Article TO THE EDITOR. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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To The Editor.
preparation . The Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Princes Grand Rose Croix , of Chapter No . 1 , Cork , were likewise convened by their Most Wise Sovereign , and similar steps were taken to evince the duteous appreciation of the Brethren of their Most Noble and Illustrious Sovereign and Grand Commander . Such wero the preparations of tho Brethren , ancl , on the arrival of the Grand Master in Cork , the foregoing proceedings were submitted and graciously approved of by his Grace , who intimated his intention of receiving the deputations and addresses at the Masonic Hallwhere he was informed preparations were made for the
, ceremonial taking place on Thursday , the 25 th of July , atone o ' clock . Punctually at that hour his Grace , attended by thc Knights of the Prince Mason ' s Chapter , was ushered into the Provincial Grand Lodge , which was assembled for the occasion , together with the representatives of the different Lodges of the Province , by whom he was greeted on his entrance , and the Deputy Grand Master having vacated , his Grace was led to the dais and placed on the throne , when the following address was read by Bro . George Chatterton , Provincial Grand Secretary .
To his Grace , Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , Most Worshipful Grand Master ofthe Order of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland . Tho address of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster . " We , the Deputy Grand Master , Grand Officers and Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster , only give expression to the unanimous feeling of the Brethren within this Province , when we assure your Grace that your arrival amongst us is hailed with the most sincere joy and satisfaction , and we know that the absence of our zealous Provincial Grand Masteron his parliamentary
, duties in London at this time , will be to him a source of very great regret . " It is a subject of congratulation to Masonry that , although all classes and creeds are combined in the Order , in the times through which we have just passed , not one note of discord disturbed its fraternal peace and unity . " We feel that to the sound discretion and the true Masonic spirit which has guided the discharge of the functions of your high . office , may be ascribed in an especial degree the happy results to which we have alluded , and we take this opportunity of expressing to your Grace the gratitude of the Brethren in
Munster , for your continued exertions to enforce that discipline which has insured such harmonious action throughout the several departments of the Craft in this Province , and promoted so successfully the general interests of Masonry . " The Masonic body recognize in you not only their own paternal head , but they welcome you as the leader of those efforts for the practical improvement of our country , the carrying out of which has now brought you to this locality , and we trust that your Grace ' s valuable services may be long preserved to those institutions in the Presidency of whichnot only your rankbut your merits have
, , so appropriately placed you . " ( Signed ) ROBERT ATKINS , D . P . G . M . RIOH . BEARE TOOKER , P . G . S . W . ( L . S . ) ANTHONY PEERIER , P . G . J . W . GEO . CHATTERTON , P . G . Sec . "
To which his Grace most feelingly replied in the following terms , — " To the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster . " Brethren , —I accept with gratitude the address you have just presented to me , and I thank you most sincerely for tho kind and fraternal feelings expressed in it .
" It is most pleasing to me to be able to state that Freemasonry in Ireland is in a more satisfactory state than in any other part of the world , and I trust , with the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , it may continue to flourish . ( Signed ) LEINSTER , G . M . " " Cork , July 2 __ . li , 18 !> 0 . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To The Editor.
preparation . The Knights of the Eagle and Pelican , Princes Grand Rose Croix , of Chapter No . 1 , Cork , were likewise convened by their Most Wise Sovereign , and similar steps were taken to evince the duteous appreciation of the Brethren of their Most Noble and Illustrious Sovereign and Grand Commander . Such wero the preparations of tho Brethren , ancl , on the arrival of the Grand Master in Cork , the foregoing proceedings were submitted and graciously approved of by his Grace , who intimated his intention of receiving the deputations and addresses at the Masonic Hallwhere he was informed preparations were made for the
, ceremonial taking place on Thursday , the 25 th of July , atone o ' clock . Punctually at that hour his Grace , attended by thc Knights of the Prince Mason ' s Chapter , was ushered into the Provincial Grand Lodge , which was assembled for the occasion , together with the representatives of the different Lodges of the Province , by whom he was greeted on his entrance , and the Deputy Grand Master having vacated , his Grace was led to the dais and placed on the throne , when the following address was read by Bro . George Chatterton , Provincial Grand Secretary .
To his Grace , Augustus Frederick , Duke of Leinster , Most Worshipful Grand Master ofthe Order of Free and Accepted Masons of Ireland . Tho address of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster . " We , the Deputy Grand Master , Grand Officers and Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster , only give expression to the unanimous feeling of the Brethren within this Province , when we assure your Grace that your arrival amongst us is hailed with the most sincere joy and satisfaction , and we know that the absence of our zealous Provincial Grand Masteron his parliamentary
, duties in London at this time , will be to him a source of very great regret . " It is a subject of congratulation to Masonry that , although all classes and creeds are combined in the Order , in the times through which we have just passed , not one note of discord disturbed its fraternal peace and unity . " We feel that to the sound discretion and the true Masonic spirit which has guided the discharge of the functions of your high . office , may be ascribed in an especial degree the happy results to which we have alluded , and we take this opportunity of expressing to your Grace the gratitude of the Brethren in
Munster , for your continued exertions to enforce that discipline which has insured such harmonious action throughout the several departments of the Craft in this Province , and promoted so successfully the general interests of Masonry . " The Masonic body recognize in you not only their own paternal head , but they welcome you as the leader of those efforts for the practical improvement of our country , the carrying out of which has now brought you to this locality , and we trust that your Grace ' s valuable services may be long preserved to those institutions in the Presidency of whichnot only your rankbut your merits have
, , so appropriately placed you . " ( Signed ) ROBERT ATKINS , D . P . G . M . RIOH . BEARE TOOKER , P . G . S . W . ( L . S . ) ANTHONY PEERIER , P . G . J . W . GEO . CHATTERTON , P . G . Sec . "
To which his Grace most feelingly replied in the following terms , — " To the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster . " Brethren , —I accept with gratitude the address you have just presented to me , and I thank you most sincerely for tho kind and fraternal feelings expressed in it .
" It is most pleasing to me to be able to state that Freemasonry in Ireland is in a more satisfactory state than in any other part of the world , and I trust , with the blessing of the Great Architect of the Universe , it may continue to flourish . ( Signed ) LEINSTER , G . M . " " Cork , July 2 __ . li , 18 !> 0 . "