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ROWLAND'S KAL 1 TDOXL , Prepared from the most beautiful Exotics , and WARRANTED PERFECTLY INNOCENT , yef possessing properties of surprising onergv : it eradicates all CUTANEOUS " ERUPTIONS , PIMPLES , SPOTS , REDNESS , & c . transforms even the most SALLOW COMPLEXION into RADIANT WHIT 1 SNESS , realizing delicate WHITE FACE , NECK , HANDS , and ARMS , and imparting- a BEAUTIFUL JUVENILE BLOOM to the COMPLEXION , - successfully render HARSH and ROUGH SKIN , beautifully soft , smooth , and even . The KALYDOR is equally indispensible in the Nursery as at the Toilet . Perfectly innoxious , it may be used by the most delicate Lady , with the assurance of safety and efficacy . To MOTHERS NURSING their OFFSPRING , it gives , in all cases of incidental Inflammation , immediate relief ; cools the mouth ofthe Infant , and enhances internal pleasure in the act of administering alimentary nourishment . To GENTLEMEN , whose faces are tender after Shaving . A great infelicity which attends the operation of shaving , is the irritation ofthe skin !—many Gentlemen suffer greatly from this cause . Rowland ' s Kalydor will be found excellent ( beyond precedent ) in ameliorating and allaying that most unpleasant sensation . It removes unpleasant harshness of the skin , occasioned by intense solar heat or cold winds , and thus to the Traveller , whose avocations expose him to various changes of weather , proves an infallible specific—a prompt resource : and as conducing to comfort , a pleasing appendage and invaluable acquisition . Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . Gd . per Bottle , duty included . ( Cr To prevent Imposition , the Name and Address of the Proprietor . ' - , as under , is ENGRAVED ON THE GOVERNMENT STAMP affixed over fliccork of each Bottle . All others are spurious . TO MESSRS . ROWLAND AND SON . Theatre of Zoology , 8 , Gower Place , London University . Gentlemen , —Having recently recovered from an almost fatal illness , arising from the effects of morbid poison being imbibed by a wound I received in dissection last November , I have , in consequence of the extreme tenderness of my skin , used your Kalydor , and consequently can bear testimony of its good effects ; also in several cases of cutaneous defect . 1 remain , your ' s obediently , June 7 , 1832 . H . W . DEAA'HURST , Surgeon .
FOE . THE TEETH AND G * t » "MS . THE first TOOTH POWDER extant , both as to cleanliness in using and effectually realizing BEAUTIFUL TEETH , is ROWLAND'S ODONTO , Or , PEARL DENTIFRICE . During several years past , and at the present time , Rowland ' s Odonto , as a purifier , guardian , embellisher , and preserver of the Teeth and Gums , has been patronized almost exclusively by Royalty and the Nobility , and is now universally appreciated as possessing renovating qualities unequalled by any dentifrice of the age . This justly celebrated toilet appendage is a vegetable white powder of great brilliancy , and as cleanly in application as felicitous in result . As an anti-scorbutic , it totally ejects defect , and renders the Teeth and Gums impervious to decay from youth to age ; imparts fragrance to the breath ; cleanses artificial teeth , and prevents their changing colour . ROWLAND ' S ODONTO , or PMARL DENTIFRICE , is composed of the most rare and salutary-vegetable mixtures , and is so perfectly innoxious as : to be used with , equal safety and success by infant as adult ; in fact , it subdues all , ailment to which the teeth and gums arc liable , and is recommended accordingly by the most noted of the faculty . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , duty included . The name and address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND & Sox , 20 , HATTON GARDEN .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ROWLAND'S KAL 1 TDOXL , Prepared from the most beautiful Exotics , and WARRANTED PERFECTLY INNOCENT , yef possessing properties of surprising onergv : it eradicates all CUTANEOUS " ERUPTIONS , PIMPLES , SPOTS , REDNESS , & c . transforms even the most SALLOW COMPLEXION into RADIANT WHIT 1 SNESS , realizing delicate WHITE FACE , NECK , HANDS , and ARMS , and imparting- a BEAUTIFUL JUVENILE BLOOM to the COMPLEXION , - successfully render HARSH and ROUGH SKIN , beautifully soft , smooth , and even . The KALYDOR is equally indispensible in the Nursery as at the Toilet . Perfectly innoxious , it may be used by the most delicate Lady , with the assurance of safety and efficacy . To MOTHERS NURSING their OFFSPRING , it gives , in all cases of incidental Inflammation , immediate relief ; cools the mouth ofthe Infant , and enhances internal pleasure in the act of administering alimentary nourishment . To GENTLEMEN , whose faces are tender after Shaving . A great infelicity which attends the operation of shaving , is the irritation ofthe skin !—many Gentlemen suffer greatly from this cause . Rowland ' s Kalydor will be found excellent ( beyond precedent ) in ameliorating and allaying that most unpleasant sensation . It removes unpleasant harshness of the skin , occasioned by intense solar heat or cold winds , and thus to the Traveller , whose avocations expose him to various changes of weather , proves an infallible specific—a prompt resource : and as conducing to comfort , a pleasing appendage and invaluable acquisition . Price 4 s . 6 d . and 8 s . Gd . per Bottle , duty included . ( Cr To prevent Imposition , the Name and Address of the Proprietor . ' - , as under , is ENGRAVED ON THE GOVERNMENT STAMP affixed over fliccork of each Bottle . All others are spurious . TO MESSRS . ROWLAND AND SON . Theatre of Zoology , 8 , Gower Place , London University . Gentlemen , —Having recently recovered from an almost fatal illness , arising from the effects of morbid poison being imbibed by a wound I received in dissection last November , I have , in consequence of the extreme tenderness of my skin , used your Kalydor , and consequently can bear testimony of its good effects ; also in several cases of cutaneous defect . 1 remain , your ' s obediently , June 7 , 1832 . H . W . DEAA'HURST , Surgeon .
FOE . THE TEETH AND G * t » "MS . THE first TOOTH POWDER extant , both as to cleanliness in using and effectually realizing BEAUTIFUL TEETH , is ROWLAND'S ODONTO , Or , PEARL DENTIFRICE . During several years past , and at the present time , Rowland ' s Odonto , as a purifier , guardian , embellisher , and preserver of the Teeth and Gums , has been patronized almost exclusively by Royalty and the Nobility , and is now universally appreciated as possessing renovating qualities unequalled by any dentifrice of the age . This justly celebrated toilet appendage is a vegetable white powder of great brilliancy , and as cleanly in application as felicitous in result . As an anti-scorbutic , it totally ejects defect , and renders the Teeth and Gums impervious to decay from youth to age ; imparts fragrance to the breath ; cleanses artificial teeth , and prevents their changing colour . ROWLAND ' S ODONTO , or PMARL DENTIFRICE , is composed of the most rare and salutary-vegetable mixtures , and is so perfectly innoxious as : to be used with , equal safety and success by infant as adult ; in fact , it subdues all , ailment to which the teeth and gums arc liable , and is recommended accordingly by the most noted of the faculty . —Price 2 s . 9 d . per box , duty included . The name and address of the Proprietors , A . ROWLAND & Sox , 20 , HATTON GARDEN .