Article ON FREEMASONRY. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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On Freemasonry.
Masters , Hiram of Tyre , ancl the illustrious Solomon . The rich land of Canaan was fruitful in oil and corn , while Tyre produced those gems and stately trees necessary for the erection of the Temple . In return for the assistance he received , the King of Israel ordered Hiram of Tyre a
yearly present of 20 , 000 measures of wheat , and an equal number of measures of fine oil . In addition to the treasures in gold and precious stones collected b y his father David towards the erection of the Temple , Solomon received vast contributions from the princes ancl rulers of Israel towards the completion ofhis grancl desi gn , ancl proceeded , with the assistance of our distinguished Master , Hiram Abiff , a widow ' s son , to divide the Craftsmen into classes . He appointed , first ,
Harodim , princes , or rulers .... 300 Menatzchim , overseers or expert Masons 3 , 300 Ghiblim , stone squarers , cutters } Ish chotzeb , men of hewing and \ ..80 , 000 Benai , able Fellow-crafts . . \
Ihe levy out of Israel who were appointed to work in Lebanon one month in three , were 30 , 000 , under the direction of Adoniram , Junior Grand Warden . The number of Freemasons employed were 113 , 600 , exclusive ofthe Ish Sobbed , or men of burthen , the remains of the old Canaanites , amounting to 70 , 000 , who are not numbered amongst Masons .
The great number of persons employed , their skill and diligence , enabled Solomon to level the footstone of the Temple , in the fourth year ofhis rei gn , the third after the death ofhis father David , ancl the four hundred and ei ghtieth after the Children of Israel ' s passing the Red Sea . This magnificent and mystical structure was begun on Mount Moriah , on
Monday , the second day of the month Zif , which answers to the twenty-first of our April , being the second month of the sacred year , ancl was carried on with such celerity that it was finished in all its parts in little more than seven years , which happened on the ei g hth day of the month Bull , answering to the twenty-third of our October . It is a
circumstance worth y of record , and which every Mason must remember from his initiation , that every part of the Temple , whether of stone , timber , or metal , was brought read y cut , framed , and polished , to Jerusalem ; so that no other tools were required than xoooden mallets to join the several parts together ; all the noise of axe , hammer , and saw , being con-
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On Freemasonry.
Masters , Hiram of Tyre , ancl the illustrious Solomon . The rich land of Canaan was fruitful in oil and corn , while Tyre produced those gems and stately trees necessary for the erection of the Temple . In return for the assistance he received , the King of Israel ordered Hiram of Tyre a
yearly present of 20 , 000 measures of wheat , and an equal number of measures of fine oil . In addition to the treasures in gold and precious stones collected b y his father David towards the erection of the Temple , Solomon received vast contributions from the princes ancl rulers of Israel towards the completion ofhis grancl desi gn , ancl proceeded , with the assistance of our distinguished Master , Hiram Abiff , a widow ' s son , to divide the Craftsmen into classes . He appointed , first ,
Harodim , princes , or rulers .... 300 Menatzchim , overseers or expert Masons 3 , 300 Ghiblim , stone squarers , cutters } Ish chotzeb , men of hewing and \ ..80 , 000 Benai , able Fellow-crafts . . \
Ihe levy out of Israel who were appointed to work in Lebanon one month in three , were 30 , 000 , under the direction of Adoniram , Junior Grand Warden . The number of Freemasons employed were 113 , 600 , exclusive ofthe Ish Sobbed , or men of burthen , the remains of the old Canaanites , amounting to 70 , 000 , who are not numbered amongst Masons .
The great number of persons employed , their skill and diligence , enabled Solomon to level the footstone of the Temple , in the fourth year ofhis rei gn , the third after the death ofhis father David , ancl the four hundred and ei ghtieth after the Children of Israel ' s passing the Red Sea . This magnificent and mystical structure was begun on Mount Moriah , on
Monday , the second day of the month Zif , which answers to the twenty-first of our April , being the second month of the sacred year , ancl was carried on with such celerity that it was finished in all its parts in little more than seven years , which happened on the ei g hth day of the month Bull , answering to the twenty-third of our October . It is a
circumstance worth y of record , and which every Mason must remember from his initiation , that every part of the Temple , whether of stone , timber , or metal , was brought read y cut , framed , and polished , to Jerusalem ; so that no other tools were required than xoooden mallets to join the several parts together ; all the noise of axe , hammer , and saw , being con-