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noblemen , and citizens entered into a scheme to establish Christian temples in the Holy Land , and engaged themselves by an oath to employ their talents and fortunes to give them all the primitive advantages of architecture . They agreed amongst themselves to use certain signs and symbolic words to distinguish themselves from others , and these mysteries were never communicated to any except to those who promised at the foot of the altar never to reveal them .
This sacred promise , so far from being the impious and unmeaning oath which some people imagine , was a respectable guarantee ' entered into for the purpose of uniting men of all nations in the same confraternity . " Freemasony , therefore , ought to be considered a moral order , instituted by our virtuous ancestors in the Holy Landwith a view to recal the remembrance of the most sublime
, truths , and to remind us that the Great First Cause ought to bo the first object of a Mason ' s adoration : and his next great care should be to perform acts of humanity , beneficence , and compassion to all men , as far as may be in his power , and particularly to those who may be connected with himself in the same mystic tie . As Masons we consider it our bounden duty to extend our good offices
to eveiy human being when in distress ; but it would be unjust to accuse us of iHiberality , if we should be found more attentive to the wants of a Brother , or of his family , than to those of others . " Here the duties of an upright Mason are circumscribed by similar :
boundaries to those assigned in Holy Writ to the pious Christian . "As we have opportunity ( it says ) , let us do good unto all men , ' especially unto those who are of the household of the faith . " Masonry excludes all distinction of rank as well as of religion— ' party-spirit is unknown within the walls of the Lodge . It considers ' all men as being on a level , and , according to its rules , transmitted to us from time immemorialgives precedence only to those amongst
, the Brethren who have made themselves conspicuous by the recti- ' tude of their conduct , and their improvement in those arts and sciences which tend to refine our morals , and render us more worthy and upright members of society . Actuated by this divine principle the Catholic , the Episcopal , the Presbyter , the Baptist , the ; Methodistthe Mahometanthe Hebrewand the Indianmay here
, , , , in a Lodge sit together in harmony . It is' often asked , What does 'Masonry teach , and what are the benefits derived to mankind from , it ? We answer , Masoniy is em- ' piratically a system of doctrines and precepts—doctrines drawn exclusively from the Holy Bible , the Word of God . This is the corner stone upon which the moral edifice standsand from which
, it draws those admirable legends which are constantly impressed upon the minds of its members . But upon examining impartially the particular tenets held and contended for by all worthy Masons , the enquiring mind is struck with astonishment at the fact , that in all well-regulated Lodges no sectarian feeling or religious bigotry is
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noblemen , and citizens entered into a scheme to establish Christian temples in the Holy Land , and engaged themselves by an oath to employ their talents and fortunes to give them all the primitive advantages of architecture . They agreed amongst themselves to use certain signs and symbolic words to distinguish themselves from others , and these mysteries were never communicated to any except to those who promised at the foot of the altar never to reveal them .
This sacred promise , so far from being the impious and unmeaning oath which some people imagine , was a respectable guarantee ' entered into for the purpose of uniting men of all nations in the same confraternity . " Freemasony , therefore , ought to be considered a moral order , instituted by our virtuous ancestors in the Holy Landwith a view to recal the remembrance of the most sublime
, truths , and to remind us that the Great First Cause ought to bo the first object of a Mason ' s adoration : and his next great care should be to perform acts of humanity , beneficence , and compassion to all men , as far as may be in his power , and particularly to those who may be connected with himself in the same mystic tie . As Masons we consider it our bounden duty to extend our good offices
to eveiy human being when in distress ; but it would be unjust to accuse us of iHiberality , if we should be found more attentive to the wants of a Brother , or of his family , than to those of others . " Here the duties of an upright Mason are circumscribed by similar :
boundaries to those assigned in Holy Writ to the pious Christian . "As we have opportunity ( it says ) , let us do good unto all men , ' especially unto those who are of the household of the faith . " Masonry excludes all distinction of rank as well as of religion— ' party-spirit is unknown within the walls of the Lodge . It considers ' all men as being on a level , and , according to its rules , transmitted to us from time immemorialgives precedence only to those amongst
, the Brethren who have made themselves conspicuous by the recti- ' tude of their conduct , and their improvement in those arts and sciences which tend to refine our morals , and render us more worthy and upright members of society . Actuated by this divine principle the Catholic , the Episcopal , the Presbyter , the Baptist , the ; Methodistthe Mahometanthe Hebrewand the Indianmay here
, , , , in a Lodge sit together in harmony . It is' often asked , What does 'Masonry teach , and what are the benefits derived to mankind from , it ? We answer , Masoniy is em- ' piratically a system of doctrines and precepts—doctrines drawn exclusively from the Holy Bible , the Word of God . This is the corner stone upon which the moral edifice standsand from which
, it draws those admirable legends which are constantly impressed upon the minds of its members . But upon examining impartially the particular tenets held and contended for by all worthy Masons , the enquiring mind is struck with astonishment at the fact , that in all well-regulated Lodges no sectarian feeling or religious bigotry is