Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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On Freemasonry.
fined to Lebanon , and the quarries and p lains of Zeredathah , so that nothing mi g ht be heard amongst the brotherhood of Zion but harmony and peace . The length of the Temple , or holy p lace , was sixty cubits of the sacred measure ; the breadth twenty cubits , or onethird of its length ; and in hei g ht thirty cubits to the upper
ceiling , distinct from the porch ; so that the building was twice as long and large every way as the Tabernacle of the Wilderness . The dormer , so sacred to Freemasons , was 120 cubits hi g h , ten in breadth , and twenty in length . The harmony and symmetry ofthe three dimensions ofthe Temple are most remarkable ; its proportions arc analagous to the
three great concords of music , and must have formed in the building as graceful a proportion to the eye , as in music they are deli g htful to the ear .
In the erection of this superb edifice we perceive not only the piety but the wisdom of Solomon . The arts hacl reached their hi g hest state of perfection , and every species of knowledge peculiar to Freemasonry was lavished upon it . Thus was an archive not only erected to perpetuate our secrets , of which it was symbolical , but the beneficent
g ifts of the Deity rendered back in awful worship . Nothing ever equalled the splendour of the consecration of the Temple . Israel sent forth her thousands , and the assembled people beheld , in awful adoration , the vast sacrifice of Solomon accepted . The flame descended upon the altar and consumed the offerings ; the shadow and g lory of the Eternal proclaimed His presence between the cherubim , and the voice of His thunders told to the faithful of the Craft that the perfectness of their labour was approved .
Like some worn war-steed when the goal is won , The task perform'd , the race of honour run , The prophet leader * stood , on Abrim ' s browt , And gazed serenely on the plains below . Israel no more his awful voice shall hear ,
His toil is o er , his parting hour draws near . But ere the clouded herald of His will , ( At whose command the thunderstorm is still , Ancl the fierce lightning ' s wing as calmly furl'd As when Creation hail'd the young-born world ) , Bore him from earth ; in blissful visions rose That promised land , the heritage of those
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On Freemasonry.
fined to Lebanon , and the quarries and p lains of Zeredathah , so that nothing mi g ht be heard amongst the brotherhood of Zion but harmony and peace . The length of the Temple , or holy p lace , was sixty cubits of the sacred measure ; the breadth twenty cubits , or onethird of its length ; and in hei g ht thirty cubits to the upper
ceiling , distinct from the porch ; so that the building was twice as long and large every way as the Tabernacle of the Wilderness . The dormer , so sacred to Freemasons , was 120 cubits hi g h , ten in breadth , and twenty in length . The harmony and symmetry ofthe three dimensions ofthe Temple are most remarkable ; its proportions arc analagous to the
three great concords of music , and must have formed in the building as graceful a proportion to the eye , as in music they are deli g htful to the ear .
In the erection of this superb edifice we perceive not only the piety but the wisdom of Solomon . The arts hacl reached their hi g hest state of perfection , and every species of knowledge peculiar to Freemasonry was lavished upon it . Thus was an archive not only erected to perpetuate our secrets , of which it was symbolical , but the beneficent
g ifts of the Deity rendered back in awful worship . Nothing ever equalled the splendour of the consecration of the Temple . Israel sent forth her thousands , and the assembled people beheld , in awful adoration , the vast sacrifice of Solomon accepted . The flame descended upon the altar and consumed the offerings ; the shadow and g lory of the Eternal proclaimed His presence between the cherubim , and the voice of His thunders told to the faithful of the Craft that the perfectness of their labour was approved .
Like some worn war-steed when the goal is won , The task perform'd , the race of honour run , The prophet leader * stood , on Abrim ' s browt , And gazed serenely on the plains below . Israel no more his awful voice shall hear ,
His toil is o er , his parting hour draws near . But ere the clouded herald of His will , ( At whose command the thunderstorm is still , Ancl the fierce lightning ' s wing as calmly furl'd As when Creation hail'd the young-born world ) , Bore him from earth ; in blissful visions rose That promised land , the heritage of those