Article HOUSE OF COMMONS. ← Page 6 of 8 →
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House Of Commons.
give him an answer . He was informed that the report would be made at the end of Alarch or the beginning of April . AVhen the report was received , the Jvoble Lord would be immediatel y informed of it . —Lord John Bussed said if there was any delay , it was , he was sure , a delay of form , but not of intention . If it sliould be brought forward on an order day , he would move an amendment that the House should go into a Committee of the whole on the state of the Irish ChurchSir ' Cod
. — E - rmgton asked if the Gallant Admiral now commanding the Jamaica station , and had been appointed a Lord of the Admiralty , received both salaries ? -Lord Ashley said he was not intitled to both salaries , and would not demand them . —Sir J . P . Beresford could vouch for die Gallant Officer , that he ivould not receive it if it were offered to him
16 th . —¦ Sir R . Peel announced the resignation of the Marquess of Londonderry as Ambassador at St . Petersburg !] . —On the motion that the Flouse resolve itself into Committee on the Navy Estimates Air Hume moved an amendment , that the Navy Estimates be referred to a Select Committee . After a debate , the ori ginal motion was carried by a majority of 146 against 66 .
177 A . —Lord J . Russell postponed his motion regarding the Church of Ireland until the 30 th inst , and moved that the House be called over on that day—The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the law of Dissenters' marriages . To prevent the intervention of the clergyman , the Bill would enact that Dissenters desiring to be married , sliould give notice thereof to a magistrate : that fourteen clays after such notice , or any time within three months they should present themselves before that
magistrate , and , on signing in his presence a contract of marriage , after declaration that they were twentyone or had parents or guardians' consent , and that there existed no legal impediments , they should be entitled to have a certificate of such marriage from him ; and that the adding to or withholding from such civil contract of marriage any religious ceremony should be left to the parties . Ihe magistrate to forward certificate of such
a marriage to the clergyman , for the sake of registration ; the payment to be 7 s to the magistrate , 5 * . of ivhich is to be paid to the parochial officers or clergyman for registration . With respect to the members of the church the law would remain what it now is ; if relief were afforded to the Dissenters , they would have no ri ght to attempt to interfere with what the church establishment deemed best for its members . The motion arter a very long discussion ( in the course of whicli it was irenei-allv
eulogised ) , was agreed ' to—Sir J . Graham obtained leave to brin ° - in two Bills , one for the encouragement of the voluntary enlistment of seamen , and to make regulations for more effectually manning his Majesty s navy ; the other to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the merchant-seamen of the United Kingdom , and for forming and maintaining a register of all the men engaged in that service °
ISth—bir J Campbells Bill for the abolition of imprisonment for debt , was read a second time . —Sir R . Peel announced that Viscount Canterbury was about to proceed to Canada as Commissioner—Sir J Graham brought m nis measures : 1 st . for the encouragement of m-n voluntarily to enter the navy ; and 2 nd . to consolidate and amend laws relating to merchant-seamen . They were read a first time , and ordered to be printed . 19 th . —Mr . Hodges presented a petition from Chatham , complaining that since the last election the Commanding Officer of the Marine
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House Of Commons.
give him an answer . He was informed that the report would be made at the end of Alarch or the beginning of April . AVhen the report was received , the Jvoble Lord would be immediatel y informed of it . —Lord John Bussed said if there was any delay , it was , he was sure , a delay of form , but not of intention . If it sliould be brought forward on an order day , he would move an amendment that the House should go into a Committee of the whole on the state of the Irish ChurchSir ' Cod
. — E - rmgton asked if the Gallant Admiral now commanding the Jamaica station , and had been appointed a Lord of the Admiralty , received both salaries ? -Lord Ashley said he was not intitled to both salaries , and would not demand them . —Sir J . P . Beresford could vouch for die Gallant Officer , that he ivould not receive it if it were offered to him
16 th . —¦ Sir R . Peel announced the resignation of the Marquess of Londonderry as Ambassador at St . Petersburg !] . —On the motion that the Flouse resolve itself into Committee on the Navy Estimates Air Hume moved an amendment , that the Navy Estimates be referred to a Select Committee . After a debate , the ori ginal motion was carried by a majority of 146 against 66 .
177 A . —Lord J . Russell postponed his motion regarding the Church of Ireland until the 30 th inst , and moved that the House be called over on that day—The Chancellor of the Exchequer moved for leave to bring in a Bill to alter the law of Dissenters' marriages . To prevent the intervention of the clergyman , the Bill would enact that Dissenters desiring to be married , sliould give notice thereof to a magistrate : that fourteen clays after such notice , or any time within three months they should present themselves before that
magistrate , and , on signing in his presence a contract of marriage , after declaration that they were twentyone or had parents or guardians' consent , and that there existed no legal impediments , they should be entitled to have a certificate of such marriage from him ; and that the adding to or withholding from such civil contract of marriage any religious ceremony should be left to the parties . Ihe magistrate to forward certificate of such
a marriage to the clergyman , for the sake of registration ; the payment to be 7 s to the magistrate , 5 * . of ivhich is to be paid to the parochial officers or clergyman for registration . With respect to the members of the church the law would remain what it now is ; if relief were afforded to the Dissenters , they would have no ri ght to attempt to interfere with what the church establishment deemed best for its members . The motion arter a very long discussion ( in the course of whicli it was irenei-allv
eulogised ) , was agreed ' to—Sir J . Graham obtained leave to brin ° - in two Bills , one for the encouragement of the voluntary enlistment of seamen , and to make regulations for more effectually manning his Majesty s navy ; the other to amend and consolidate the laws relating to the merchant-seamen of the United Kingdom , and for forming and maintaining a register of all the men engaged in that service °
ISth—bir J Campbells Bill for the abolition of imprisonment for debt , was read a second time . —Sir R . Peel announced that Viscount Canterbury was about to proceed to Canada as Commissioner—Sir J Graham brought m nis measures : 1 st . for the encouragement of m-n voluntarily to enter the navy ; and 2 nd . to consolidate and amend laws relating to merchant-seamen . They were read a first time , and ordered to be printed . 19 th . —Mr . Hodges presented a petition from Chatham , complaining that since the last election the Commanding Officer of the Marine