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The Rise Of The Five Orders Of Architecture.
had this salutary effect , that by aggregating mankind together , they led the way to new improvements in arts and civilization , for the hardest bodies will polish by collision , and the roughest manners by communion and intercourse ; thus , by degrees , mankind improved in the art of building , and invented methods to make their huts more
lasting and handsome as well as convenient ; they took off the bark and other unevennesses from the trunks of the trees that formed the sides , raised them above the earth and humidity on stones , and covered each of them with a flat stone or tile to keep off the rain ; the spaces between the ends of the joists they closed with clay or some other substance , and the ends of the ioists they covered with
boards cut in the manner of tri glyphs ; the form ofthe roof was likewise altered , for being , ou account of its flatness , unfit to throw off the rains that fell in abundance during the winter seasons , they raised it in the middle , giving it the form of a gable roof , by placing rafters on the joists to support the clay and other materials that composed the
covering . From these simple forms the orders of architecture took their rise ; for when buildings of wood were set aside , and men began to erect solid and stately edifices of stone , they imitated the parts which necessity had introduced into the primitive hutsand adapted them in their templeswhich
, , , although at first simple and rude , were in course of time , and by the ingenuity of succeeding architects , wrought and improved to such a degree of perfection on different models , that each was , by way of eminence , denominated an order .
Of the orders , three are of Grecian ori gin , and are called Grecian Orders ; they are distinguished by the names of the Doric , Ionic , and Corinthian , and exhibit three distinct characters of composition , suggested by the diversity of form in the human frame ; the other two are of Italian origin , and are called Koman Orders ; they are
distinguished by the names of the Tuscan and Composite . The Tuscan order is the simplest and most solid , and is placed first in the list of the five orders of architecture , on account of its plainness ; its column is seven diameters high , the base , capital , and entablature have but few mouldings , and no other ornaments , whence it has been compared to a sturdy labourer dressed in homely apparel . This order is no other than the Doric , more simplified or deprived ot
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The Rise Of The Five Orders Of Architecture.
had this salutary effect , that by aggregating mankind together , they led the way to new improvements in arts and civilization , for the hardest bodies will polish by collision , and the roughest manners by communion and intercourse ; thus , by degrees , mankind improved in the art of building , and invented methods to make their huts more
lasting and handsome as well as convenient ; they took off the bark and other unevennesses from the trunks of the trees that formed the sides , raised them above the earth and humidity on stones , and covered each of them with a flat stone or tile to keep off the rain ; the spaces between the ends of the joists they closed with clay or some other substance , and the ends of the ioists they covered with
boards cut in the manner of tri glyphs ; the form ofthe roof was likewise altered , for being , ou account of its flatness , unfit to throw off the rains that fell in abundance during the winter seasons , they raised it in the middle , giving it the form of a gable roof , by placing rafters on the joists to support the clay and other materials that composed the
covering . From these simple forms the orders of architecture took their rise ; for when buildings of wood were set aside , and men began to erect solid and stately edifices of stone , they imitated the parts which necessity had introduced into the primitive hutsand adapted them in their templeswhich
, , , although at first simple and rude , were in course of time , and by the ingenuity of succeeding architects , wrought and improved to such a degree of perfection on different models , that each was , by way of eminence , denominated an order .
Of the orders , three are of Grecian ori gin , and are called Grecian Orders ; they are distinguished by the names of the Doric , Ionic , and Corinthian , and exhibit three distinct characters of composition , suggested by the diversity of form in the human frame ; the other two are of Italian origin , and are called Koman Orders ; they are
distinguished by the names of the Tuscan and Composite . The Tuscan order is the simplest and most solid , and is placed first in the list of the five orders of architecture , on account of its plainness ; its column is seven diameters high , the base , capital , and entablature have but few mouldings , and no other ornaments , whence it has been compared to a sturdy labourer dressed in homely apparel . This order is no other than the Doric , more simplified or deprived ot