Article BROTHER PHILIP BROADFOOT. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Brother Philip Broadfoot.
"Brother Maccallum ( absent from indisposition ) and the Committee , " were , in a bumper toast , thanked from the chair . Tiie services of " Brother Freer , " the secretary , were next expatiated upon , ancl the toast drank with sincere pleasure . After the worth y brother had returned thanks , " The Nore Committee for 1835 , " was given , and received with
acclamation . The treasurer , Brother Coe , addressed the company , and the chairman retired . Brother Price , W . M . of the Corner Stone Lodge , very obligingly then took the chair , and enlivened the meeting by his very happy and fraternal kindness . That the objects of the Committee were merely attained would be
to state an injustice to the sentiment which gave rise to them . Seldom have we attended a festival where harmony and good humour were chastened and enlivened by a determination on the part of every individual to ensure a fraternal and happy day—such indeed it was . Brother Collier ancl Brother Bradbury , with that marked kindness which they always evince , contributed greatly to the harmony of the evening ,
and entitled themselves to the cordial respect of their Brethren . We must not omit Brother King ' s superior comic powers , nor Brother Rule ' s ready compliance when called upon , while Brother Simons , the worthy host , proved to the satisfaction of all , that an excellent dinner and superior wine can be put upon table upon very reasonable terms . A portrait of Brother Broadfoot , in full royal-arch regalia , was exhibited , and an engraving of it very generally subscribed for .
SUBSCRIPTION LIST . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 107 . . . 21 0 0 St . Mary Lodge , No . 76 ... 15 15 0 Jerusalem Chapter 10 10 0 From Private Subscriptions ( about ) . 70 0 0
A silver snuff-box , manufactured by Brother G . Reid , has been presented to Brother Broadfoot bearing the following inscription : — " Presented to Brother Philip Broadfoot at a public festival held on the 5 th of . March , 1835 , to commemorate the valuable services lie has rendered to the Masonic Craft , and to record the grateful contribution of upwards of one hundred pounds presented to him by his associates in l- ' reemasonry—11 . T . CRUCEFIX , M . D . Chairman . "
Brother Broadfoot was Initiated into Masonry July 3 , 1810 , in the Lodge of Stability , 264 . Served as J . W . and S . W . . . . 1811 Elected W . M 1812-17-20-21 Secretary 1827 to 1834 Exalted to the H . 11 . Arch Feb . 18 , 1812
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Brother Philip Broadfoot.
"Brother Maccallum ( absent from indisposition ) and the Committee , " were , in a bumper toast , thanked from the chair . Tiie services of " Brother Freer , " the secretary , were next expatiated upon , ancl the toast drank with sincere pleasure . After the worth y brother had returned thanks , " The Nore Committee for 1835 , " was given , and received with
acclamation . The treasurer , Brother Coe , addressed the company , and the chairman retired . Brother Price , W . M . of the Corner Stone Lodge , very obligingly then took the chair , and enlivened the meeting by his very happy and fraternal kindness . That the objects of the Committee were merely attained would be
to state an injustice to the sentiment which gave rise to them . Seldom have we attended a festival where harmony and good humour were chastened and enlivened by a determination on the part of every individual to ensure a fraternal and happy day—such indeed it was . Brother Collier ancl Brother Bradbury , with that marked kindness which they always evince , contributed greatly to the harmony of the evening ,
and entitled themselves to the cordial respect of their Brethren . We must not omit Brother King ' s superior comic powers , nor Brother Rule ' s ready compliance when called upon , while Brother Simons , the worthy host , proved to the satisfaction of all , that an excellent dinner and superior wine can be put upon table upon very reasonable terms . A portrait of Brother Broadfoot , in full royal-arch regalia , was exhibited , and an engraving of it very generally subscribed for .
SUBSCRIPTION LIST . St . John ' s Lodge , No . 107 . . . 21 0 0 St . Mary Lodge , No . 76 ... 15 15 0 Jerusalem Chapter 10 10 0 From Private Subscriptions ( about ) . 70 0 0
A silver snuff-box , manufactured by Brother G . Reid , has been presented to Brother Broadfoot bearing the following inscription : — " Presented to Brother Philip Broadfoot at a public festival held on the 5 th of . March , 1835 , to commemorate the valuable services lie has rendered to the Masonic Craft , and to record the grateful contribution of upwards of one hundred pounds presented to him by his associates in l- ' reemasonry—11 . T . CRUCEFIX , M . D . Chairman . "
Brother Broadfoot was Initiated into Masonry July 3 , 1810 , in the Lodge of Stability , 264 . Served as J . W . and S . W . . . . 1811 Elected W . M 1812-17-20-21 Secretary 1827 to 1834 Exalted to the H . 11 . Arch Feb . 18 , 1812