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• I -I —• wore suspended from his side a stilus , and materials for working . The features of the younger bore an almost womanish resemblance to the countenance of his brother , for such was the connexion between them . In lieu of the ample beard , the first down of manhood curled lightly round his lip , concealing its naturally scornful expression ; his head was cast from that mould of beauty in which the intellectual and voluptuous
are equally predominant , and alike suited to the character of a Sardanapalus or Epicurus . Unlike the peaceful bearing of his brother , a hght cuirass of gilded steel was girded upon his breast , and a sword depended in its silver scabbard from his thigh ; a bow , with a plentiful supply of arrows , fastened to the head of his saddle , but so lightly as to be ready for instant service , completed his military equipment : inother respects the garb of the brothers the The inscri
was same . ption upon the scroll of the younger being Eli , of the tribe of Bejamin , a captain m Israel . The two strangers had approached within hail of the gate of the Holy City , when , as if by mutual consent , they reined their horses , and the younger ofthe two addressing a Hebrew , who for some time had been regarding them ivith a dissatisfied look , demanded if he could guide them to the house of some person of good repute , where they might be entertained for the night within tbe walls .
Is thy servant a dog ? " replied the Pharisee—for EH had addressed one of that stern sect— " or a mule without a name , that he must answer the question of every idler , put without reverence ? Speed thy way , " ' he continued , " or ask of such as may feel bound to answer thee . " "Discourteous contemner of hospitality ! " exclaimed the youthful horseman , his brow reddening with anger at the churlish reply he had received " make me answer speedil will smite thee like helot
, y , or I a ;" and raising his riding staff ' of cedar wood , he would have executed his threat had not his less irascible companion restrained him . The astonished Pharisee , accustomed to receive from ln ' s followers the . most respectful devotion , was vehement in his expressions of indignation at the threatened outrage , and soon attracted by his cries a number of the citizens around him .
What new thing . is this ? " he began , when he found himself supported by his friends , "Are the dwellers of Jerusalem to be questioned and beaten by every idle scorner ? shall a humble-minded Pharisee , wholiveth not as other men live , but walketh in the fear of the Lord , be assaded within bow-shot of the Holy Walls ? " " Shame ! shame ! " exclaimed the easily-excited Israelites , whom his artful speech had worked upon , "it shall not be permitted ; let the evildoers be delivered unto the to ivith them !
judges—prison " "Ay , to prison with them ! " reiterated the fanatic , Ms gloomy countenance relaxing into a smile of malicious satisfaction , " they are delivered into our hands . " Vain were all attempts on the part of the two travellers to obtain a hearing ; a dozen eager grasps secured the weapons of the younger , aiid rendered his exertions unavailing . Seeing him disarmed , even the more timid rushed themand would have succeeded in
upon , tearing them lrom their horses , had not a loud voice commanded them to desibt In an instant the tumult was hushed , the Jews recognising in the sneaker the awful presence of the Hi gh Priest . ° P _ " What idle disturbance is this ? " he exclaimed , looking sternly around him , is it thus the children of Israel receive their strange brethren ? Is it not written that the wanderer is the guest of the Most Hi gh , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
• I -I —• wore suspended from his side a stilus , and materials for working . The features of the younger bore an almost womanish resemblance to the countenance of his brother , for such was the connexion between them . In lieu of the ample beard , the first down of manhood curled lightly round his lip , concealing its naturally scornful expression ; his head was cast from that mould of beauty in which the intellectual and voluptuous
are equally predominant , and alike suited to the character of a Sardanapalus or Epicurus . Unlike the peaceful bearing of his brother , a hght cuirass of gilded steel was girded upon his breast , and a sword depended in its silver scabbard from his thigh ; a bow , with a plentiful supply of arrows , fastened to the head of his saddle , but so lightly as to be ready for instant service , completed his military equipment : inother respects the garb of the brothers the The inscri
was same . ption upon the scroll of the younger being Eli , of the tribe of Bejamin , a captain m Israel . The two strangers had approached within hail of the gate of the Holy City , when , as if by mutual consent , they reined their horses , and the younger ofthe two addressing a Hebrew , who for some time had been regarding them ivith a dissatisfied look , demanded if he could guide them to the house of some person of good repute , where they might be entertained for the night within tbe walls .
Is thy servant a dog ? " replied the Pharisee—for EH had addressed one of that stern sect— " or a mule without a name , that he must answer the question of every idler , put without reverence ? Speed thy way , " ' he continued , " or ask of such as may feel bound to answer thee . " "Discourteous contemner of hospitality ! " exclaimed the youthful horseman , his brow reddening with anger at the churlish reply he had received " make me answer speedil will smite thee like helot
, y , or I a ;" and raising his riding staff ' of cedar wood , he would have executed his threat had not his less irascible companion restrained him . The astonished Pharisee , accustomed to receive from ln ' s followers the . most respectful devotion , was vehement in his expressions of indignation at the threatened outrage , and soon attracted by his cries a number of the citizens around him .
What new thing . is this ? " he began , when he found himself supported by his friends , "Are the dwellers of Jerusalem to be questioned and beaten by every idle scorner ? shall a humble-minded Pharisee , wholiveth not as other men live , but walketh in the fear of the Lord , be assaded within bow-shot of the Holy Walls ? " " Shame ! shame ! " exclaimed the easily-excited Israelites , whom his artful speech had worked upon , "it shall not be permitted ; let the evildoers be delivered unto the to ivith them !
judges—prison " "Ay , to prison with them ! " reiterated the fanatic , Ms gloomy countenance relaxing into a smile of malicious satisfaction , " they are delivered into our hands . " Vain were all attempts on the part of the two travellers to obtain a hearing ; a dozen eager grasps secured the weapons of the younger , aiid rendered his exertions unavailing . Seeing him disarmed , even the more timid rushed themand would have succeeded in
upon , tearing them lrom their horses , had not a loud voice commanded them to desibt In an instant the tumult was hushed , the Jews recognising in the sneaker the awful presence of the Hi gh Priest . ° P _ " What idle disturbance is this ? " he exclaimed , looking sternly around him , is it thus the children of Israel receive their strange brethren ? Is it not written that the wanderer is the guest of the Most Hi gh , and