Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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To The Editor.
Having concluded his answer , his Grace most condescendingly entered into a minute and interesting survey of the state of Masonry in Ireland , which gave rise to a most pleasing and gratifying interchange of sentiments between the Brethren present and his Grace , who regretted that his short stay prevented his meeting the Brethren at the festive board , but hoped now that the annihilation of space was so perfect that on some future occasion he might avail himself of the compliment . He , amongst other matters , alluded to the great compliment paid to the Craft by the worthy Lord Mayor of London , and expressed his own regret that a
royal command on that day prevented his having the honour to attend his Lordship ' s hospitable feast . Altogether the Brethren were much pleased and gratified by his Grace ' s urbane manner , and separated deeply impressed by his kindness and condescension . The Provincial Grand Lodge having separated , the Chapter of Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Princes Grand Rose Croix assembled in order . The following address was pronounced by the Recorder of the Chapter , —¦
" To his Grace , Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , Most Noble and Illustrious Sovereign of the Order of Princes Grand Rose Croix of Ireland . " The Address of Prince Mason ' s Chapter , No . 1 , Cork . " Most Illustrious Brother , —We the Most Wise Sovereign , Grand Wardens , and Members of No . 1 Chapter of Prince Masons , avail ourselves of the occasion afforded by your presence in the City of Cork to approach your Grace with profound feelings of fraternal and cordial respect .
" Fully impressed with a sense of the great benefits conferred upon an exalted Order in common with that of Masonry in general in Ireland , by your Grace ' s undeviating solicitude for its welfare , manifested during the period of your auspicious Presidency , we gladly hail the opportunity now presented of giving utterance to our feelings of attachment . " We implore the Great Disposer of events to grant you many years of enjoyment of your elevated Masonic station , as well as of eveiy domestic blessing .
( Signed ) GEO . CHATTERTON , M . W . S . RICH . B . TOOKER , Recorder . " ' Cork . July S 5 . h , 11 ) 50 . " To which his Grace replied as follows , — " To the Most Wise Sovereign , Grand Wardens , and Brethren of No . 1 Chapter of Prince Masons .
" Brethren , —I most sincerely thank you for the address you have this day presented to me . " If through any exertions of mine Prince Masonry in Ireland is flourishing , it is owing to the cordial assistance I have received from the members of our exalted order . May the Great Disposer of Events continue to pour his blessings on us . ( Signed ) LEINSTER , " J $ - Cork , July 26 th , 1850 . "
A long and most interesting conversation ensued , in which the interest and status of the higher Orders in Ireland were discussed , and his Grace was pleased to announce that all was in a very satisfactory state at the present time , which it gave him great delight to be able to declare ; and after a pleasing intercourse of nearly an hour the assembly broke up , and his Grace , attended by some of the Brethren , proceeded to inspect the Masonic Female Orphan Asylum ; here he was received by some of the Committee of the Charity , and by the respected matron , Mrs . Blackman . His Grace minutely inspected the accommodation , the dietary , the progress of the education of the children , with whose healthy and cleanly appearance he was much pleased , and after strict examina-
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To The Editor.
Having concluded his answer , his Grace most condescendingly entered into a minute and interesting survey of the state of Masonry in Ireland , which gave rise to a most pleasing and gratifying interchange of sentiments between the Brethren present and his Grace , who regretted that his short stay prevented his meeting the Brethren at the festive board , but hoped now that the annihilation of space was so perfect that on some future occasion he might avail himself of the compliment . He , amongst other matters , alluded to the great compliment paid to the Craft by the worthy Lord Mayor of London , and expressed his own regret that a
royal command on that day prevented his having the honour to attend his Lordship ' s hospitable feast . Altogether the Brethren were much pleased and gratified by his Grace ' s urbane manner , and separated deeply impressed by his kindness and condescension . The Provincial Grand Lodge having separated , the Chapter of Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Princes Grand Rose Croix assembled in order . The following address was pronounced by the Recorder of the Chapter , —¦
" To his Grace , Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , Most Noble and Illustrious Sovereign of the Order of Princes Grand Rose Croix of Ireland . " The Address of Prince Mason ' s Chapter , No . 1 , Cork . " Most Illustrious Brother , —We the Most Wise Sovereign , Grand Wardens , and Members of No . 1 Chapter of Prince Masons , avail ourselves of the occasion afforded by your presence in the City of Cork to approach your Grace with profound feelings of fraternal and cordial respect .
" Fully impressed with a sense of the great benefits conferred upon an exalted Order in common with that of Masonry in general in Ireland , by your Grace ' s undeviating solicitude for its welfare , manifested during the period of your auspicious Presidency , we gladly hail the opportunity now presented of giving utterance to our feelings of attachment . " We implore the Great Disposer of events to grant you many years of enjoyment of your elevated Masonic station , as well as of eveiy domestic blessing .
( Signed ) GEO . CHATTERTON , M . W . S . RICH . B . TOOKER , Recorder . " ' Cork . July S 5 . h , 11 ) 50 . " To which his Grace replied as follows , — " To the Most Wise Sovereign , Grand Wardens , and Brethren of No . 1 Chapter of Prince Masons .
" Brethren , —I most sincerely thank you for the address you have this day presented to me . " If through any exertions of mine Prince Masonry in Ireland is flourishing , it is owing to the cordial assistance I have received from the members of our exalted order . May the Great Disposer of Events continue to pour his blessings on us . ( Signed ) LEINSTER , " J $ - Cork , July 26 th , 1850 . "
A long and most interesting conversation ensued , in which the interest and status of the higher Orders in Ireland were discussed , and his Grace was pleased to announce that all was in a very satisfactory state at the present time , which it gave him great delight to be able to declare ; and after a pleasing intercourse of nearly an hour the assembly broke up , and his Grace , attended by some of the Brethren , proceeded to inspect the Masonic Female Orphan Asylum ; here he was received by some of the Committee of the Charity , and by the respected matron , Mrs . Blackman . His Grace minutely inspected the accommodation , the dietary , the progress of the education of the children , with whose healthy and cleanly appearance he was much pleased , and after strict examina-