Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. ← Page 4 of 4 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 8 →
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Quarterly Communication.
Jan . 13 ^ . —MASONIC B ALL . —The Members of the Bank of England Lodge , No . 329 , were , on this evening , honoured by a numerous assemblage of fair friends , who testified , by their cheerfulness and vivacity , that Masons were never happ ier than in endeavouring to prove themselves deserving the good opinion of the ladies . The baU was admirably
conducted , and the music of a superior character . The supper arrangements evidenced the attention and liberality of the stewards , and the AV . M ., Brother Watkins crowned the evening by the graceful and courteous manner in whicli he presided .
C AMBRIDGE .- " Sir and Brother—I herewith send you a few particulars of some interesting proceedings which took p lace at the last anniversary meeting of the Brethren of the Scientific Lodge in this town ; if you think them at all likely to contribute to the gratification of the members of our Order , and worthy of insertion in the Masonic Quarterly , I shall feel pleased at having ventured to obtrude myself upon your notice . " I am , Sir and Brother , " P . M . THE S CIENTIFIC LODGE . "
The Brethren met very numerously in their Lodge-rooms on the 27 th December as early as eleven o ' clock A . M ., and after the W M ( Bro Henry Francis Rowe ) had proceeded ivith some initiations , Lord John Beresford , of Trinity College , C . H . Parnther , Bowles , & c . & c . beino- ofthe number , the W . M . rose to present , in accordance with an unanimous vote at a previous Lodge to Brother Francis Fisher , the
, Secretary for the past year , a handsome Royal Arch Masons jewel , bavin * at the back the following inscription elegantly engraved : — " Presented to Brother Francis Fisher , by the Worshipful Master , Officers and Brethren of the Scientific Lodge of Freemasons , No . 105 , Cambridge , in testimony of their hig h respect and esteem . H . F . Rowe , W . M . A . L . 5834 . " addressed himself to
Brother II F . Rowe , on presenting the jewel , the Acting Provincial Grand Master , the Rev . George Adam Browne , who honoured the Lodge with his presence on the occasion , and to the
Brethren nearly in the following words : — " I have now , Rig ht Worship ful Sir and Brethren , to perform one of the most pleasing duties ivhich it has fallen to my lot to discharge throughout the whole of the past year that I have had the honour to hold the chief office in this Lodge . It is , Rig ht AVorshipful Sir , to present to Brother Francis Fisher , our late Secretary ( who , it is generally
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Quarterly Communication.
Jan . 13 ^ . —MASONIC B ALL . —The Members of the Bank of England Lodge , No . 329 , were , on this evening , honoured by a numerous assemblage of fair friends , who testified , by their cheerfulness and vivacity , that Masons were never happ ier than in endeavouring to prove themselves deserving the good opinion of the ladies . The baU was admirably
conducted , and the music of a superior character . The supper arrangements evidenced the attention and liberality of the stewards , and the AV . M ., Brother Watkins crowned the evening by the graceful and courteous manner in whicli he presided .
C AMBRIDGE .- " Sir and Brother—I herewith send you a few particulars of some interesting proceedings which took p lace at the last anniversary meeting of the Brethren of the Scientific Lodge in this town ; if you think them at all likely to contribute to the gratification of the members of our Order , and worthy of insertion in the Masonic Quarterly , I shall feel pleased at having ventured to obtrude myself upon your notice . " I am , Sir and Brother , " P . M . THE S CIENTIFIC LODGE . "
The Brethren met very numerously in their Lodge-rooms on the 27 th December as early as eleven o ' clock A . M ., and after the W M ( Bro Henry Francis Rowe ) had proceeded ivith some initiations , Lord John Beresford , of Trinity College , C . H . Parnther , Bowles , & c . & c . beino- ofthe number , the W . M . rose to present , in accordance with an unanimous vote at a previous Lodge to Brother Francis Fisher , the
, Secretary for the past year , a handsome Royal Arch Masons jewel , bavin * at the back the following inscription elegantly engraved : — " Presented to Brother Francis Fisher , by the Worshipful Master , Officers and Brethren of the Scientific Lodge of Freemasons , No . 105 , Cambridge , in testimony of their hig h respect and esteem . H . F . Rowe , W . M . A . L . 5834 . " addressed himself to
Brother II F . Rowe , on presenting the jewel , the Acting Provincial Grand Master , the Rev . George Adam Browne , who honoured the Lodge with his presence on the occasion , and to the
Brethren nearly in the following words : — " I have now , Rig ht Worship ful Sir and Brethren , to perform one of the most pleasing duties ivhich it has fallen to my lot to discharge throughout the whole of the past year that I have had the honour to hold the chief office in this Lodge . It is , Rig ht AVorshipful Sir , to present to Brother Francis Fisher , our late Secretary ( who , it is generally