Article QUARTERLY COMMUNICATION. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Quarterly Communication.
Feb . 25 // -. —DINNER TO BROTHER A LDERMAN THOMAS W OOD . — A number of gentlemen connected with the ward of Cordwainers , and the corporation of the city of London , dined together at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , to celebrate the unanimous election of that gentleman to the civic gown , as alderman of the ward ; Sir William Henry Poland in the chair . About ninety gentlemen were present .
After a dinner of more than ordinary good quality , the usual toasts were given , and the worthy Chairman proposed the health of the newlyelected Alderman , amidst great applause . Mr . Alderman Thomas Wood expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him . It was one not ofhis own seeking , as he , from his humble capacity in life , had never sought so distinguished an honour ,
but having been so conferred , he should endeavour to discharge its duties to the best of his abilities . He had been long resident amongst them as a neighbour . The ward appeared to appreciate , from thenformer election , the advantage of having a resident magistrate amongst them , accessible at all times , and willing to promote their interests . He ( Mr . W . ) mig ht fail in talent and ability to equal his predecessor , but
he trusted a concession would be made on the ground of his infirmities , and he should , by his exertions and constant attention , attempt to merit their general approbation , in every sense deserving the distinguished manner in which he had been elected . After other observations , " the health of the worthy Chairman , " " Mr . Alderman Lainson , " and several other members of the
corporation , were drunk amidst general applause . The festivity of the occasion was promoted by the vocal exertions of Brothers Broadhurst , Jolly , and Fitzwilliam , and the company separated shortly after ten o ' clock . Our esteemed Brother , the newly elected Alderman , is a Past Grand StewardPast Master of the Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 , and Past First
, Principal of the Cyrus Chapter . His masonic services have been felt and appreciated by his Brethren in the Order , ivho hail his advancement in civic dignity as an assurance that he will steadily pursue the course which is naturally expected from his well-regulated mind and
admirable character . BROTHER JOYCE . —Among many interesting circumstances that have been lately elicited , was the re-appearance in Masonry of a Brother upwards of eighty , after an absence of twenty years from a Lodge of which he was the founder . Brother Joyce , in 1788 , with other zealous Freemasonsobtained a warrant of Constitution for tiie Bank of
Eng-, land Lodge , now 329 , conducted its concerns , saw it flourish , and retired after an active service of many years . Some occasion required his attestation , if living , to a masonic document for the relief of a Brother , and led to a request that he woulcl honour the Lodge VOL . II . J
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Quarterly Communication.
Feb . 25 // -. —DINNER TO BROTHER A LDERMAN THOMAS W OOD . — A number of gentlemen connected with the ward of Cordwainers , and the corporation of the city of London , dined together at the Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street , to celebrate the unanimous election of that gentleman to the civic gown , as alderman of the ward ; Sir William Henry Poland in the chair . About ninety gentlemen were present .
After a dinner of more than ordinary good quality , the usual toasts were given , and the worthy Chairman proposed the health of the newlyelected Alderman , amidst great applause . Mr . Alderman Thomas Wood expressed his thanks for the honour conferred on him . It was one not ofhis own seeking , as he , from his humble capacity in life , had never sought so distinguished an honour ,
but having been so conferred , he should endeavour to discharge its duties to the best of his abilities . He had been long resident amongst them as a neighbour . The ward appeared to appreciate , from thenformer election , the advantage of having a resident magistrate amongst them , accessible at all times , and willing to promote their interests . He ( Mr . W . ) mig ht fail in talent and ability to equal his predecessor , but
he trusted a concession would be made on the ground of his infirmities , and he should , by his exertions and constant attention , attempt to merit their general approbation , in every sense deserving the distinguished manner in which he had been elected . After other observations , " the health of the worthy Chairman , " " Mr . Alderman Lainson , " and several other members of the
corporation , were drunk amidst general applause . The festivity of the occasion was promoted by the vocal exertions of Brothers Broadhurst , Jolly , and Fitzwilliam , and the company separated shortly after ten o ' clock . Our esteemed Brother , the newly elected Alderman , is a Past Grand StewardPast Master of the Tuscan Lodge , No . 14 , and Past First
, Principal of the Cyrus Chapter . His masonic services have been felt and appreciated by his Brethren in the Order , ivho hail his advancement in civic dignity as an assurance that he will steadily pursue the course which is naturally expected from his well-regulated mind and
admirable character . BROTHER JOYCE . —Among many interesting circumstances that have been lately elicited , was the re-appearance in Masonry of a Brother upwards of eighty , after an absence of twenty years from a Lodge of which he was the founder . Brother Joyce , in 1788 , with other zealous Freemasonsobtained a warrant of Constitution for tiie Bank of
Eng-, land Lodge , now 329 , conducted its concerns , saw it flourish , and retired after an active service of many years . Some occasion required his attestation , if living , to a masonic document for the relief of a Brother , and led to a request that he woulcl honour the Lodge VOL . II . J