Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 12 of 12
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The Charities.
day ' s proceedings we have the glorious realization of that hope , although I feel it has been purchased at tbe sacrifice of him without whose powerful efforts , and great love for Freemasonry , it never would have existed . ( Hear hear . ) The part which our most esteemed chairman has played in this day ' s ceremony , I feel that no language of mine can sufficiently eulogize ; I take leave , however , to make use of his own words . On a recent occasionthe Grand Masterhaving agreed to patronize this
, , Charity , Bro . Dobie told his Lordship that it was the brightest feather in his cap to be the President of this Institution , and I now tell the esteemed Brother that it is the brightest feather in his cap to preside here to-day . ( Prolonged cheers . ) The conduct of our Grand Chaplain is also beyond all praise ; all who heard his sermon will agree with me , that it has seldom or never been their lot to listen to a discourse more calculated to awaken , or more directly appealing to , their warmest and best
sympathies . On tbe part of the Committee , I have most respectfully to thank those ladies who have this day contributed silver purses in aid of the Building Fund . I may perhaps be pardoned for saying that much yet remains to be done , and great additional funds are required to complete this good work , but I feel that this day a powerful impetus has been given to the cause , and that the Building Committee will not have long to wait for the final completion of their duties . Once againladies
, and gentlemen , allow me , on the part of the Building Committee , to return you our best and most grateful acknowledgments . The Brother resumed his seat amidst great and long continued applause . This being the last toast , the Prov . G . M . then left the chair , and a
merry dance on the green-sward , with the children of the Female School , formed a very appropriate finale to the proceedings . Thus ended a day which , for the future , must be regarded as a redletter day in Freemasonry . It has been our good fortune to attend many highly gratifying Masonic celebrations , but we confess that on no previous occasion were the arrangements more perfect , the various ceremonies more beautifully conducted , or the behaviour of all concerned more deserving of praise .
To the respected Prov . G . M . a deep and lasting debt of gratitude is due for tbe manly , honest , and independent spirit with which he has come forward to support by his influence and personal exertions this excellent charity . That conduct has also been nobly emulated by the respected Grand Chaplain , who has brought to its aid the powerful exercise of his high and sacred functions .
To the Building Committee , and especially to the Hon . Sec , Bro . Whitmore , we offer the highest meed of praise for those excellent arrangements , which are all important in matters of this kind ; to Bro . S . B . Wilson , the tribute of our admiration for the composing of the Consecration Ceremony , which we must designate as one of the most beautiful we ever witnessed ; to the Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , and the Brethren of Croydonfor their valuable aid ; to Bro . Crewthe
, , Sec . of the Girl ' s School , for the benefit of his assistance , experience , and advice ; and , though last , yet not least , to Brother Ransford , his son , and amiable and highly accomplished daughter for the gratuitous exercise of their professional talents , which both at the consecration and the dejeuner formed an essential and highly delightful portion of the many other happy circumstances of this long to be remembered day .
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The Charities.
day ' s proceedings we have the glorious realization of that hope , although I feel it has been purchased at tbe sacrifice of him without whose powerful efforts , and great love for Freemasonry , it never would have existed . ( Hear hear . ) The part which our most esteemed chairman has played in this day ' s ceremony , I feel that no language of mine can sufficiently eulogize ; I take leave , however , to make use of his own words . On a recent occasionthe Grand Masterhaving agreed to patronize this
, , Charity , Bro . Dobie told his Lordship that it was the brightest feather in his cap to be the President of this Institution , and I now tell the esteemed Brother that it is the brightest feather in his cap to preside here to-day . ( Prolonged cheers . ) The conduct of our Grand Chaplain is also beyond all praise ; all who heard his sermon will agree with me , that it has seldom or never been their lot to listen to a discourse more calculated to awaken , or more directly appealing to , their warmest and best
sympathies . On tbe part of the Committee , I have most respectfully to thank those ladies who have this day contributed silver purses in aid of the Building Fund . I may perhaps be pardoned for saying that much yet remains to be done , and great additional funds are required to complete this good work , but I feel that this day a powerful impetus has been given to the cause , and that the Building Committee will not have long to wait for the final completion of their duties . Once againladies
, and gentlemen , allow me , on the part of the Building Committee , to return you our best and most grateful acknowledgments . The Brother resumed his seat amidst great and long continued applause . This being the last toast , the Prov . G . M . then left the chair , and a
merry dance on the green-sward , with the children of the Female School , formed a very appropriate finale to the proceedings . Thus ended a day which , for the future , must be regarded as a redletter day in Freemasonry . It has been our good fortune to attend many highly gratifying Masonic celebrations , but we confess that on no previous occasion were the arrangements more perfect , the various ceremonies more beautifully conducted , or the behaviour of all concerned more deserving of praise .
To the respected Prov . G . M . a deep and lasting debt of gratitude is due for tbe manly , honest , and independent spirit with which he has come forward to support by his influence and personal exertions this excellent charity . That conduct has also been nobly emulated by the respected Grand Chaplain , who has brought to its aid the powerful exercise of his high and sacred functions .
To the Building Committee , and especially to the Hon . Sec , Bro . Whitmore , we offer the highest meed of praise for those excellent arrangements , which are all important in matters of this kind ; to Bro . S . B . Wilson , the tribute of our admiration for the composing of the Consecration Ceremony , which we must designate as one of the most beautiful we ever witnessed ; to the Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies , and the Brethren of Croydonfor their valuable aid ; to Bro . Crewthe
, , Sec . of the Girl ' s School , for the benefit of his assistance , experience , and advice ; and , though last , yet not least , to Brother Ransford , his son , and amiable and highly accomplished daughter for the gratuitous exercise of their professional talents , which both at the consecration and the dejeuner formed an essential and highly delightful portion of the many other happy circumstances of this long to be remembered day .