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unknown . But we have a duty to perform . This done , we may safely confide it to the hand of Him who , while He directs the planets in their courses regulates also the minutest concerns of those who trust in Him . Let us entreat Him to prevent us in our doings with his gracious favour , and further us with his continual help that in all our works begun , continued , and ended in Him , we may glorify His Holy name , and finally , by His mercy , obtain everlasting life , through Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen . "
Three cheers were given for " Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , the daughter of a Freemason , " with the Grand honours . The procession then returned to Hollis-street , and , after making a circuit northwardly as far as the Ordnance-square , returned to the hall . A vote of thanks was here unanimously passed to the Rev . Dr . Twining for his able and interesting oration , and a copy requested for publication . This we have the honour of laying before our readers and the universal Brotherhood . The Grand Lodge also expressed its thanks for the efficient manner in which the procession was conducted by Bro . S . Blair . The Grand Lodge was then closed in due form .
The Banquet . —At seven o ' clock in the evening a large number of Brethren sat down to an elegant repast in the hall , and enjoyed themselves right merrily . NEW BRUNSWICK , June 28 . —The Brethren ofthe ancient Fraternity of Freemasons in this city and vicinity , owing allegiance to the G . L . of England , assembled together in G . L ., by the R . W . P . G . M ., ( Hon .
Alexander Keith , who , accompanied by the P . G . S ., A . G . Blair , Esq ., arrived here a few days since from Halifax , ) on Thursday last , at noon . The following Lodges were represented , viz .: Albion , No . 570 ; St . John ' s , 632 ; Carleton Union , 767 ; Portland Union , 780 ; and Woodstock , No . 811 . Hibernian Lodge , No . 301 , on the Registry of Ireland , was also in attendance . After appointing the various Grand Officers , Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayerthe Rev .
, Dr . B . G . Gray officiating as Grand Chaplain . The G . M . addressed the Fraternity at some length , and in the most courteous terms , and expressed his earnest desire to meet the wishes of his Brethren in this Province , in every particular in which the exercise of the power confided in him by the two Grand Lodges of England and Scotland might be made available for their interests . The general business of the Craft was then gone intothe P . G . M . declaring his entire satisfaction at the healthy
, state of Masonic affairs in New Brunswick . After the various business for which the meeting had been convened was brought to a close , an address was presented to the P . G . M ., by the AV . M . of Albion Lodge , on behalf of his Brethren . To which the P . G . M . was pleased to make a suitable reply . The G . L . was then closed in due form , with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
The P . G . M . returned to Halifax , hy steamer , via Windsor , on Thursday night , carrying with him the best wishes of the Fraternity , by whom he is deservedly held in the highest esteem . — Halifax Guardian .
NOVA SCOTIA . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Barrington-street , on Thursday , the 27 th December , 1849 , the R . W . the Prov . G . M . the Hon . Alexander Keith , in the von . i . 3 II
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
unknown . But we have a duty to perform . This done , we may safely confide it to the hand of Him who , while He directs the planets in their courses regulates also the minutest concerns of those who trust in Him . Let us entreat Him to prevent us in our doings with his gracious favour , and further us with his continual help that in all our works begun , continued , and ended in Him , we may glorify His Holy name , and finally , by His mercy , obtain everlasting life , through Jesus Christ our Lord . Amen . "
Three cheers were given for " Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen , the daughter of a Freemason , " with the Grand honours . The procession then returned to Hollis-street , and , after making a circuit northwardly as far as the Ordnance-square , returned to the hall . A vote of thanks was here unanimously passed to the Rev . Dr . Twining for his able and interesting oration , and a copy requested for publication . This we have the honour of laying before our readers and the universal Brotherhood . The Grand Lodge also expressed its thanks for the efficient manner in which the procession was conducted by Bro . S . Blair . The Grand Lodge was then closed in due form .
The Banquet . —At seven o ' clock in the evening a large number of Brethren sat down to an elegant repast in the hall , and enjoyed themselves right merrily . NEW BRUNSWICK , June 28 . —The Brethren ofthe ancient Fraternity of Freemasons in this city and vicinity , owing allegiance to the G . L . of England , assembled together in G . L ., by the R . W . P . G . M ., ( Hon .
Alexander Keith , who , accompanied by the P . G . S ., A . G . Blair , Esq ., arrived here a few days since from Halifax , ) on Thursday last , at noon . The following Lodges were represented , viz .: Albion , No . 570 ; St . John ' s , 632 ; Carleton Union , 767 ; Portland Union , 780 ; and Woodstock , No . 811 . Hibernian Lodge , No . 301 , on the Registry of Ireland , was also in attendance . After appointing the various Grand Officers , Grand Lodge was opened in due form and with solemn prayerthe Rev .
, Dr . B . G . Gray officiating as Grand Chaplain . The G . M . addressed the Fraternity at some length , and in the most courteous terms , and expressed his earnest desire to meet the wishes of his Brethren in this Province , in every particular in which the exercise of the power confided in him by the two Grand Lodges of England and Scotland might be made available for their interests . The general business of the Craft was then gone intothe P . G . M . declaring his entire satisfaction at the healthy
, state of Masonic affairs in New Brunswick . After the various business for which the meeting had been convened was brought to a close , an address was presented to the P . G . M ., by the AV . M . of Albion Lodge , on behalf of his Brethren . To which the P . G . M . was pleased to make a suitable reply . The G . L . was then closed in due form , with solemn prayer , and adjourned .
The P . G . M . returned to Halifax , hy steamer , via Windsor , on Thursday night , carrying with him the best wishes of the Fraternity , by whom he is deservedly held in the highest esteem . — Halifax Guardian .
NOVA SCOTIA . —A Provincial Grand Lodge was holden at the Freemasons' Hall , Barrington-street , on Thursday , the 27 th December , 1849 , the R . W . the Prov . G . M . the Hon . Alexander Keith , in the von . i . 3 II