Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 9 of 27 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
The Board having laid before the G . L . a List of Lodges in England which for a period of more than live years had neglected to make returns , and payments to the funds of the G . L . notwithstanding various letters which had boon addressed to them for that purpose , it was , on Motion duly made , OR-IHSRED . —That tho Master aud Wardens of the several Lodges
specified in the list accompanying the Report of the Board of General Purposes be summoned to show cause at the next Quarterly Communication why tho Warrants thereof respectively should not be declared , forfeited and the Lodges erased from the list , for neglecting to make returns and payments to the funds of the G . L . in conformity with the Laws .
Bro . H . C . Shenton being about to publish an Engraving from the Portrait of the M . W . G . M . THIS E .-VKL OP ZETLAND , painted by Mr . Grant , an application was made for the loan of the original Portrait to enable the Engraver more correctly and efficiently to complete his work ; it was , on Motion duly made . RESOLVED—That the Portrait of the M . W . G . M . bo placed at tho
, disposal of Mr . Grant , for the purpose of an Engraving being made therefrom . All business being concluded , the G . L . was closed in form and with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
LAYING THE FOUNDATION S TONE OE ST . GEORGE ' HALL , BRADFORD . September 22 nd . FEOJI an early hour in tbe morning the streets of this town wore an unusually bustling aspect , "roups of individuals , many of them in holiday il tiremiht be seen in the vicinitol' the railway stationawaitingwith
: , g y , , some curiosity , the arrival of the expected visitors . The Union Jack was hoisted from the tower of the parish church , and the hells rang out perpetually their merriest peals . A recommendation had been issued by the Mayor lo the effect that the shops be closed at an hour not later than twelve , and that the day he observed as a general holiday ; which was , we believe , generally acted upon . Tho day was splendidly tine , and the whole population , with ' the exception of those who hacl stationed themselves at the turned
windows for the purpose of seeing the procession , seemed to havo " out" into the streets , determined to indulge in pleasure ancl sight-seeing to their heart ' s content . The Freemasons from neighbouring or more remote towns arrived at intervals during the morning . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Grancl Master , arrived at tho Midland station about eleven o ' clock . The Brethren assembled shortly afterwards , in the large room of the Exchange Buildings , where the Grand Lodge was opened in due form . VOL . II . v Y
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Masonic Intelligence.
The Board having laid before the G . L . a List of Lodges in England which for a period of more than live years had neglected to make returns , and payments to the funds of the G . L . notwithstanding various letters which had boon addressed to them for that purpose , it was , on Motion duly made , OR-IHSRED . —That tho Master aud Wardens of the several Lodges
specified in the list accompanying the Report of the Board of General Purposes be summoned to show cause at the next Quarterly Communication why tho Warrants thereof respectively should not be declared , forfeited and the Lodges erased from the list , for neglecting to make returns and payments to the funds of the G . L . in conformity with the Laws .
Bro . H . C . Shenton being about to publish an Engraving from the Portrait of the M . W . G . M . THIS E .-VKL OP ZETLAND , painted by Mr . Grant , an application was made for the loan of the original Portrait to enable the Engraver more correctly and efficiently to complete his work ; it was , on Motion duly made . RESOLVED—That the Portrait of the M . W . G . M . bo placed at tho
, disposal of Mr . Grant , for the purpose of an Engraving being made therefrom . All business being concluded , the G . L . was closed in form and with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
LAYING THE FOUNDATION S TONE OE ST . GEORGE ' HALL , BRADFORD . September 22 nd . FEOJI an early hour in tbe morning the streets of this town wore an unusually bustling aspect , "roups of individuals , many of them in holiday il tiremiht be seen in the vicinitol' the railway stationawaitingwith
: , g y , , some curiosity , the arrival of the expected visitors . The Union Jack was hoisted from the tower of the parish church , and the hells rang out perpetually their merriest peals . A recommendation had been issued by the Mayor lo the effect that the shops be closed at an hour not later than twelve , and that the day he observed as a general holiday ; which was , we believe , generally acted upon . Tho day was splendidly tine , and the whole population , with ' the exception of those who hacl stationed themselves at the turned
windows for the purpose of seeing the procession , seemed to havo " out" into the streets , determined to indulge in pleasure ancl sight-seeing to their heart ' s content . The Freemasons from neighbouring or more remote towns arrived at intervals during the morning . The Eight Hon . the Earl of Zetland , the Grancl Master , arrived at tho Midland station about eleven o ' clock . The Brethren assembled shortly afterwards , in the large room of the Exchange Buildings , where the Grand Lodge was opened in due form . VOL . II . v Y