Article FREEMASONRY. BROTHER GEO. UNDERTON ORNAM... Page 1 of 1 Article Just Published, price Is. Second Edition... Page 1 of 1 Article POPULAR SCIENCE. AVith many Cuts price 5... Page 1 of 1 Article Just published, with many Cuts, price os... Page 1 of 1 Article ELASTIC PEN-HOLDER.—Patent Perryian Elas... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. Brother Geo. Underton Ornam...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER GEO . UNDERTON ORNAMENTAL BRASS , ORMOLU , AND BRONZE MANUFACTURER , 13 , Museum Street , Bloomsbury . Candlesticks , Lamps , Columns , and every Description of Furniture for Alasonic and Druid Lodges , Chapters , & c .
Just Published, Price Is. Second Edition...
Just Published , price Is . Second Edition of npHE WISE MASTER BUILDER . - " - A Sermon , preached on the Sunday following the Commemoration of St . John the Baptist , ancl published at the request of several Lodges of Alasonic Brethren in India . By a Chaplain on the East India Company ' s Establishment . Smith , Elder , and Co ., Comhill .
Popular Science. Avith Many Cuts Price 5...
POPULAR SCIENCE . AVith many Cuts price 5 s . ARCANA OF SCIENCE , AND ANNUAL Register of the Useful Arts , for 183 . 5 ; including the most important Scientific Inventions and Discoveries of the past yearancl several Hundred New Facts
, in Alechanics , Chemistry , Zoology , Botany , Geology , Meteorology , Rural Economy , and Miscellaneous Arts . Abridged from the Scientific Journals and Transactions of Public Societies . Printed for John Limbird , 143 , Strand .
Just Published, With Many Cuts, Price Os...
Just published , with many Cuts , price os . Gd . A NEAV VOLUME of the MIRROR - « - OF LITERATURE , AMUSEMENT , and INSTRUCTION . " We have only to repeat our praise of our diligent and enterprising contemporary . This volume contains more than a usual portion of
original good matter ; and the selections are , as heretofore , made with judgment . " —lit . Gaz . The previous Volumes are on sale , and maybe purchased separately . John Limbird , 143 , Strand .
Elastic Pen-Holder.—Patent Perryian Elas...
ELASTIC PEN-HOLDER . —Patent Perryian Elastic Pen-Holder , with appropriate Peas . The novel construction of this Elastic Holder confers on the Pen unequalled advantages , by imparting au agreeable softness and flexibility , rendering it so perfectly unconstrained in its action , that it never fatigues the handand enables it to pass over any
descri-, p tion of paper with ease and expedition . Nine Pens , with Patent Elastic Holder , 2 s . Gd . Sold on ( lards , by all Stationers and Dealers in Metallic Pens , and at the Manufactory , 37 , Red Lion-square , London .
Just Published in one 8 vo . vol . Price One Guinea , by Parbury , Allen , and Co ., London , and J . Camming , Dublin , the Second Edition of
npHE ROUND TOWERS of IREJL - LAND : or the History of the Tuath-de-Danaans , for thefirst time unveiled . By HENRY O'BRIEN , Esq ., A . B . " A hook which may be considered one of the most extraordinary that has , in our day , come from the press . " —Morning Herald . " Richly fraught with wonderous research
redolent with all the perfumes of Hindostan . " —Prater's Mag . "Astonishing talents , wonderful learning , powers of deep research , and mental scope . " - Me trap . Mag . " Marvellous analogies and discoveries Our wonder at the unparalletl variety of resources A rank from which it could not
be deposed by envy or by criticism . "—Atlas . " He is evidently an enthusiast , but his enthusiasm is of a generous and exalted kind ; he has made a laborious pilgrimage to the temple of Truth . "—Town . " With a comprehensive grasp he has seized and resolved into absurdity all that learned men have hitherto believed . "—Dublin
University Magazine . " His interpretations of the Mosaic revelations , and of other portions of the Sacred Scriptures , particularly concerning the creation , the fall , the deluge , and the coming of the Messiah , are . not only ingenious , but , in some respects , really startling . "—/ , /*/ , Monthly Mag . " The truth of which he has , in our opinion , established b
y proof ' s which his opponents may be loth to admit , but will find it difficult to overthrow . "—Satirist . " Proofs drawn from every possible brunch of human learning . "—Spectator . " Every position in the book being- directly in the teeth , or rather corrective of the errors ofthe old school notions . "—Monthly Mag . " Particularly Budhism and the Linga worship , of which the celebrated Round Towers are demonstrated to be symbols . ' '—Asiatic Journal .
" To Henry O'Brien belongs the honour of deciding the question of the origin , antiquity , and purpose of the Round Towers , with ' a power whose strength appals us ; he has cast hack upon the vast sea of time its destroying surge , and from oblivion drawn the history of a people to whose name the literati of Europe were almost strangers . .. All brought to bear
upon the point with a patience and industry that enthusiasm would have shrunk from , and which nothing but the pure and ardent love of truth could have supported .... A chain of reasoning and research so profound , laborious , and clear , that u new light is thrown upon the history ofthe world , and the veil of ages withdrawn from the book of time . " —Freemason's Quarter / it Itcc ' icw .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. Brother Geo. Underton Ornam...
FREEMASONRY . BROTHER GEO . UNDERTON ORNAMENTAL BRASS , ORMOLU , AND BRONZE MANUFACTURER , 13 , Museum Street , Bloomsbury . Candlesticks , Lamps , Columns , and every Description of Furniture for Alasonic and Druid Lodges , Chapters , & c .
Just Published, Price Is. Second Edition...
Just Published , price Is . Second Edition of npHE WISE MASTER BUILDER . - " - A Sermon , preached on the Sunday following the Commemoration of St . John the Baptist , ancl published at the request of several Lodges of Alasonic Brethren in India . By a Chaplain on the East India Company ' s Establishment . Smith , Elder , and Co ., Comhill .
Popular Science. Avith Many Cuts Price 5...
POPULAR SCIENCE . AVith many Cuts price 5 s . ARCANA OF SCIENCE , AND ANNUAL Register of the Useful Arts , for 183 . 5 ; including the most important Scientific Inventions and Discoveries of the past yearancl several Hundred New Facts
, in Alechanics , Chemistry , Zoology , Botany , Geology , Meteorology , Rural Economy , and Miscellaneous Arts . Abridged from the Scientific Journals and Transactions of Public Societies . Printed for John Limbird , 143 , Strand .
Just Published, With Many Cuts, Price Os...
Just published , with many Cuts , price os . Gd . A NEAV VOLUME of the MIRROR - « - OF LITERATURE , AMUSEMENT , and INSTRUCTION . " We have only to repeat our praise of our diligent and enterprising contemporary . This volume contains more than a usual portion of
original good matter ; and the selections are , as heretofore , made with judgment . " —lit . Gaz . The previous Volumes are on sale , and maybe purchased separately . John Limbird , 143 , Strand .
Elastic Pen-Holder.—Patent Perryian Elas...
ELASTIC PEN-HOLDER . —Patent Perryian Elastic Pen-Holder , with appropriate Peas . The novel construction of this Elastic Holder confers on the Pen unequalled advantages , by imparting au agreeable softness and flexibility , rendering it so perfectly unconstrained in its action , that it never fatigues the handand enables it to pass over any
descri-, p tion of paper with ease and expedition . Nine Pens , with Patent Elastic Holder , 2 s . Gd . Sold on ( lards , by all Stationers and Dealers in Metallic Pens , and at the Manufactory , 37 , Red Lion-square , London .
Just Published in one 8 vo . vol . Price One Guinea , by Parbury , Allen , and Co ., London , and J . Camming , Dublin , the Second Edition of
npHE ROUND TOWERS of IREJL - LAND : or the History of the Tuath-de-Danaans , for thefirst time unveiled . By HENRY O'BRIEN , Esq ., A . B . " A hook which may be considered one of the most extraordinary that has , in our day , come from the press . " —Morning Herald . " Richly fraught with wonderous research
redolent with all the perfumes of Hindostan . " —Prater's Mag . "Astonishing talents , wonderful learning , powers of deep research , and mental scope . " - Me trap . Mag . " Marvellous analogies and discoveries Our wonder at the unparalletl variety of resources A rank from which it could not
be deposed by envy or by criticism . "—Atlas . " He is evidently an enthusiast , but his enthusiasm is of a generous and exalted kind ; he has made a laborious pilgrimage to the temple of Truth . "—Town . " With a comprehensive grasp he has seized and resolved into absurdity all that learned men have hitherto believed . "—Dublin
University Magazine . " His interpretations of the Mosaic revelations , and of other portions of the Sacred Scriptures , particularly concerning the creation , the fall , the deluge , and the coming of the Messiah , are . not only ingenious , but , in some respects , really startling . "—/ , /*/ , Monthly Mag . " The truth of which he has , in our opinion , established b
y proof ' s which his opponents may be loth to admit , but will find it difficult to overthrow . "—Satirist . " Proofs drawn from every possible brunch of human learning . "—Spectator . " Every position in the book being- directly in the teeth , or rather corrective of the errors ofthe old school notions . "—Monthly Mag . " Particularly Budhism and the Linga worship , of which the celebrated Round Towers are demonstrated to be symbols . ' '—Asiatic Journal .
" To Henry O'Brien belongs the honour of deciding the question of the origin , antiquity , and purpose of the Round Towers , with ' a power whose strength appals us ; he has cast hack upon the vast sea of time its destroying surge , and from oblivion drawn the history of a people to whose name the literati of Europe were almost strangers . .. All brought to bear
upon the point with a patience and industry that enthusiasm would have shrunk from , and which nothing but the pure and ardent love of truth could have supported .... A chain of reasoning and research so profound , laborious , and clear , that u new light is thrown upon the history ofthe world , and the veil of ages withdrawn from the book of time . " —Freemason's Quarter / it Itcc ' icw .