Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 6 of 6 Article TO THE EDITOR. Page 1 of 4 →
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dation of our mystic symbols , which , iu my opinion , point to the mvsterioiis scheme of Human Redemption , and which , strewed promiscuously in the Lod ge , like the mystic letters in the R . A . degree , arc unintelligible to the uninitiated , nay , even to the initiated , until he shall have made considerable progress in our science , and shall thereby have become enabled to find a solution to ° the Masonic problem . " Talia si jungere possis , sit Ubi scire satis . " I have merel y alluded to a few of the reasons which have induced me to conclude that
, Masonry , untainted by innovation , is a type of Christianity , and supposing your correspondent to be really a " Novitiate , " have confined my remarks to such subjects as are peculiar to the first degree of the Order . Tour ' s fraternally , "SIT LUX . " [ Thc position taken by Sit Lux in this letter , is one that has been frequently urged by old Brethren , and though he is correct as regards the general principle , little consideration must convince him
a , that tho practice of the Lodge to which ho alluded , was , most unquestionably erroneous . "Sit Lux" regards Freemasonry as a system of reli gion ; in this he is in error . It is truo ° that all the ultimate references of all Masonic symbols are essentially Christian , but they only receive their full and perfect developement and religious application in the Christian degrees . The first is a moral , and not a religions degree ; it is true the morality is that of the Gospel , but tho introduction of any peculiar Christian test , would destroy the first great principle of Freemasonry—its universality , by excluding from its ranks all who do not openly profess the Christian faith . The threshold of Freemasonry is , and should be , open to all good men and true , though all may not be able to reach the "Sanctum Sanctorum . "—En . ]
To The Editor.
Cork , Usl July , 1 S 50 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —On notification having been made of the intention of his Grace the Duke of Leinster to preside in person over the approaching annual meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society of Ireland , arranged to take place for the present year in the city of Cork , the Brethren of the Province , under the banner of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster , immediately assembled , for the purpose of taking advantage of the opportunity to be afforded of testifying
their veneration for the illustrious Grand Master of their Order in Ireland , and their estimation of the great benefit that would result to their locality from the great public demonstration of the Agrarian interest of the United Kingdom , for the development and improvement of which the gratitude of tho country is mainly due to the fostering care and zeal of the noble Duke . The Brethren of the several Lodges of the City of Cork , and of the towns of Bandon , Youghal , Mallow , Fermoy , Castletownsend , and Queenstowh , being assembled in Provincial Grand Lodge at the Masonic Hall , Turkey-street , on the 22 nd July , and it been intimated that his
having as Grace ' s sojourn in Cork would be necessarily short , and that his entire time would be absorbed b y his official duties , as President of the Royal Agricultural Society , the Brethren were reluctantly obliged to abandon the idea of entertaining Masonically their Noble Grand Master . It was then unanimously resolved , after a debate on the subject of the tribute of respect which might be considered most acceptable to his Grace , " That an address of the sentiments of the Brethren should be presented to the Duke of Leinster on his arrival in Cork , by a deputation consisting of the Provincial Grand Officers , with whom a committee selected from the different Lodges was appointed to unite in its
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
dation of our mystic symbols , which , iu my opinion , point to the mvsterioiis scheme of Human Redemption , and which , strewed promiscuously in the Lod ge , like the mystic letters in the R . A . degree , arc unintelligible to the uninitiated , nay , even to the initiated , until he shall have made considerable progress in our science , and shall thereby have become enabled to find a solution to ° the Masonic problem . " Talia si jungere possis , sit Ubi scire satis . " I have merel y alluded to a few of the reasons which have induced me to conclude that
, Masonry , untainted by innovation , is a type of Christianity , and supposing your correspondent to be really a " Novitiate , " have confined my remarks to such subjects as are peculiar to the first degree of the Order . Tour ' s fraternally , "SIT LUX . " [ Thc position taken by Sit Lux in this letter , is one that has been frequently urged by old Brethren , and though he is correct as regards the general principle , little consideration must convince him
a , that tho practice of the Lodge to which ho alluded , was , most unquestionably erroneous . "Sit Lux" regards Freemasonry as a system of reli gion ; in this he is in error . It is truo ° that all the ultimate references of all Masonic symbols are essentially Christian , but they only receive their full and perfect developement and religious application in the Christian degrees . The first is a moral , and not a religions degree ; it is true the morality is that of the Gospel , but tho introduction of any peculiar Christian test , would destroy the first great principle of Freemasonry—its universality , by excluding from its ranks all who do not openly profess the Christian faith . The threshold of Freemasonry is , and should be , open to all good men and true , though all may not be able to reach the "Sanctum Sanctorum . "—En . ]
To The Editor.
Cork , Usl July , 1 S 50 . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —On notification having been made of the intention of his Grace the Duke of Leinster to preside in person over the approaching annual meeting of the Royal Agricultural Society of Ireland , arranged to take place for the present year in the city of Cork , the Brethren of the Province , under the banner of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Munster , immediately assembled , for the purpose of taking advantage of the opportunity to be afforded of testifying
their veneration for the illustrious Grand Master of their Order in Ireland , and their estimation of the great benefit that would result to their locality from the great public demonstration of the Agrarian interest of the United Kingdom , for the development and improvement of which the gratitude of tho country is mainly due to the fostering care and zeal of the noble Duke . The Brethren of the several Lodges of the City of Cork , and of the towns of Bandon , Youghal , Mallow , Fermoy , Castletownsend , and Queenstowh , being assembled in Provincial Grand Lodge at the Masonic Hall , Turkey-street , on the 22 nd July , and it been intimated that his
having as Grace ' s sojourn in Cork would be necessarily short , and that his entire time would be absorbed b y his official duties , as President of the Royal Agricultural Society , the Brethren were reluctantly obliged to abandon the idea of entertaining Masonically their Noble Grand Master . It was then unanimously resolved , after a debate on the subject of the tribute of respect which might be considered most acceptable to his Grace , " That an address of the sentiments of the Brethren should be presented to the Duke of Leinster on his arrival in Cork , by a deputation consisting of the Provincial Grand Officers , with whom a committee selected from the different Lodges was appointed to unite in its