Article "WOODHOUSE'S rETHERIAL v» ESSENCE of JAM... Page 1 of 1 Article T ALBERT,TAILOR & DRAPER, ** • King AA'i... Page 1 of 1 Article T ALBERT,TAILOR & DRAPER, ** • King AA'i... Page 1 of 1 Article Magna est Veritas et prcevalcbit. (^ ALL... Page 1 of 1
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"Woodhouse's Retherial V» Essence Of Jam...
"WOODHOUSE'S rETHERIAL v » ESSENCE of JAMAICA GINGER , which is particularly recommended to all Cold , Phlegmatic , AVeak , and Nervous Constitutions . It is certain in affording instant relief in Cholera Morbus , Spasms , Cramps , Flatulency , Hysterics , Heartburn , Hiccup , Loss
of Appetite , Sensation of Fullness , Pain and Oppression after meals ; also those Pains of the Stomach and Bowels whicli arise from Gouty Flatulencies ; Digestion , however much impaired , is restored to its pristine state , by the use of this Essence for a short time , if taken in tea , coffee , ale , beer , porter , cider , olivine ; it corrects their flatulent tendency . To
eulogise the merits of this invaluable article would be superfluous , when the Faculty are its guarantees . This Essence is prepared only by Decimus AVoodhouse , Operative Chemist , 18 , King William-street , New London-bridge ; and sold by him wholesale and retail , in bottles , 2 s . Gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . Gd . each . Also by Butler , 4 , Cheapside ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Hannay , 63 , Oxford-street ; and all respectable Medicine A'enders in town and country .
T Albert,Tailor & Draper, ** • King Aa'i...
T ALBERT , TAILOR & DRAPER , ** King AA'illiam Street , London Bridge , Opposite the new street leading to the Bank , ( late of Fish Street Hill ) , respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public in general , that having opened the above spacious premises with an entirely new and well-assorted
Stock of the best West of England Superfine Cloths , Ribbed Diagnal , Milled and Buckskin Cassimeres , with the most Extensive and Fashionable Assortment in London of Rich Figured Velvets , Silks , and A ' alencia Waistcoatings , thereby affording great advantages to Families and Gentlemen ( who are particular in Dress ) In selecting articles of the most
choice description from the piece , and not from pattern , which is uncertain at all times of being obtained ; and the advantages resulting from Cash Payments , in every department of trade , are so obvious , that public attention cannot be too often directed to its importance . J . A . conducting his business upon the above princilerespectfullsolicits attention to the
p , y following Charges , assuring those who may feel disposed to favour him with a trial , that every garment shall be made in the very first style of fashion : — Superfine Blue or Black Cloth Dress " . s . d . Coats , made to measure .... from 2 15 0 To the finest Saxony Cloth ditto 3 10 0 All other Coloursthe best 2 18 0
, very Black or Blue Frock Coats , from 31 . to 4 0 0 Petersham or Harrington Great Coats from 2 15 0 Black or Blue Cassimere Trousers .. from 1 ' . 4 s . to I 10 0 Valencia and Toilenette AVaistcoats , of the newest patterns , from 10 * to 0 16 0 Black or Buff Cassimere 0 1-1 0
T Albert,Tailor & Draper, ** • King Aa'i...
Young Gentlemen'sFashionablcSpcncer Suits from 2 0 0 A Suit of Plain Livery , complete .. 4 0 0 Gentlemen residing in the country , and desirous of having their clothes made in London may , upon application to the above , receive by post instructions how to forward their measure and may he assured of having them in the
most Fashionable manner . Also a large Assortment of Cloth , Camblet , and India Rubber AVater-proof Cloaks , Capes , it-c . No . 20 , King William Street , London Bridge .
Magna Est Veritas Et Prcevalcbit. (^ All...
Magna est Veritas et prcevalcbit . (^ ALL ; S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS , ^~ " so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS The dail y increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The
proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c . & c . all yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated bthe
y experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement sold in boxes at Is . l ± d . and 2 s . 2 d . each .
HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS , for the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the uninary passages . Prepared from the original recipe ofthe late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hatcheston . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In boxes Is . lid . and Is . Oil . each .
GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles Is . l-i <' . each . FENN'S EMBROCATION , for rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles 2 . v . ! M . 'Is . Gd . and Ss . each —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at AVoodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their
appointment , by Messrs . Sutton and Co . Bow-Churchyard ; Newberry and Sons , 45 , St Paul ' s Churchyard ; Edwards , GG , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , !) 5 , Fleet Market ; Hurler and Co . 4 . Cheapside ; Evans 42 , Long Lane , AVest Sniithfield ; Johnston , Greek Street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom .
To prevent imposition , the public arc requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BEN . IAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of stamp Duties , to counterfeit which ia felony .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
"Woodhouse's Retherial V» Essence Of Jam...
"WOODHOUSE'S rETHERIAL v » ESSENCE of JAMAICA GINGER , which is particularly recommended to all Cold , Phlegmatic , AVeak , and Nervous Constitutions . It is certain in affording instant relief in Cholera Morbus , Spasms , Cramps , Flatulency , Hysterics , Heartburn , Hiccup , Loss
of Appetite , Sensation of Fullness , Pain and Oppression after meals ; also those Pains of the Stomach and Bowels whicli arise from Gouty Flatulencies ; Digestion , however much impaired , is restored to its pristine state , by the use of this Essence for a short time , if taken in tea , coffee , ale , beer , porter , cider , olivine ; it corrects their flatulent tendency . To
eulogise the merits of this invaluable article would be superfluous , when the Faculty are its guarantees . This Essence is prepared only by Decimus AVoodhouse , Operative Chemist , 18 , King William-street , New London-bridge ; and sold by him wholesale and retail , in bottles , 2 s . Gd ., 4 s . 6 d ., and 10 s . Gd . each . Also by Butler , 4 , Cheapside ; Sanger , 150 , Oxford-street ; Hannay , 63 , Oxford-street ; and all respectable Medicine A'enders in town and country .
T Albert,Tailor & Draper, ** • King Aa'i...
T ALBERT , TAILOR & DRAPER , ** King AA'illiam Street , London Bridge , Opposite the new street leading to the Bank , ( late of Fish Street Hill ) , respectfully acquaints his Friends and the Public in general , that having opened the above spacious premises with an entirely new and well-assorted
Stock of the best West of England Superfine Cloths , Ribbed Diagnal , Milled and Buckskin Cassimeres , with the most Extensive and Fashionable Assortment in London of Rich Figured Velvets , Silks , and A ' alencia Waistcoatings , thereby affording great advantages to Families and Gentlemen ( who are particular in Dress ) In selecting articles of the most
choice description from the piece , and not from pattern , which is uncertain at all times of being obtained ; and the advantages resulting from Cash Payments , in every department of trade , are so obvious , that public attention cannot be too often directed to its importance . J . A . conducting his business upon the above princilerespectfullsolicits attention to the
p , y following Charges , assuring those who may feel disposed to favour him with a trial , that every garment shall be made in the very first style of fashion : — Superfine Blue or Black Cloth Dress " . s . d . Coats , made to measure .... from 2 15 0 To the finest Saxony Cloth ditto 3 10 0 All other Coloursthe best 2 18 0
, very Black or Blue Frock Coats , from 31 . to 4 0 0 Petersham or Harrington Great Coats from 2 15 0 Black or Blue Cassimere Trousers .. from 1 ' . 4 s . to I 10 0 Valencia and Toilenette AVaistcoats , of the newest patterns , from 10 * to 0 16 0 Black or Buff Cassimere 0 1-1 0
T Albert,Tailor & Draper, ** • King Aa'i...
Young Gentlemen'sFashionablcSpcncer Suits from 2 0 0 A Suit of Plain Livery , complete .. 4 0 0 Gentlemen residing in the country , and desirous of having their clothes made in London may , upon application to the above , receive by post instructions how to forward their measure and may he assured of having them in the
most Fashionable manner . Also a large Assortment of Cloth , Camblet , and India Rubber AVater-proof Cloaks , Capes , it-c . No . 20 , King William Street , London Bridge .
Magna Est Veritas Et Prcevalcbit. (^ All...
Magna est Veritas et prcevalcbit . (^ ALL ; S ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS , ^~ " so highly recommended for removing BILIOUS COMPLAINTS The dail y increasing demand for the above invaluable medicine is the surest proof of their general utility as a sovereign purgative medicine . The
proprietors confidently recommend them for most diseases incidental to the human frame , whether natural or induced by irregular modes of living . Bile , Indigestion , Costiveness during pregnancy , Habitual Costiveness , Flatulency , Asthma , Gout , effects of intemperance , & c . & c . all yield to their sovereign power ; their salutary effects have been fully authenticated bthe
y experience of forty years . They contain neither mercury or any deleterious drug , and may be taken by the most delicate constitution without restraint or confinement sold in boxes at Is . l ± d . and 2 s . 2 d . each .
HILL'S LITHONTRIPTIC PILLS , for the gravel , pain in the back and loins , and all affections in the uninary passages . Prepared from the original recipe ofthe late Mr . Thomas Hill , of Hatcheston . The salutary effects of this admirable medicine are too generally known to need any recommendation . In boxes Is . lid . and Is . Oil . each .
GALL'S NIPPLE LINIMENT , an effectual cure for that painful disorder , Sore Nipples . In bottles Is . l-i <' . each . FENN'S EMBROCATION , for rheumatism , rheumatic gout , sciatica , lumbago , chilblains , & c . In bottles 2 . v . ! M . 'Is . Gd . and Ss . each —Sold wholesale by the proprietors , at AVoodbridge and Bury , Suffolk ; and by their
appointment , by Messrs . Sutton and Co . Bow-Churchyard ; Newberry and Sons , 45 , St Paul ' s Churchyard ; Edwards , GG , St . Paul's Churchyard ; Barclay and Sons , !) 5 , Fleet Market ; Hurler and Co . 4 . Cheapside ; Evans 42 , Long Lane , AVest Sniithfield ; Johnston , Greek Street , Soho ; and retail by most venders of Medicines in the United Kingdom .
To prevent imposition , the public arc requested to observe , these Medicines cannot be genuine unless the name of BEN . IAMIN and ABRAHAM GALL are engraved in the Government Stamp , by permission of his Majesty ' s Honourable Commissioners of stamp Duties , to counterfeit which ia felony .