Article UNITED GRAND LODGE. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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United Grand Lodge.
advantage of thc grant he had to projiose would be , that the Committee would at onco have a fund in hand , so that any repairs would be provided for without retarding their exertions . He thought , therefore , that it was impossible the liberality of the Grand Lodge could be exercised in a manner so well calculated to provide for the permanence of this excellent institution . He trusted they would unanimousltender their thanks to the Grand Master for
y the anxious care he had evinced towards the interests of tho Craft . The name of the Grand Treasurer had been used , in consequence of it being more convenient for him to receive the dividends than the Trustees , who had not , rjerhaps , any business to take them into the city . He should now , by the command of the M . W . Grand Mastermove
, That a sum of 500 .. be granted out of the Fund for General Purposes to " The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , " to be invested in the public funds in the names of trustees , towards the formation of the proposed
Fund of 1000 ? ., to be kept separate and distinct , and to be applied exclusively for the purpose of upholding , repairing , sustaining , and maintaining the structure known by the denomination of " The Asylum for Aged and Decayed Freemasons , " situated at Croydoncommon , ' Surrey ; the centre and north wing of which are only erected at present , but the south wing thereof is to . be completed as soon as funds can be raised for that purpose . The dividends
arising from the stock to be purchased with the said sum of 500 ? ., and of any increase and augmentation thereof , to be applied from time to time , as need may be , for the purpose of upholding , repairing , sustaining , and maintaining the said Asylum Building as now erected , or when completed ; and in the event of the dividends receivable at any time not being required for the repairs & c . then
, , the sum to be invested in augmentation of the capital stock , and so from time to time . It being understood , however , that any stock which may have been purchased hy the investment of dividends may be sold when wanted for the purposes of the Trust , but no other portion of the funded property being the produce of grants or donations .
That the Trustees of the proposed upholding fund be the Trustees of the Asylum , together with the Grand Treasurer for the time being . W . Brother J . HODGKINSON , in seconding the motion , observed that he thought it a very wise suggestion on the part of the Grand Master , but he thought they need have no misgivings as to the completion of the building , for he was sure that the Craft at large felt that the institution was calculated to extend benevolence to
their aged Brethren . W . Brother JOHN WHITMORE had risen for the purpose of seconding the motion . The necessity for such a fund was most
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United Grand Lodge.
advantage of thc grant he had to projiose would be , that the Committee would at onco have a fund in hand , so that any repairs would be provided for without retarding their exertions . He thought , therefore , that it was impossible the liberality of the Grand Lodge could be exercised in a manner so well calculated to provide for the permanence of this excellent institution . He trusted they would unanimousltender their thanks to the Grand Master for
y the anxious care he had evinced towards the interests of tho Craft . The name of the Grand Treasurer had been used , in consequence of it being more convenient for him to receive the dividends than the Trustees , who had not , rjerhaps , any business to take them into the city . He should now , by the command of the M . W . Grand Mastermove
, That a sum of 500 .. be granted out of the Fund for General Purposes to " The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , " to be invested in the public funds in the names of trustees , towards the formation of the proposed
Fund of 1000 ? ., to be kept separate and distinct , and to be applied exclusively for the purpose of upholding , repairing , sustaining , and maintaining the structure known by the denomination of " The Asylum for Aged and Decayed Freemasons , " situated at Croydoncommon , ' Surrey ; the centre and north wing of which are only erected at present , but the south wing thereof is to . be completed as soon as funds can be raised for that purpose . The dividends
arising from the stock to be purchased with the said sum of 500 ? ., and of any increase and augmentation thereof , to be applied from time to time , as need may be , for the purpose of upholding , repairing , sustaining , and maintaining the said Asylum Building as now erected , or when completed ; and in the event of the dividends receivable at any time not being required for the repairs & c . then
, , the sum to be invested in augmentation of the capital stock , and so from time to time . It being understood , however , that any stock which may have been purchased hy the investment of dividends may be sold when wanted for the purposes of the Trust , but no other portion of the funded property being the produce of grants or donations .
That the Trustees of the proposed upholding fund be the Trustees of the Asylum , together with the Grand Treasurer for the time being . W . Brother J . HODGKINSON , in seconding the motion , observed that he thought it a very wise suggestion on the part of the Grand Master , but he thought they need have no misgivings as to the completion of the building , for he was sure that the Craft at large felt that the institution was calculated to extend benevolence to
their aged Brethren . W . Brother JOHN WHITMORE had risen for the purpose of seconding the motion . The necessity for such a fund was most