ii McGUlivra ' y ' . ' . ; | Grand Provost and Hospitallers
Valentine Salmon . . . Grand Equerry Robert Miller .... Assistant Equerry . The Knights Companions then proceeded to the nomination of a Grand Treasurer for the year ensuing ; when Sir Knt . Aldridge was unanimously elected to that office . The Knights present , not being commanders of Encampments , were then desired to withdraw to the Banqueting-room ; after ivhichthe
, Chair Degree of the Order was imparted to the Commanders and Grand Officers then formed in sacred Conclave in due form . The Conclave being closed in the ancient form , His lloyal Highness and the Grand Officers joined the Banquet , and the business of the day concluded with enthusiastic felicity and gratification to all the Knights assembled .
THE Annual Meeting of the Grand Conclave and Communication will be held at Free Masons' Tavern , Great Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , on Thursday the 1 st July next * , for the Nomination and Installation of Grand Officers for the year ensuing , and on other business of the Conclave ; also for the celebration of the Anniversary Festival , of which please to acquaint the Knights of your Encampment , and transmit to the Grand Registrar a list of those who can make it convenient to attend on or before Tuesday the 29 th June ; together ivith an account of registering fees that may be due from your Encampment to the Grand Conclave .