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The Eeeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
an obligation at all , —that there is nothing of any kind or character in Freemasonry which militates one iota against the moral , social , or religious duties of the Christian . Proofs of this are evident in the numbers of clergymen who have of late years ranged themselves under its
banners , scarcely one of whom is otherwise than faithful and devoted to the duties of his high office , as an ambassador of the Most High , and who , the more he is devoted in the one respect , so much the more is he energetic in the other . " PEACE ON EARTH , GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN , " is the great
motto of Freemasonry . We need not remind the Brethren , or any other of our readers , from what source these spiritual motives are drawn . We shall not be required to explain to the faithful and obedient Freemason , whence " Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , " derive their origin ; but it may
be needful to say to the popular world this much , —that although we claim for Freemasonry no such distinctive character as belongs to true and vital religion , —we yet look upon it as an aid and a help thereto , —and also as a means , when . strife and contention prevail on every side , to soften those bitter animosities , and to remove those
painful " obstructions , " which , in the present age especially , tend so much to unhinge society , and to distract the human mind . And if Freemasonry could do no other good than to bring men together in peace and unanimity , who , in an everyday life are totally opposed in sentiment
to each other , —without the compromise of one iota of principle , —and yet with a soothing , a healing , and a charitable influence ( in the best and widest extent ) , it would execute a mission of no ordinary importance , and effect an end which cannot but demonstrate to the world that there is something more therein than a cold and lifeless deism , or the pleasures of social and convivial intercourse . *
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The Eeeemasons' Quarterly Magazine And Review.
an obligation at all , —that there is nothing of any kind or character in Freemasonry which militates one iota against the moral , social , or religious duties of the Christian . Proofs of this are evident in the numbers of clergymen who have of late years ranged themselves under its
banners , scarcely one of whom is otherwise than faithful and devoted to the duties of his high office , as an ambassador of the Most High , and who , the more he is devoted in the one respect , so much the more is he energetic in the other . " PEACE ON EARTH , GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN , " is the great
motto of Freemasonry . We need not remind the Brethren , or any other of our readers , from what source these spiritual motives are drawn . We shall not be required to explain to the faithful and obedient Freemason , whence " Brotherly Love , Relief , and Truth , " derive their origin ; but it may
be needful to say to the popular world this much , —that although we claim for Freemasonry no such distinctive character as belongs to true and vital religion , —we yet look upon it as an aid and a help thereto , —and also as a means , when . strife and contention prevail on every side , to soften those bitter animosities , and to remove those
painful " obstructions , " which , in the present age especially , tend so much to unhinge society , and to distract the human mind . And if Freemasonry could do no other good than to bring men together in peace and unanimity , who , in an everyday life are totally opposed in sentiment
to each other , —without the compromise of one iota of principle , —and yet with a soothing , a healing , and a charitable influence ( in the best and widest extent ) , it would execute a mission of no ordinary importance , and effect an end which cannot but demonstrate to the world that there is something more therein than a cold and lifeless deism , or the pleasures of social and convivial intercourse . *