Article GRAND STEWARDS' LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2
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Grand Stewards' Lodge.
the present occasion , the choice phraseology of those Masonic illustrations of Virtue , Honour , and Truth , was delivered in a style of manner the very perfection of eloquence , from its simplicity and truth , which appeared to go to every heart , and we feel confident the mental response at the conclusion , " Should these be banished from all other
societies , may they ever find a home in the Mason ' s breast , " was , on the present occasion , universal . The only subject of regret during the evening , was the unavoidable absence of one of the officers who had undertaken to work the sixth section , from sudden indisposition . That section was , therefore , omitted , the W . M . considering it unfair to call upon any other brother , although many would have been able and
willing to do it at a moment ' s notice . The glass of wine was handed round with the usual liberality , and the Brethren retired , apparently delighted with the pleasing and rational entertainment which had been afforded to them . The lecture was worked in the new temple , ivhich was
very well filled ; but we feel confident , that were the Masters of Lodges , as they ought , to give notice at the previous meeting of their own Lodges , of the intellectual treat which is thus liberally offered to ALL , not only ivould the hall itself be well filled with delighted auditors , but Masonry itself would receive incalculable benefit ; for although the different ceremonies are extremely beautiful and impressive , they become
infinitely more so from the explanations and additional illustrations of the lectures ; and we are convinced there are hundreds of Masons in this metropolis who have never heard them—who hardly know of their existence—are certainly unaware of the liberality of the Grand Stewards * Lodge , in giving a general invitation to the fraternity to come and hear them worked in the best possible manner , and we would strongly
impress upon every Master the propriety and importance of the duty of informing his younger Brethren where they may obtain such ample and delightful draughts of pure , intellectual Masonry . R . F .
MOUNT AJRARET THE LINCOLNSHIRE WOLDS . —Antiquaries and bibliopoles have had much controversy respecting the locality and identity of Mount Araret , on which Noah ' s Ark rested after the flood . The question is now set at rest by the discovery of some rude characters on a post near or on the Champion ' s Estate at Horncastle , where any person may read " NOAH RODE UP HERE , " proving , from ancient tradition and this inscription , that such was the lane through whicli Noah rode when he left the Ark!—Lincoln Gazette .
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Grand Stewards' Lodge.
the present occasion , the choice phraseology of those Masonic illustrations of Virtue , Honour , and Truth , was delivered in a style of manner the very perfection of eloquence , from its simplicity and truth , which appeared to go to every heart , and we feel confident the mental response at the conclusion , " Should these be banished from all other
societies , may they ever find a home in the Mason ' s breast , " was , on the present occasion , universal . The only subject of regret during the evening , was the unavoidable absence of one of the officers who had undertaken to work the sixth section , from sudden indisposition . That section was , therefore , omitted , the W . M . considering it unfair to call upon any other brother , although many would have been able and
willing to do it at a moment ' s notice . The glass of wine was handed round with the usual liberality , and the Brethren retired , apparently delighted with the pleasing and rational entertainment which had been afforded to them . The lecture was worked in the new temple , ivhich was
very well filled ; but we feel confident , that were the Masters of Lodges , as they ought , to give notice at the previous meeting of their own Lodges , of the intellectual treat which is thus liberally offered to ALL , not only ivould the hall itself be well filled with delighted auditors , but Masonry itself would receive incalculable benefit ; for although the different ceremonies are extremely beautiful and impressive , they become
infinitely more so from the explanations and additional illustrations of the lectures ; and we are convinced there are hundreds of Masons in this metropolis who have never heard them—who hardly know of their existence—are certainly unaware of the liberality of the Grand Stewards * Lodge , in giving a general invitation to the fraternity to come and hear them worked in the best possible manner , and we would strongly
impress upon every Master the propriety and importance of the duty of informing his younger Brethren where they may obtain such ample and delightful draughts of pure , intellectual Masonry . R . F .
MOUNT AJRARET THE LINCOLNSHIRE WOLDS . —Antiquaries and bibliopoles have had much controversy respecting the locality and identity of Mount Araret , on which Noah ' s Ark rested after the flood . The question is now set at rest by the discovery of some rude characters on a post near or on the Champion ' s Estate at Horncastle , where any person may read " NOAH RODE UP HERE , " proving , from ancient tradition and this inscription , that such was the lane through whicli Noah rode when he left the Ark!—Lincoln Gazette .