Article SEIDLITZ POWDERS. To Travellers, Merchan... Page 1 of 1 Article SEIDLITZ POWDERS. To Travellers, Merchan... Page 1 of 1 Article TMPORTANT INFORMATION to i INVALIDS and ... Page 1 of 1 Article To the Public. f\P all the disorders tha... Page 1 of 1
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Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers, Merchan...
SEIDLITZ POWDERS . To Travellers , Merchants , Captains , Shippers , and Families , WRAY'S IMPROVED GERMAN SEIDLITZ POWDERS , prepared only at 118 , Holborn-hill , and sold in boxes
( containing powders for 12 glasses ) at 2 s . each . The various effects produced by the operation of the Seidlitz Powders , depend entirely on the different modes of preparation . The Improved German Seidlitz Powders , now recommended by the proprietor , are
brought to that state of perfection by ivhich the most uniform results will be experienced ; and in conjunction with their pre-eminence over all other aperient medicines , the proprietor flatters himself the low price at which they are now prepared ( being less than one half usually charged by druggists for the
common Seidlitz Powders ) will secure to them a decided preference . Where also may be had , Ginger Beer Powders , Gd . per doz . ; three dozen , Is . 3 d . Soda AA'ater ditto , 5 d . per dozen ; three dozen , Is . Common Seidlitz , Is . per dozen ; three dozen , 2 s . Gd . Lemonade ditto , Gd . per dozen ; three dozen , Is . 3 d . N . B . Be careful to have the "
Improved German Seidlitz Powders , prepared j by M . 0 . AVray , at 118 , Holborn-hill , as no ! others are genuine . " AVe have tasted the celebrated Improved ; German Seidlitz Powders , prepared by Mr . I AVray , Chemist , Holborn-hill , and can confidentlyrecommend them to all parties undertaking a long journeyas a pleasant and
ef-, fectual remedy against ennui during their travels . "—Satirist , Sunday , May 18 , 1834 . " It is not easy to speak in favour of such preparations as these without incurring the suspicion of puffing . AVe have given Mr . AA ' ray ' s Powders a trial , however , and we are bound to risk the imputation of a literary sin ,
most foreign to our taste and habits , in praising them . They are refreshing as Soda Powders , and more aperient ; for removing that fulness of body and mental stupor which oppresses us all at this particular season of the year , we know of no surer or pleasanter remedy . "—Sunday Herald and United
Kingdom August 3 , 1834 . A large Stock of New English Honey , of the finest quality , retailing at Is . 6 d . per lb ., and the best AVest India Tamarinds at the
same price . % * The only AVarehouse for Hall's Digestive or Dinner Pills , for preventing Indigestion , Flatulency , Ileart-burn , and Disorders of the Stomach ; AVray ' s Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger , an invaluable
Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers, Merchan...
Remedy for Flatulence , Pain in the Stomach , Gout , Rheumatism , & c , and an excellent adjunct to Seidlitz Powders , for debilitated Constitutions , in bottles at 2 s . Gd . each , duty included . A considerable Allowance made to Merchants and others taking a quantity of the above Articles for Exportation , & c .
Tmportant Information To I Invalids And ...
TMPORTANT INFORMATION to i INVALIDS and OTHERS . —Merlin , Bath , Brighton , and every other description of out-door AVHEEL CHAIRS , much improved , by G . MINTER , 33 , Gerrard-street , Soho ; ancl made with springs of exquisite ease , to suit the most feeble Invalid , and manufactured with every attention to price and durability , not before sufficiently considered ; also , Carriages for the spinal complaint , Portable Carriage Chairs , Easy Chairs , and the celebrated Water BedsGMinter ' Patent
. . s Self-acting , Reclining , and Elevating Chairs , are manufactured with every attention to the comfort of a sick chamber , as well as for the Dining-room , Drawing-room , and Library , as handsome pieces of necessary Furniture . To prevent deception , G . M . has stamped on the top of every leg , on each side of the Chair ,
| the word Patent , ancl his name and address . A Reward of fifty pounds is offered for information leading to the conviction of any unprincipled individual , whether the manufacturer or seller , both being equally liable to a prosecution .
To The Public. F\P All The Disorders Tha...
To the Public . f \ P all the disorders that attack and ^ - * ravage the Human Constitution , few or none are so harassing and painful in their effects as those having their origin in the Impurity of the Blood . In particular may be named those distressing complaints , Scrofula ,
Syphilis , and Scurvy , which too often baffle the science of Medical Treatment , and become a source of misery and anguish to thousands . Notwithstanding the different forms of Mercurial Treatment that have been adopted for the cure of these Disorders , experience has repeatedly shown the wonderful superiority of the VEGETABLE SYRUP OF DE
VELNOS in effecting a perfect and permanent cure . The surprising inherent properties that more peculiarly distinguish this mild , efficacious , and salutary Preparation , is its truly extraordinary power in Cleansing aud Purifying the Blood , thus gradually destroying all unhealthy secretions , and establishing a firm and healthyaction in the different functions
of the body . The Original and only Genuine SYRUP OF DE VELNOS is prepared and sold by Mrs . CANHAM , 52 , Bernersstreet , Oxford-street , at 13 s . per Bottle , and sold by all the respectable Medicine A ' enders in Town and Country .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers, Merchan...
SEIDLITZ POWDERS . To Travellers , Merchants , Captains , Shippers , and Families , WRAY'S IMPROVED GERMAN SEIDLITZ POWDERS , prepared only at 118 , Holborn-hill , and sold in boxes
( containing powders for 12 glasses ) at 2 s . each . The various effects produced by the operation of the Seidlitz Powders , depend entirely on the different modes of preparation . The Improved German Seidlitz Powders , now recommended by the proprietor , are
brought to that state of perfection by ivhich the most uniform results will be experienced ; and in conjunction with their pre-eminence over all other aperient medicines , the proprietor flatters himself the low price at which they are now prepared ( being less than one half usually charged by druggists for the
common Seidlitz Powders ) will secure to them a decided preference . Where also may be had , Ginger Beer Powders , Gd . per doz . ; three dozen , Is . 3 d . Soda AA'ater ditto , 5 d . per dozen ; three dozen , Is . Common Seidlitz , Is . per dozen ; three dozen , 2 s . Gd . Lemonade ditto , Gd . per dozen ; three dozen , Is . 3 d . N . B . Be careful to have the "
Improved German Seidlitz Powders , prepared j by M . 0 . AVray , at 118 , Holborn-hill , as no ! others are genuine . " AVe have tasted the celebrated Improved ; German Seidlitz Powders , prepared by Mr . I AVray , Chemist , Holborn-hill , and can confidentlyrecommend them to all parties undertaking a long journeyas a pleasant and
ef-, fectual remedy against ennui during their travels . "—Satirist , Sunday , May 18 , 1834 . " It is not easy to speak in favour of such preparations as these without incurring the suspicion of puffing . AVe have given Mr . AA ' ray ' s Powders a trial , however , and we are bound to risk the imputation of a literary sin ,
most foreign to our taste and habits , in praising them . They are refreshing as Soda Powders , and more aperient ; for removing that fulness of body and mental stupor which oppresses us all at this particular season of the year , we know of no surer or pleasanter remedy . "—Sunday Herald and United
Kingdom August 3 , 1834 . A large Stock of New English Honey , of the finest quality , retailing at Is . 6 d . per lb ., and the best AVest India Tamarinds at the
same price . % * The only AVarehouse for Hall's Digestive or Dinner Pills , for preventing Indigestion , Flatulency , Ileart-burn , and Disorders of the Stomach ; AVray ' s Concentrated Essence of Jamaica Ginger , an invaluable
Seidlitz Powders. To Travellers, Merchan...
Remedy for Flatulence , Pain in the Stomach , Gout , Rheumatism , & c , and an excellent adjunct to Seidlitz Powders , for debilitated Constitutions , in bottles at 2 s . Gd . each , duty included . A considerable Allowance made to Merchants and others taking a quantity of the above Articles for Exportation , & c .
Tmportant Information To I Invalids And ...
TMPORTANT INFORMATION to i INVALIDS and OTHERS . —Merlin , Bath , Brighton , and every other description of out-door AVHEEL CHAIRS , much improved , by G . MINTER , 33 , Gerrard-street , Soho ; ancl made with springs of exquisite ease , to suit the most feeble Invalid , and manufactured with every attention to price and durability , not before sufficiently considered ; also , Carriages for the spinal complaint , Portable Carriage Chairs , Easy Chairs , and the celebrated Water BedsGMinter ' Patent
. . s Self-acting , Reclining , and Elevating Chairs , are manufactured with every attention to the comfort of a sick chamber , as well as for the Dining-room , Drawing-room , and Library , as handsome pieces of necessary Furniture . To prevent deception , G . M . has stamped on the top of every leg , on each side of the Chair ,
| the word Patent , ancl his name and address . A Reward of fifty pounds is offered for information leading to the conviction of any unprincipled individual , whether the manufacturer or seller , both being equally liable to a prosecution .
To The Public. F\P All The Disorders Tha...
To the Public . f \ P all the disorders that attack and ^ - * ravage the Human Constitution , few or none are so harassing and painful in their effects as those having their origin in the Impurity of the Blood . In particular may be named those distressing complaints , Scrofula ,
Syphilis , and Scurvy , which too often baffle the science of Medical Treatment , and become a source of misery and anguish to thousands . Notwithstanding the different forms of Mercurial Treatment that have been adopted for the cure of these Disorders , experience has repeatedly shown the wonderful superiority of the VEGETABLE SYRUP OF DE
VELNOS in effecting a perfect and permanent cure . The surprising inherent properties that more peculiarly distinguish this mild , efficacious , and salutary Preparation , is its truly extraordinary power in Cleansing aud Purifying the Blood , thus gradually destroying all unhealthy secretions , and establishing a firm and healthyaction in the different functions
of the body . The Original and only Genuine SYRUP OF DE VELNOS is prepared and sold by Mrs . CANHAM , 52 , Bernersstreet , Oxford-street , at 13 s . per Bottle , and sold by all the respectable Medicine A ' enders in Town and Country .