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Mary ' s Chapel , honoured the C . K . with a visit and deputation . Many excellent toasts and speeches ivere delivered during the evening . The eloquence and truly masonic feeling of the youngest Mason there present , Brother Lord Ramsay , excited general admiration and applause , especially in his speech returning thanks to the Brethren for dedicating a bumper to the health of his father , the Earl of Dalhousie , an old
Member of the Canongate Kilwinning . AVith great propriety also , his lordship drank the healths ol" a little band of Polish Brethren who were present , who had been forced to fly from their homes b y the edict of the northern autocrat . One little anecdote he mentioned in the course of the evening , which may not be out of place in these pages . AVhen LorcWlamsay was walking with a clergyman , some years ago ,
under whose tutelage he then was , a wretched beggar , apparently a foreigner , entreated his charity . The clergyman turned round to question the supplicant , and in a moment grasped his hand with the most cordial kindness . Lord Ramsay was surprised . The stranger was a Freemason—he was fed , clothed , and supplied by the generous Englishman , with means of transport to the coast of Syria , where he stated he
originally came from . The circumstance made such an impression upon Lord Ramsay , that he determined , as soon as he could , to join an association so pregnant with good works . Major AVatkins and Captain AValter Rutherford of the Bengal army , as well as Robert Blackwood , Esq ., our distinguished townsman , were also entered on the same day , into the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge .
Our Dublin Correspondent does us a serious injustice : we have cheerfully inserted the letters and communications received from that city , and other parts , without any curtailment whatever . It would be most grateful to us to insert reports of all the interesting circumstances that may occur , but if such be not furnished how can we divine them . We solicit our correspondent to wait upon the Dep . Grand Secretary ,
Brother Fowler , and to urge his compliance with our request , to be furnished with the printed communications , list of the Grand Lodge , & c . ; and we further suggest that an annual festival of the Grancl Lodge in Dublin would probably tend to considerable advantage .
INSTALLATION - DINNER , MASONIC LODOE , No . SO , DUBLIN . —On Tuesday , the 21 st day of January last , the members of this Lodge ( which is considered the leading branch of the Masonic Institution in Ireland ) assembled in due form at the New Grand Lodge Rooms , Commercial-buildings , the AV . M ., Thos . AVelsh , Esq ., Barrister-at-Law , on the throne , where he presided with his accustomed talent , urbanity , and ability . Nearly all the members of the Lodge ( No . 50 )
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Mary ' s Chapel , honoured the C . K . with a visit and deputation . Many excellent toasts and speeches ivere delivered during the evening . The eloquence and truly masonic feeling of the youngest Mason there present , Brother Lord Ramsay , excited general admiration and applause , especially in his speech returning thanks to the Brethren for dedicating a bumper to the health of his father , the Earl of Dalhousie , an old
Member of the Canongate Kilwinning . AVith great propriety also , his lordship drank the healths ol" a little band of Polish Brethren who were present , who had been forced to fly from their homes b y the edict of the northern autocrat . One little anecdote he mentioned in the course of the evening , which may not be out of place in these pages . AVhen LorcWlamsay was walking with a clergyman , some years ago ,
under whose tutelage he then was , a wretched beggar , apparently a foreigner , entreated his charity . The clergyman turned round to question the supplicant , and in a moment grasped his hand with the most cordial kindness . Lord Ramsay was surprised . The stranger was a Freemason—he was fed , clothed , and supplied by the generous Englishman , with means of transport to the coast of Syria , where he stated he
originally came from . The circumstance made such an impression upon Lord Ramsay , that he determined , as soon as he could , to join an association so pregnant with good works . Major AVatkins and Captain AValter Rutherford of the Bengal army , as well as Robert Blackwood , Esq ., our distinguished townsman , were also entered on the same day , into the Canongate Kilwinning Lodge .
Our Dublin Correspondent does us a serious injustice : we have cheerfully inserted the letters and communications received from that city , and other parts , without any curtailment whatever . It would be most grateful to us to insert reports of all the interesting circumstances that may occur , but if such be not furnished how can we divine them . We solicit our correspondent to wait upon the Dep . Grand Secretary ,
Brother Fowler , and to urge his compliance with our request , to be furnished with the printed communications , list of the Grand Lodge , & c . ; and we further suggest that an annual festival of the Grancl Lodge in Dublin would probably tend to considerable advantage .
INSTALLATION - DINNER , MASONIC LODOE , No . SO , DUBLIN . —On Tuesday , the 21 st day of January last , the members of this Lodge ( which is considered the leading branch of the Masonic Institution in Ireland ) assembled in due form at the New Grand Lodge Rooms , Commercial-buildings , the AV . M ., Thos . AVelsh , Esq ., Barrister-at-Law , on the throne , where he presided with his accustomed talent , urbanity , and ability . Nearly all the members of the Lodge ( No . 50 )