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Trevilian On Freemasonry.
WE have been requested to give insertion to the subjoined letters of Mr . Trevilian , which we do solely out of respect to the Brother who has made the request , and not firom any conviction that Mr . Trevilian has the sli ghtest " right" to claim such a favour at our hands , more especiallwhen he thinks fit to apply to ourselves and our
y article such epithets as "base production—suggestions of malevolence and revenge—malignant attack—hireling of Satan— -insolent reviewer—this fellow , " & c . But he was probably ignorant at the time he wrote these elegant morceaux that he would have any occasion to request their insertion by usand the difference in tone between his letter to
, " Woolmer's Gazette" and to ourselves is sufficiently amusing . We cannot , however , pledge ourselves to give any farther circulation to his peculiar views and choice language , should he be so ill advised as to wish to continue the controversy . It will be seen that Mr . Trevilian ' s charges against
Masonry are as various as are the epithets he condescends to use when speaking of it or of us—at one time it is " deistical , " at another , " that ancient spirit of heathenism which would regard friendship as the summum bonum of its aspirations . " While , however , we make the practice of morality and the promotion of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , the great objects of our association , we take great comfort from the fact that the intimacies of life are likewise
much cemented by Masonry ; and while our space will not permit us to write a moral essay upon the blessings of friendship , we cannot resist transcribing a few words on the subject from the pen of one whom we suppose Mr . Trevilian will not despise . " Separate thyself from thine enemies and take heed of thfriends . A faithful friend is
y a strong defence , and he that hath found such an one hath found a treasure . Nothing doth countervail a faithful friend , and his excellency is invaluable . A faithful friend is the medicine of life , and they that fear the Lord shall find him . " * We do not , therefore , think that Mr . Tre-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Trevilian On Freemasonry.
WE have been requested to give insertion to the subjoined letters of Mr . Trevilian , which we do solely out of respect to the Brother who has made the request , and not firom any conviction that Mr . Trevilian has the sli ghtest " right" to claim such a favour at our hands , more especiallwhen he thinks fit to apply to ourselves and our
y article such epithets as "base production—suggestions of malevolence and revenge—malignant attack—hireling of Satan— -insolent reviewer—this fellow , " & c . But he was probably ignorant at the time he wrote these elegant morceaux that he would have any occasion to request their insertion by usand the difference in tone between his letter to
, " Woolmer's Gazette" and to ourselves is sufficiently amusing . We cannot , however , pledge ourselves to give any farther circulation to his peculiar views and choice language , should he be so ill advised as to wish to continue the controversy . It will be seen that Mr . Trevilian ' s charges against
Masonry are as various as are the epithets he condescends to use when speaking of it or of us—at one time it is " deistical , " at another , " that ancient spirit of heathenism which would regard friendship as the summum bonum of its aspirations . " While , however , we make the practice of morality and the promotion of Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , the great objects of our association , we take great comfort from the fact that the intimacies of life are likewise
much cemented by Masonry ; and while our space will not permit us to write a moral essay upon the blessings of friendship , we cannot resist transcribing a few words on the subject from the pen of one whom we suppose Mr . Trevilian will not despise . " Separate thyself from thine enemies and take heed of thfriends . A faithful friend is
y a strong defence , and he that hath found such an one hath found a treasure . Nothing doth countervail a faithful friend , and his excellency is invaluable . A faithful friend is the medicine of life , and they that fear the Lord shall find him . " * We do not , therefore , think that Mr . Tre-