Article THE CHARITIES. ← Page 9 of 12 →
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The Charities.
I beg therefore you will join with me in wishing " prosperity to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . ( Drunk with warmest enthusiasm . ) Song . Miss Ransford , very beautifully sung , " I love the merry Sunshine . "
At this period of the proceedings , the names of those ladies who had collected silver purses were handed to the Chairman , and announced as follows : Mrs . Dobie , five guineas ; Mrs . J . E . Cox , five guineas ; Mrs . Jackson , twenty guineas ; Mrs . Dean , fifteen guineas ; Mrs . Reynell , ten guineas ; Mrs . E . D . Smith , eleven guineas ; Mrs . Whitmore , five guineas ; Mrs . Wri ght , five guineas ; Mrs . Waller , five guineas ; Mrs . Pryer , five pounds eleven shillings and six-pence ; Mrs . Graves , five guineas ; Mrs . Foxfive guineas ; Mrs . John Hodkinsonfive guineas
, g , ; the Misses Mc Callan , five guineas ; there were also announced donations from Bro . J . R . Taylor , Mount Moriah Lodge , ten guineas ; from a Brother in admiration of the conduct of the Chairman , two guineas ; Bro . Farley , one guinea ; and a parishioner of St . Helen ' s , Bishopgate , one guinea . The Chairman next said : Ladies and gentlemen , I have now to call your attention from the gay proceedings of the day , to a sentiment of a
serious and melanchol y description , and I confess I feel considerable difficulty in making the request , but it is part of the duty I have to perform , to bring to your notice the names of two members of the Masonic body , who are now gathered to their Fathers , and to whose exertions in the bringing forward the fund for annuities and this Asylum , the Craft owe more than I can express . 1 allude to the services of the late Brothers , Walton and Crueefix—to the former is mainly due the founding of the Annuity Fund , and to the latter the sole merit of the Asylum , and I may , I think with truth , say , that had it not been for the unwearied exertions and perseverance of Dr . Crueefix , we should not
have been here to day to consecrate that building which we now see before us . I have therefore to request the favour of your joining with me in dedicating this glass to the memory of Brothers Crueefix and Walton . ( Drunk in solemn silence . ) The Chairman again rose and said , I now beg to propose a toast in which I am quite certain every gentleman , and especially every Freemason , will cordially join with me in honouring as it deserves— " The ladies "—( Cheers ) and in proposing it I beg in the first placeon the
, , part of the Freemasons , and more particularly on my own , to return to our fair visitors our sincere and hearty thanks for the honour they have conferred upon us by their presence here to-day , and more especially to those who have so kindly and liberally contributed to the future prosperity of the Institution . ( Hear , hear ) . I hope they have discovered that there is something more in Freemasonry than fine dresses and conviviality ; and , as I doubt not there may be a few here to-day who
have been told , or have heard it reported , that in Freemasonry there is something Anti-Christian , I have to entreat of them not to believe one word of such nonsense , for those who give utterance thereto are wholly ignorant of the principles and tenets of our Order . Ladies , I must tell you Freemasonry is founded on principles of p iety and virtue . Its foundation-stone is charity ; the superstructure we raise thereon benevolence , and the coping-stone , or covering , brotherly esteem and regard for each other . ( Hear , hear . ) We are taught our duty to our Maker , to our neighbour , and to ourselves . In the volume of the sacred law we find laid down for our guidance the duty we owe to the Supreme Being ,
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The Charities.
I beg therefore you will join with me in wishing " prosperity to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . ( Drunk with warmest enthusiasm . ) Song . Miss Ransford , very beautifully sung , " I love the merry Sunshine . "
At this period of the proceedings , the names of those ladies who had collected silver purses were handed to the Chairman , and announced as follows : Mrs . Dobie , five guineas ; Mrs . J . E . Cox , five guineas ; Mrs . Jackson , twenty guineas ; Mrs . Dean , fifteen guineas ; Mrs . Reynell , ten guineas ; Mrs . E . D . Smith , eleven guineas ; Mrs . Whitmore , five guineas ; Mrs . Wri ght , five guineas ; Mrs . Waller , five guineas ; Mrs . Pryer , five pounds eleven shillings and six-pence ; Mrs . Graves , five guineas ; Mrs . Foxfive guineas ; Mrs . John Hodkinsonfive guineas
, g , ; the Misses Mc Callan , five guineas ; there were also announced donations from Bro . J . R . Taylor , Mount Moriah Lodge , ten guineas ; from a Brother in admiration of the conduct of the Chairman , two guineas ; Bro . Farley , one guinea ; and a parishioner of St . Helen ' s , Bishopgate , one guinea . The Chairman next said : Ladies and gentlemen , I have now to call your attention from the gay proceedings of the day , to a sentiment of a
serious and melanchol y description , and I confess I feel considerable difficulty in making the request , but it is part of the duty I have to perform , to bring to your notice the names of two members of the Masonic body , who are now gathered to their Fathers , and to whose exertions in the bringing forward the fund for annuities and this Asylum , the Craft owe more than I can express . 1 allude to the services of the late Brothers , Walton and Crueefix—to the former is mainly due the founding of the Annuity Fund , and to the latter the sole merit of the Asylum , and I may , I think with truth , say , that had it not been for the unwearied exertions and perseverance of Dr . Crueefix , we should not
have been here to day to consecrate that building which we now see before us . I have therefore to request the favour of your joining with me in dedicating this glass to the memory of Brothers Crueefix and Walton . ( Drunk in solemn silence . ) The Chairman again rose and said , I now beg to propose a toast in which I am quite certain every gentleman , and especially every Freemason , will cordially join with me in honouring as it deserves— " The ladies "—( Cheers ) and in proposing it I beg in the first placeon the
, , part of the Freemasons , and more particularly on my own , to return to our fair visitors our sincere and hearty thanks for the honour they have conferred upon us by their presence here to-day , and more especially to those who have so kindly and liberally contributed to the future prosperity of the Institution . ( Hear , hear ) . I hope they have discovered that there is something more in Freemasonry than fine dresses and conviviality ; and , as I doubt not there may be a few here to-day who
have been told , or have heard it reported , that in Freemasonry there is something Anti-Christian , I have to entreat of them not to believe one word of such nonsense , for those who give utterance thereto are wholly ignorant of the principles and tenets of our Order . Ladies , I must tell you Freemasonry is founded on principles of p iety and virtue . Its foundation-stone is charity ; the superstructure we raise thereon benevolence , and the coping-stone , or covering , brotherly esteem and regard for each other . ( Hear , hear . ) We are taught our duty to our Maker , to our neighbour , and to ourselves . In the volume of the sacred law we find laid down for our guidance the duty we owe to the Supreme Being ,